Weekly Steam News (10/03/2005)

Sep 28, 2003
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Valve have released yet another weekly news update over Steam today, in which they talk about the Game Developer's Conference as well as new Counter-Strike updates.
Yesterday, a minor update was released for Counter-Strike: Source, the Source engine, and the Source Software Developer's Kit. Launching (or restarting) Steam will automatically get the updates.

[br]Also this week, many of us at Valve are attending the Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco. It's always nice to be able to compare notes with people in the industry, but this year we've been very honored to receive several of the Game Developer's Choice Awards for Half-Life 2. These awards are especially meaningful to us, so we're feeling very grateful.

[br]We hope everyone playing Counter-Strike: Source is enjoying the new maps cs_compound and de_train. Coming soon, there will be another new map for CS:S called "de_port". As a teaser, here's a sketch of the layout.

[br]To view the news yourself, simply restart your Steam client.
nm couldnt they have thought of a better pic that htat, say something like in paint, LOL
lol another whiteboard pic to chew over.

OIL Tanker.... That's got to be code for something.... ;)
seems like it would be a better hostage map having the hostages at the far peir but than again im not game designer..... yet
De_port, ha ha ha.

Instead of CT's we paly as customs officials trying to send illegal imigrants back to their point of departure. Terrorists, entering as illegal imigrants have to sneak into the country and develop a terrorist cell.

Expect Daily Mail readers to be calling for the banning of Half Life 2, Counter Strike and Steam on the basis that it teaches people to gain illegal entry to Britian and steal their hard earned benefits within a week of this maps release.
Terrorists, entering as illegal imigrants have to sneak into the country and develop a terrorist cell.

I really don't see how that would translate into gameplay. What would they do, walk into a store and just like everyday people leaving the customs officials confused?

Of course i never really liked countercrap so take it with a grain of salt :-P
hmm...neat, a new map but i was hoping for some official remakes as well... maybe cs_militia or de_vegas or as mentioned as_oilrig.
oh well...guess i will continue to dream :p
I'd hate to see a remake of CS_milita. They can do so much better now. Maybe a map very loosely designed on militia..
Would be sweet if you could sink the tanker. Extremely unlikely but it would be cool to see it happen.
I'm liking all the effort Valve are putting into CS:S lately. Heaps of new maps.
James Isaac said:
Aaaaaahhh that's almost exactly the same as a map I was already making for CSS called de_shipdocks:
Now when I enter it into the competition everyone's going to think I copied ;(
I know how you feel. I was destroyed when they released the blender. I totally invented the "super-chrusho-megalathon" before they came out with the "blender" and gave it that gay name.
if yours is finished you could pm a forum mod with a link to it so he can tell them, that way you might get moneys or somet for your map
Great, are Valve just encouraging me to play cs:s with all these new maps, I'd love to be throwing toilets in some new maps instead tbh :)

Might have to give these new maps a try though...
Sweet! I can always use some new maps!
Xune said:
De_port, ha ha ha.

Instead of CT's we paly as customs officials trying to send illegal imigrants back to their point of departure. Terrorists, entering as illegal imigrants have to sneak into the country and develop a terrorist cell.

Expect Daily Mail readers to be calling for the banning of Half Life 2, Counter Strike and Steam on the basis that it teaches people to gain illegal entry to Britian and steal their hard earned benefits within a week of this maps release.
bah judging from that layout drawing we're in for another shitty de_tide/cs_compound map... looks way too small...
It's quite nice about new map for CS, but I'm really disappointed that they didn't even mention something about new maps for DM.. I'm still looking forward for them... 3 now-official maps for DM? Extremely interesting :E
where's the models and the IK placement for css... :(
that new de_port map layout reminds me of a map from Ghost Recon, Im all for it!

Nice work BTW James Isaac ur map looks cool dont stop :)
Xune said:
De_port, ha ha ha.

Instead of CT's we paly as customs officials trying to send illegal imigrants back to their point of departure. Terrorists, entering as illegal imigrants have to sneak into the country and develop a terrorist cell.

Expect Daily Mail readers to be calling for the banning of Half Life 2, Counter Strike and Steam on the basis that it teaches people to gain illegal entry to Britian and steal their hard earned benefits within a week of this maps release.


Yeah Bitch! Rename it II_Docks (Illigal Immigration)
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
that new de_port map layout reminds me of a map from Ghost Recon, Im all for it!

Nice work BTW James Isaac ur map looks cool dont stop :)

Thanks (and other people who posted comments) :). I'll try and finish it, but when its done no one will play it because it will just be like a weaker version of de_port :(
Xune said:
De_port, ha ha ha.

Instead of CT's we paly as customs officials trying to send illegal imigrants back to their point of departure. Terrorists, entering as illegal imigrants have to sneak into the country and develop a terrorist cell.

Expect Daily Mail readers to be calling for the banning of Half Life 2, Counter Strike and Steam on the basis that it teaches people to gain illegal entry to Britian and steal their hard earned benefits within a week of this maps release.

Didn't think daily mail readers were able to make decisions themselves, The paper going to have to have a cut out poster to stick in your window.