Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3


Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
I had some comments on the entries so far for the contest, and following rule one, I created a new thread.

1.) Only posts with submissions in them will be allowed in this thread. DO NOT discuss the pictures in this thread, maybe another thread will be made for that.

First off, I just wanted to say... If anyone just goes into flash and does 'trace bitmap' or the like in any other program, don't waste our time. I really think this week's contest could have some awesome potential. Chu, I think your's looks awesome. I only wish I had the vector skills you do ;). I'll try to whip something up in the next few days if possible. In the meantime, feel free to discuss any posts that have been made as of yet, and maybe even some questions if you need help. Later.
Thanks tim. Yeah by the looks of it, some of the entries just did some minor adjustments or added a few filters. Though they maybe simple but sometimes simple is better, hey to each his own

I may make another entry, I really enjoy doing cell shaded images.
dont diss trace bitmap, or ill uhhhh take a picture of your house...and err......use trace bitmap on it, and then mmm mail it to valve saying this guy stole teh source, and then errr commandos will bust in through your windows! yeah!
I made mine with trace bitmap, but edited it a bit, you cant say you hate my max payne esque image.
I didn't say I did. :cheese:
you should all have been forced to use pieces of colored paper to make your images, and given some primary school scissors (you know, those that couldn't cut sh*t, litterally! :)) now that would have been a fun challenge, no filters to save the day then, just bits of paper and that smelly glue that gets everywhere but where you want it, and years later bits of the cut up pieces of paper still crop up, even if you've moved six times

some cool submissions though :)
LOL .. I'm sorry I just don't have enough time to draw it from scratch like you guys. Besides, I'm not playing to win, I'm in it just for fun :p
How do you get your pics to come up right on the thread?
hehe thanks dude, i was only pulling your leg, and backing up the fact, when the image i post is exactly the same :P
Ghost valkyrie broke a rule, but thats ok, he didnt know.

Hes making a new one now to replace his.

Its forum rules not to post any beta content, sorry =/
Well, there go my chances at ever being a Super Mod. ;) /me sighs.
Anyway, I'm currently working on the replacement. I'm using screens taken from the docks vid. as the model for the Zombie part. The rest will be other "officially'' released shots.

Sorry guys.
I think im going to get pwned in this contest. I haven't even began to attempt, not sure I will. Even if I do, it won't be all that great. I might just do the whole cut out paper thing as a joke. hehe
Well now I have to do another one, thanks to the upstaging by Stone, sheesh.
chu, stone, and fender... what programs do you use to make your vector art? As of yet, I've just always used Flash. Is there a better program for working with vectors, or is flash pretty decent overall?
I use PSP 7, i have psp 8 too, but i hate it, it's so bug ridden..

/me shivers....

that's for the compliments guys
Originally posted by Stone
I use PSP 7, i have psp 8 too, but i hate it, it's so bug ridden..

/me shivers....

that's for the compliments guys
PSP 7 owns.
Originally posted by Stone
Aye, that it does my friend, that it does :P
A combination of PSP 7 and PS would be the ultimate gfx designer program.
Originally posted by SnowBall
A combination of PSP 7 and PS would be the ultimate gfx designer program.

yer that's what they've tried to do with PSP8 and just messed it up.....

this may be a job for NarcissisticGaming's lead programmer.....

WTH is MrBadger when you need him :p
Hm... I just remembered... I forgot Barney's 5 o clock shadow.
lol @ Snowball

hmm, has everyone given up entering :(

..is mine really that good :P ;)
Originally posted by Stone
lol @ Snowball

hmm, has everyone given up entering :(

..is mine really that good :P ;)

I think everyone has gone outside to blow up parts of the UK with fireworks tonight.. sure sounds like it outside :)
Alright guys, I figured i'd give it a go, but I wasn't expecting much. I decided right off the bat that I was going to use Flash MX for my cell shaded version of a strider, and that I was definately not using any filters or trace bitmap. So far, it's surprisingly looking good. I just hope I can finish it before the contest ends. Anyone know exactly what time it 'ends' tomorrow? Thanks
meh, its kinda random.
Friday night
OT- When is the new smiley going in to affect?

As suggested before, it'd be cool if you chose the top 3 winners of the smiley contest, add more flavors just than the 1.
I didn't have a chance to upload my entry before I left for school! If any admins see this, pleeeeeeease don't close it till after 3 pm central time ( if that is possible ) so I have a chance to upload it. I'm really sorry, just got busy and forgot. If you have to close it, that's cool too though.
oooeeew, nice, i like it...it will get my vote anywhom, when it goes up for voting, nice job tim
Originally posted by Stone
oooeeew, nice, i like it...it will get my vote anywhom, when it goes up for voting, nice job tim

thanks Stone! I really like that style you do with the black and white. I wish I could learn to do that :). I really like yours and chu's the best.