Weekly Steam News (04/02/05)


Apparently this big update for HL2DM will happen this month and hopefull they release the HL2DM code along with it :D
Valve really needs to clarify the whole "High End users" thing.

Does this mean only high end users will be able to see the difference, or only high-end users will be able to even play the levels.
I think it means high users wil only be able to play.
H D R.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Why can't I see this news update in steam? Or on steampowered.com?

Where are you guys reading this update?
Ooops, never mind ... I had the update notification boxes unticked in the steam settings, duh!

Ok, now I feel stupid.
.HDR is just a way to simulate aperture type effects aint it?

So essentially it keeps track of light intensity, and the contrast between light intensities. For instance if you are in a dark room, your pupil has to enlarge its self to let more light in, so you can see better. But this means if you all of a sudden you look out a window where its bright day, because your pupil's allowing alot of light to pass into the eye, you'll get this huge bloom of light.

So i guess the HDR will simulate this to one degree or another. But i think from that bink, the HDR isnt hugely dynamic, but more, certain light sources will be tagged to be HDR. I guess kinda like the difference between prop_static and prop_physics.
Can anyone explain this HDR clearly to me please
cereal just imagine at present the brightest color HL2 can display is pure white

HDR gives you levels of whiteness above pure white

so imagine you look directly at the sun - it looks a hell of a lot brighter than a white piece of paper right?
okay... here is a good description of HDR. Look at what the acronym stands for and... whoa... u can figure out what it means!
HDR (High Dynamic Range) means just that. The lights dynamics are of a greater range. What does this mean, you say? HDR allows mappers to add a greater range of light values (from pitch black to white overbrightening) in order to add more realism to the map.
The best description (besides the video you can download) are the tunnels in Half life 2, where the "light at the end of the tunnel" appears so bright that it glows.
The only thing I am unclear about is how this is that different from using a env_lightglow entity, because I have included HDR-like effects using this technique.
Cliffe, can you explain more. :-P
I want to work for valve someday (today)
wilka91 said:
As I understand this is the 1st ATI Level ...

now is my X800 Pro good enough or do I have to upgrade it to get a fully compatible PCI express system with a X850 XT?
hehe i hope the X800Pro is good enough, buying a system with one this monday. *cant wait*. I'm sure itll be good enough but, saying that I'm yet to use the card.
This totally rocks! I am certainly looking forward to all these updates, but I doubt my 9600XT can run the Lost Coast level. I think it may because I ran Half Life 2 at 1024x768 with everything maxxed with 4xAA and 8xAF.
actually, i'm ecstatic that we're seeing the 'ati levels' but well, i'm disappointed. I wanted, and expected, the levels to be something we'd not seen before. and i expected HDR to be included overall and not basically have the ati levels be maps from the game with HDR. that's the biggest let down. pah, i'm drunk.

but really...

Cliffe, is there anything more to come?
GonzoBabbleshit said:
i expected HDR to be included overall and not basically have the ati levels be maps from the game with HDR. that's the biggest let down. pah, i'm drunk.

I don't remember Highway 17 having a castle on it. Looks like it will be a new map with new stuff on it plus HDR.
So, I guess this means I should finally install my 9600XT..*offtopic*can someone help me? */offtopic*
WritingARequiem said:
So, I guess this means I should finally install my 9600XT..*offtopic*can someone help me? */offtopic*

Open up your case, jam the 9600 xt into the agp slot, close case, and install drivers.

edit: Or read the manual.....
Can someone give me an idea on how well an ATI 9600XT will work for the HDR in HL2?
Zeus said:
Woooooooooo HDR and also crowbar coming to dm YES!
Your getting excited about the Crowbar in DM? Surely a gun is more efffective? Or can we expect Crowbar only DM maps? How stupid would that be? It would look like a Monty Python sketch :cheese:
The Thing said:
Open up your case, jam the 9600 xt into the agp slot, close case, and install drivers.

edit: Or read the manual.....

Remember to take the original card out before you jam the new one in!!!11 :o

[Ontopic] Great to hear HDR is finally being implimented. I was really unhappy to find it wasn't in HL2 after that nice tech demo of it!
The coast is my favorite part of the game even HDR-less. I can't wait! :D
They are messing with our heads :P

It happens ya know, you get a map and then find out its better suited for another gameplay... That's assuming that they didn't mis-type it or anything.... But yea it was cs_compound a while ago...

