Weekly Steam News (04/11/05)


Jan 15, 2004
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In last week’s Steam Update News, we were given some exciting new information; the classic CS maps cs_militia and de_nuke were being converted to source. However, yesterday’s update did one better by not only revealing the first screenshot of the new Nuke map, but by debuting the long awaited new player models. Just have a look at the great Guerilla and GIGN characters:


As for the de_nuke screenshot, well, see for yourselves. It appears that while the original Nuke took place in an old bunker that housed some dangerous missiles (seemingly in the middle of a desert), the Source conversion is actually staged in a nucular power plant. Judging by the lush green trees in the distance, I wouldn’t be surprised if the new Nuke is set in China. [br]

[br]If that wasn't enough, VALVe have also revealed that their High Dynamic Range technology will be implemented into Counter-Strike: Source when the new maps arrive. There's even talk of a new DoD:S map, Argentan! To see the news update for yourself, click here, or restart Steam.
woo, prefer the industrial look over the desert :p imo too many of the 1.6 maps were in really excluded places, mainly deserts...
So that screen shots are from the source engine? Man, looks realy nice.
Can't wait, to see more. I love the new models.
HDR, Mutiple Skins for T's and CT's and some new maps.. Lookin mighty sweet
Finally, we get multiple models. This is going to rock.
there ugly ... not the model or the skin, but the design is very ugly. I liked the first CT and Terrorist !! :(
And the map looks kind of nice, not great but ... what do you call it ... interesting :D


edit: the ct are like soo ******* ugly !
Why there's no mention of the new announced dod:s map?
Maxey said:
Why there's no mention of the new announced dod:s map?

When writing a news post, I only have to outline the main points, not rewrite it in my own words.
Suicide42 said:
When writing a news post, I only have to outline the main points, not rewrite it in my own words.
And the new dods map announcing wasn't a main point because?
Maxey said:
And the new dods map announcing wasn't a main point because?

The main points were:

1) de_nuke screenshot
2) new player models.

So I write about them. Anything else, like the HDR and Dod:S map, was only briefly mentioned- and so were not main points. To view all the minor points, you should view the actual Update News. I even linked it to you, so you didn't have to restart steam!
I was more exited about the new DODs map that has been anounced.
We already know about the css maps and the new player models.

For people who are not CS freaks, the DODs map is the only intresting point of the steam news.

We're also getting close to finishing our next Day of Defeat: Source map, Argentan. We're doing daily playtests on it now, and hopefully we'll be able to put together some images of it next week.
Thats a lot of information and cant be ignored, its 1/3 of all the text.
Suicide42 said:
The main points were:

1) de_nuke screenshot
2) new player models.

So I write about them. Anything else, like the HDR and Dod:S map, was only briefly mentioned- and so were not main points. To view all the minor points, you should view the actual Update News. I even linked it to you, so you didn't have to restart steam!
Yes, but think this way. Imagine a member that doesn't care the slightest about CS and is a big fan of DoD, but he only visits HL2.net and doesn't frequent the forums. He sees the newspost about the update and only sees news about CS:S. He thinks that's the only subject on the update and doesn't even bother to open the update's page. By doing that he loses the chance to see the news about DoD:S.

Ever thought that way?

Edit: If the HDR wasn't a main point, why did you mentioned it?
Septih said:
woo, prefer the industrial look over the desert :p imo too many of the 1.6 maps were in really excluded places, mainly deserts...
That's because we couldn't do 3d skyboxes in HL and that kind of limited things :p

I'm salivating over the new character models (but where's L33T Krew and Phoenix Connexion?!) and I really cannot wait for MILITIA TO COME BACK.

My very favorite map.... :D :D
Ennui said:
That's because we couldn't do 3d skyboxes in HL and that kind of limited things :p

I'm salivating over the new character models (but where's L33T Krew and Phoenix Connexion?!) and I really cannot wait for MILITIA TO COME BACK.

My very favorite map.... :D :D
Do you mean "Arctic Avengers"?


