Weekly Steam News (02/03/2005)

Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
Valve has thrown another weekly progress update over Steam for us, detailing the Half-Life 2 deathmatch contest winners, as well as some interesting news involving Valve and certain mods from the community.
We've chosen the three winners from the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch map competition. It was tough going through and picking the winners given the quality of maps that the community built, but we feel these three represent the best of the group. The winning maps will be released sometime in March for everyone to play.

[br]We've also been watching what the MOD community is producing lately, and there are some very promising projects underway. Recently, we had the team from Dystopia up to Valve for a few days to get their feedback on the SDK and and help them with any technical issues they might be having. Head over to their website to check out their work in progress.

[br]In news much closer to home, we've been challenged to a game of Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag by the team that created this mod. We noticed on their website that they want to "beat up on Valve" in a match that starts today at 6:00 pm PST. While our relationship with the MOD community usually involves us providing tools and support, we're more than happy to give them a beating in their own game.

[br]To view the update, simply restart your Steam client.
cool can;t wait to be playin the new maps
I wonder if the match will be open to spectators. I want to watch this so bad!
Hehe, cool news, Dystopia's looking good so far.
It's great they're playing in the CTF mod heh :D
I want to see it too!

they better make a demo at least :D
thumbs up for valve, takin so much interest in the community! :thumbs:
Is there some kind of Source TV program like in HL1?
So first the dm contest maps are coming out "On or around the 28th [of february]" and now it's "sometime in March". Gotta love valve's ever-changing agenda.
Zeus said:
So first the dm contest maps are coming out "On or around the 28th [of february]" and now it's "sometime in March". Gotta love valve's ever-changing agenda.
Oh stop complaining.
awww... cant we at least get some map names for the winners? i cant wait for these maps but i was hopin they would be released tomorrow. oh well, maybe next week.
So first the dm contest maps are coming out "On or around the 28th [of february]" and now it's "sometime in March". Gotta love valve's ever-changing agenda.

so? What have you contributed to the community?


This is all good news, I'm looking forward to the competition winners - It would be nice to have a roster of maybe 8 maps of official quality to play on.

Although I have technical (bug) issues with HL at the moment, it is still a high point of entertainment after a hard day at work.

Keep it coming.
Glad to see they have a sense of humor there, can't wait to see how the match turns out!
I want to see the fight

valve say that they will pwn them right?
Zeus said:
So first the dm contest maps are coming out "On or around the 28th [of february]" and now it's "sometime in March". Gotta love valve's ever-changing agenda.

Next time you be hating do some research.

Valve said:
The final winners will be notified via email and overnight mail on or about February 28, 2005 and a list will simultaneously be posted at www.steampowered.com.

I don't see "we are releasing the maps on the 28th"

Negative nancys.
Some_God said:
I want to see Valve get whipped. :)
I'm sure they will turn on some ultra-developer hacks that only they know of and even out the score :p
^Ben said:
Next time you be hating do some research.

I don't see "we are releasing the maps on the 28th"

Negative nancys.

Learn how to read please, notice in my post I quoted "on or around the 28th" which has now been changed to "sometime in march" that's what my post is about. And Chris_D, I have a right to complain, I forked out my hard earned money for hl2, I didn't DL it off some kiddie warez site

BTW, what have I contributed to the community? Hmm...a couple hl2dm maps, giving feedback on mods, and bug reports as well, instead of sitting around on a internet gaming forum trying to put people down.
Looks like VAlve is indeed ready for the challenge :D

Someone better demo it!!!

Oh and who cares when the 3 maps get released this month? We know they will be awesome anyways, so if it takes a little longer to perfect, fine! So be it! :cheers:
Meh, maybe Iced_eagle is right, I'll just wait a bit more for the new maps
I've been pimping Dystopia pretty hard among my friends. It's nice to see Valve pop in and help me out. :smoking:
Zeus said:
So first the dm contest maps are coming out "On or around the 28th [of february]" and now it's "sometime in March". Gotta love valve's ever-changing agenda.
always look a gift horse in the mouth?
fyi, demos will be made for hl2ctf v valve in all 5 games

check hl2ctf forums
Wow, that's the first time I've ever seen a gaming company play a mod with a bunch of guys who made some mod. Very cool... :smoking:
valve have taken on the Id ideal, as now carmack makes more rockets, then code

<ErikJohnson> We just feel that you guys(HL2CTF Team) are the rebels, and we're the combine. ;)
Mr. Redundant said:
always look a gift horse in the mouth?

Christ people, back up off me a bit! Everyone's jumping on me for me being mad about valve changing their schedule constantly. Please back up a bit and stop the :flame: 's
Valve is now my favorite developer for paying so much attetion to the community, glad to see they're helping poeple make some good mods :D
Maybe someone will record a demo of the match and put it up online for all to see

Go Valve! Go Valve! It's your birthday! Lol.
Valve that was really cool. Cant wait for the 3 maps.
Great update! And this is why Valve is the best developer in the business.
hehe wow.. nice to see Valve is more involved than just the normal game dev :)
bbyybb: Any chance you could host it at like filefront or someplace else? I don't want to register :(