Weekly Steam News (02/03/2005)

Zeus said:
Christ people, back up off me a bit! Everyone's jumping on me for me being mad about valve changing their schedule constantly. Please back up a bit and stop the :flame: 's

well I didn't mean to jump on you, I was just implying that no other developer gives us so much after market attention... they have our money already they don't owe us squat.

I mean we get weekly updates on what they are doing, what is coming up and what they are working on.

I mean seriously.... who else does that?
nothing else comes to mind, not even WoW which I pay MONTHLY for... they don't have near as much communication or customer support as Valve do... and I pay them.
sorry if this has already been pointed out but:

And Chris_D, I have a right to complain, I forked out my hard earned money for hl2, I didn't DL it off some kiddie warez site

Sure, but you got what you paid for already, everything you've received since (like hl2dm in its entirety) was more than you should expect.
I cant play the demo, beacause I don't have the map "prisonriot" :(
BTW, what have I contributed to the community? Hmm...a couple hl2dm maps, giving feedback on mods, and bug reports as well, instead of sitting around on a internet gaming forum trying to put people down.

I'm not trying to put you down - I just don't see the point in moaning about dates and times when (as has been well pointed out in this thread) we got above and beyond what we originally paid for.

KagePrototype said:
In news much closer to home, we've been challenged to a game of Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag by the team that created this mod. We noticed on their website that they want to "beat up on Valve" in a match that starts today at 6:00 pm PST. While our relationship with the MOD community usually involves us providing tools and support, we're more than happy to give them a beating in their own game.

this just proves how cool valve is :smoking:
al_peggio said:
thumbs up for valve, takin so much interest in the community! :thumbs:

What I don't like though lies in Valve's recent handling of the TF community.

For example they are deliberately censoring, removing and editing all links and all mentioning of TF-mods like for example Fortress-Forever etc at steampowered forums. www.fortress-forever.com