Oh well, de_ or cs_ bring it on!

*edit* Oh and you can fake HDR in Source as of now, theres a video tut out on the web. Again its faking the effect, still neat as helll.
many people will be pissed when they cant play that level due to the requirements.
hmm why didn't I get this message on steam, I already thought there was none this week.
I'm hoping that playing the level with a poor graphics card will just mean that all high-level features will be missing not just that I can't play it at all. Given my situation, I have a laptop meaning I can't just replace the card and I havn't got the $$$ to pay for a new computer. Ah well, I'll just bide my time. The new games from Valve (such as the Alyx Dog Story thingy) should work (hopefully).

You lucky ATI ppl :D
So what are "the" high end hardware requirements ?

I have a geforce 6800 128mb. Is this only for people that have a ATI card? So who can test it and who wont? :D
Aren't there a spot or two of faked HDR already in HL2?

In Anti-Citizen 1 (Or whichever part you're running through City 17 again), inside some of the darkened building, from a distance the windows are a strong white glow, but as you get closer you begin to see what's outside more clearly.

A similar window or two was placed along Highway 17. From a distance the window reveals nothing inside, get closer, you begin to make out the details indoors.
LordBug said:
Aren't there a spot or two of faked HDR already in HL2?

In Anti-Citizen 1 (Or whichever part you're running through City 17 again), inside some of the darkened building, from a distance the windows are a strong white glow, but as you get closer you begin to see what's outside more clearly.

A similar window or two was placed along Highway 17. From a distance the window reveals nothing inside, get closer, you begin to make out the details indoors.
That is probably just distance fog, which occludes (hides) objects in the far distance giving better fps.
LordBug said:
Aren't there a spot or two of faked HDR already in HL2?

In Anti-Citizen 1 (Or whichever part you're running through City 17 again), inside some of the darkened building, from a distance the windows are a strong white glow, but as you get closer you begin to see what's outside more clearly.

A similar window or two was placed along Highway 17. From a distance the window reveals nothing inside, get closer, you begin to make out the details indoors.

Yes, they do this so your computer dosnt have to render the outside/inside effects when you are far away (saving fps).
I don't really think that creating add-ons specifically for high-end users is fair play to be honest. This is the sort of elitism that I would expect from a lesser company, and certainly not from valve. The way I see it, if HL2 is compatible with DX7 low-end machines then all official expansions should be available to everybody. After all, everyone paid the same amount for the software. Isn't the reward for having a high-end system already present in the form of DX9 effects and smoother framerates?

I'm personally disappointed by this move by valve. Let's hope they include more content that is available to all HL2 owners in the future.

(I have a high-end machine myself, I'm not a jealous flamer)
GonzoBabbleshit said:
and not basically have the ati levels be maps from the game with HDR
The maps will be new, they'll just be based on the Coast level, that's all.
Mess said:
I don't really think that creating add-ons specifically for high-end users is fair play to be honest. This is the sort of elitism that I would expect from a lesser company, and certainly not from valve. The way I see it, if HL2 is compatible with DX7 low-end machines then all official expansions should be available to everybody. After all, everyone paid the same amount for the software. Isn't the reward for having a high-end system already present in the form of DX9 effects and smoother framerates?

it's not really an add-on, it's basically something to show what the Source engine can do, which requires a high-end machine. Nothing like elitism. Valve have created a powerful engine and they don't wanna limit it to Dx7, why should they? I think it's a great thing

And i was drunk when i wrote the other remark about the not getting new maps, so ignore it! :P

I'd still like HDR to be something you can implement into the game and not just on this map, it'll feel a little shortlived
Mess said:
I don't really think that creating add-ons specifically for high-end users is fair play to be honest. This is the sort of elitism

Did Valve say "oh but wait, if your machine is below the system requirements you cant have it?".

Why should I hold my PC back because other people cant afford to prioritize their PC enough to make it high end?

Knowing Valve there will some HDR console commands and if it really comes to it, you could scale resolution and settings.

Valve is in no way in the wrong.
This new level sounds like alot of fun. I thought there was some kind of HDR allready in Half-Life 2? Though I don't even know what it is
Even if the levels are ATi only, those of us with high-end nVidia cards may be able to play, if you use 3dAnalyse (somthing like that) to set the card's manufacturer to be Ati, and model to x800?
Just a thought...