@Betelgeuse/Maxey: I knew about the maps but I didn't know about the player models, it was news to me. Oh, and the news was entitled "Weekly Steam News" not "Weekly CS:S" news. If you're not a CS freak you're not going to be deterred from reading the post and you'll click on the link.
Maxey said:
Yes, but think this way. Imagine a member that doesn't care the slightest about CS and is a big fan of DoD, but he only visits HL2.net and doesn't frequent the forums. He sees the newspost about the update and only sees news about CS:S. He thinks that's the only subject on the update and doesn't even bother to open the update's page. By doing that he loses the chance to see the news about DoD:S.

FINE, I'll mention it. But you owe me a cookie.
Maxey said:
Yes, but think this way. Imagine a member that doesn't care the slightest about CS and is a big fan of DoD, but he only visits HL2.net and doesn't frequent the forums. He sees the newspost about the update and only sees news about CS:S. He thinks that's the only subject on the update and doesn't even bother to open the update's page. By doing that he loses the chance to see the news about DoD:S.

Ever thought that way?

Edit: If the HDR wasn't a main point, why did you mentioned it?

Because hes writes for this site, and you don't. You can't please everyone, so don't bitch that you didn't get what you wanted. Hurray for this news.
Cant wait for those models and NUKE! WOOT!
Please fix the spelling error on the news post where it says "nucular" to "nuclear". I mean, only do it if you want to, but yeah.
give suicide a break dude, who cares about plans to announce a new dod source map in the future anyways, if it doesn't have sreenshots, and its all talk, screws it! aren't there plenty of community made maps to keep ya company?

i like the counter terrorist, the terrorist kinda looks stereopypical, either way the graphics in cs are looking wAAAAY outdated. Ive seen mod map screens close to release that make these look like quake 2
-Crispy- said:
Do you mean "Arctic Avengers"?
No, I don't. Never liked that model.

I want the old Phoenix Connexion one back (this one doesn't look like it :() and I want L33T Krew. Like I said.
TheMastahC said:
Because hes writes for this site, and you don't. You can't please everyone, so don't bitch that you didn't get what you wanted. Hurray for this news.

Oh I'll bitch at him all right, till my heart's content.
I dunno about this... will it change custom player models? And will you NEED a HDR-Powered Card to play the 2 new maps?

I can't wait for cs_militia. Was 1 of my favs in CS 1.5. :)
Because hes writes for this site, and you don't. You can't please everyone, so don't bitch that you didn't get what you wanted. Hurray for this news.
Yes you can please everyone, by posting the things about css AND dods, thats not so hard.
And its not because he writes for this site he is a god, and we have to exept everything he said.

Its his job to make the news sposts as good as possible. No one is perfect so if other people have suggestions about his work, they should be able to say it. Stop the fan-boy stuff and stop flaming all the time.

who cares about plans to announce a new dod source map in the future anyways, if it doesn't have sreenshots
Lol you have no idea how happy a lot of DOD fans are with this info... they scare me sometimes.

aren't there plenty of community made maps to keep ya company
Nope, all the good mappers are waiting for the FGD.
I don't want to know what happens when the T's bomb detonates on the new de_Nuke.

<3 Valve

Suicide42 said:
VALVe have also revealed that their High Dynamic Range technology will be implimented
Shouldn't that be "implemented"?
heh, i remember when people used to pick arctic avenger in dust. :p
French Ninja said:
I don't want to know what happens when the T's bomb detonates on the new de_Nuke.

It ain't gonna happen on "my server". :) Me and my CT bots are too skilled to let the T's get away with it.
(that and I set the bomb countdown time to a higher # to give me time to take the T's out and defuse the bomb):burp:
So does this mean HDR will work in all the old maps, or just the new ones?
Ennui said:
No, I don't. Never liked that model.

I want the old Phoenix Connexion one back (this one doesn't look like it :() and I want L33T Krew. Like I said.
Aah, I see.
guise said:
So does this mean HDR will work in all the old maps, or just the new ones?

I read in a recent interview that VALVe is going to take maps one by one and convert them to HDR maps.
VALVe has an unnerving habit of doing very silly things and then quickly making up for them with sheer awesomeness. Way to go, cs_militia was always my favorite map.
Why does everyone get so damn worried with HDR? If you use your brain for more than 2 seconds, you could realize no matter how fancy the HDR in any map, you can turn them all off in the video settings. It also been said numerous times before that Valve is going to be implementing HDR piece by piece. If it were just, "it's been made, now it's done" we could've had HDR in Half Life 2 back when DOD:S was released.

Think people! :|