Weekly Steam News (04/11/05)

Too many CS:S maps are set in Halflife 2-looking areas :| They all look like a place in Halflife 2. I miss the old desert type stuff. I guess whoever makes these maps is too lazy to make some new textures and models :/

Oh well, can't have everything. They better not make Militia a non-desert map or I'm going to kill myself. 20 dollars says they are going to make it look all industrial with those same boring concrete textures and it's all going to look the same. Original CS had so much variety. All the new maps that have come out or been ported for CS:S all look the same.
so umm... have you actually been to china? lush green treees??? i dont know what you are talking about.
Love DE_Nuke is still one of my favourite 1.6 maps to date, Militia is fun if your up for a laugh with some mates but can get tedious .. new models look cool, The HDR that they are "implementing" into the new maps, will it the same as the DOD: Source, if so im happy as it won't kill my fps like Lost Coast.
Drackard said:
Love DE_Nuke is still one of my favourite 1.6 maps to date, Militia is fun if your up for a laugh with some mates but can get tedious .. new models look cool, The HDR that they are "implementing" into the new maps, will it the same as the DOD: Source, if so im happy as it won't kill my fps like Lost Coast.

nice system, do you have AIM i can contact you?
It should be more like DOD:S. Lost Coast's HDR probably wasn't what killed your system; they also increased the texture resolution on everything and had much more complicated models and bumpmaps. I think the HDR implementations in DoD:S and Lost Caost are identical.
why would it be set in china?

there's lush green trees elsewhere, doesn't mean it's china.

also why would gign from france go after china? it would make sense if it was devgru or something. but if it was gign then it's probably in france due to their non intervention government

a more plausible background for that map is that after china invaded taiwan they start industrailising the place and add nuke plants and harbars and stuff. some of the taiwanese resistance left are unhappy with the invasion, etc and decide that if taiwanese folks can't have it then china can't have it either so they go after one plant trying to create a meltdown and ruin the island. since valve doesn't have a china model, the americans want to prevent it and take part of taiwan back ala gantanamo in cuba via deal with china if they suceed.
213 said:
why would it be set in china?

there's lush green trees elsewhere, doesn't mean it's china.

Yeah, but that nucular power plant looks like it's from China. And they don't have nucular power plants in France :)

213 said:
also why would gign from france go after china? it would make sense if it was devgru or something. but if it was gign then it's probably in france

The new character models aren't be map specific, but rather playable in any CS:S game.
vegeta897 said:
I miss the old desert type stuff. I guess whoever makes these maps is too lazy to make some new textures and models :/

But then most of the HL1 maps are in the desert because they just used all the textures from HL1, which was set in the desert.

So, make a new texture map with a bunch of new high quality textures.
Yeah, but that nucular power plant looks like it's from China. And they don't have nucular power plants in France
wrong on the latter
France is in fact one of the most nuclear enabled countries in the world
Over 75% of its energy is nuclear.

And about france having a non-intervention governament:wrong
The french military are very experienced and are most commonly found in african countries trying to maintain the peace. One of their most famous units is called the foreign legion. Look it up.

Nice updates. Maybe I'll play some cs:s again.
Am i the only one that thinks seeing many different model T's or CT's running around the map makes things confusing? I would actually prefer map specific models. That or each team using the same camouflage (which technically wouldn't be realistic).
map specific models is what most mature players want - i hope that it is implemented over multiple character types in one map
john3571000 said:
map specific models is what most mature players want - i hope that it is implemented over multiple character types in one map

I am happy to see someone agrees with me. :)
I don't want model of some french GIGN :(
I want official Canadian Joint Task Force Two (JTF2) model !!
I hope not. Map-specific models just wouldnt be cs ;). If valve doesn't have an option, just copy/paste your favorite t/ct into the other model directories, so each team only has one model.
Computer5k said:
I hope not. Map-specific models just wouldnt be cs ;). If valve doesn't have an option, just copy/paste your favorite t/ct into the other model directories, so each team only has one model.

Yeah I have thought of that as a last resort.
****, they have rouined de_nuke too!

Go to hell stupid VALVe map-developers, your new maps sucks hard.

I was crying when they released de_inferno, im sure this will be almost the same shit...
luser32 said:
****, they have rouined de_nuke too!

Go to hell stupid VALVe map-developers, your new maps sucks hard.

I was crying when they released de_inferno, im sure this will be almost the same shit...

Funny, I wasn't aware they'd released it yet.

And crying over a map is pretty sad.
luser32 said:
****, they have rouined de_nuke too!

Go to hell stupid VALVe map-developers, your new maps sucks hard.

I was crying when they released de_inferno, im sure this will be almost the same shit...
Be lucky they even put some effort into it.

I hope you realise they don't have to do this.
Is it just me or does "nucular" sound like a simpsons quote?
Any signs of de_nuke? It's the December 1...And no update! WTF?
Emil2569 said:
Any signs of de_nuke? It's the December 1...And no update! WTF?
It got pushed back again. Silly person, you know Valve can't be trusted with release dates :p
Emil2569 said:
It's the December 1...And no update! WTF?
That was my reaction too.
I've been dreading this update for some time now, because I'm afraid they'll change things I don't want them too, like alter my custom player models.
My customised cstrike_english.txt file will be overwritten.