weee I finished preloading

By January 31st it'll all be over for me!

No, not suicide smartarse- BT actually giving my area broadband compliance! Only took the bastards five years.

Seriously, it's near impossible to cope with dialup these days. Not because of its actual power, but because of how people react to 56kers: so many servers autokick HPBs (without even making a note as such in their name or MOTD)...
HAHAHA Have another preload. Lol i feel bad for you dude. Comming from having to use 56k i feel your pain.
Woohoo, I just finished Preload #6. Took about 2 hours. Har har....I feel sorry for all ye 56kers.
Lol Congrats on downloading the preload. Now you just have a new one to dowload :p
ok lets see... 3 weeks... 56k... im pretty sure that you just used MORE money on the preload than if u actually paid for a ticket to visit valve and ask them for the preload material itself :p
kathunx said:
ok lets see... 3 weeks... 56k... im pretty sure that you just used MORE money on the preload than if u actually paid for a ticket to visit valve and ask them for the preload material itself :p

like I said, I dont get charged over downloads, I am actually surprised that you guys get charged over that

so ok I got home and restarted preloading and oohh boy..


makes me wanna cry :(

even put a timestamp there so I can take another shot when it finishes, guess ill update you guys in about two weeks
Do you guys have download caps? We do in Aus for the most part - like, on my current plan I have to pay $40AUD for 512/128 DSL, with an upload/download cap of 500mb per month - anything over that you have to pay per megabyte!

Bloody Tel$tra!
SenenCito said:
on 56k ;(

only took about three weeks

See there's no need for 56k users to feel left out, just have to be patient

go me!

very impressive :smoking:
just gone to broadband myself, and if i ever have to go back to dialup i will shoot myself in the face!!!

(with a water pistol :LOL: )
Schikitar said:
Do you guys have download caps? We do in Aus for the most part - like, on my current plan I have to pay $40AUD for 512/128 DSL, with an upload/download cap of 500mb per month - anything over that you have to pay per megabyte!

Bloody Tel$tra!

woa that's nuts? no download cap here, I know some satellite services that actually slow down the service if you go over a limit, but dsl nor cable nor 56k got a download limit AFAIK
Gorgon said:
HAHAH, you are a cheap :p

get ADSL for as less as $15.99 or £9.99

A lot of people can't because it simply isn't provided. Too bad though, 56k modems are a real pain. (There's nothing worse than a high ping in an online FPS).
SenenCito said:
on 56k ;(

only took about three weeks

See there's no need for 56k users to feel left out, just have to be patient

go me!

HAHA HOLY SH*T! oh man i remember those days, i remember when i was trying to download the 98 megabyte metal gear solid 2 teaser video.... man but trying to preload half life 2 on 56k is like giving birth! :thumbs:
i thoguht puerto rico was like dirt poor (just what i heard) how can they afford to give out free internet?
shit i would't use telstra if i was paid, just on principle. I use Internode and they are great,
Schikitar said:
Do you guys have download caps? We do in Aus for the most part - like, on my current plan I have to pay $40AUD for 512/128 DSL, with an upload/download cap of 500mb per month - anything over that you have to pay per megabyte!

Bloody Tel$tra!

OMG: NO, thats bad whats the charge per Meg?
kiwii said:
dude thats nothing, if you did it on a 14 k modem i would be impressed
You say that's something? Try GPRS with security enhancements(less download corruption) and per MB pay of 1,5$.

Now THAT'S hardcore :smoking:
DigitalAssassin said:
Too bad though, 56k modems are a real pain. (There's nothing worse than a high ping in an online FPS).

Oh yes there is: packet loss! I'd take a ping of 200 over a packet loss of 30 any time! At least CS is playable with high ping but with high packet loss, you can't do anything but sit in spawn and hope that you'll get the weapons bought before you're the last one alive! :)

But on the topic though... I have to say I admire your devotion. I know I would never ever have done that, I'd just go and buy the thing from the store. You really must be a big fan of Valve's or something, if you actually went through all that to buy it through Steam! :) And now I feel sorry for you since there's that new preload again, but hopefully it'll be the last.