Weekly Steam News (10/12/05)


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Breaking news! This week’s Steam News has been written by none other than Gabe Newell himself, and during the update, he had this to say:

“Like most of you reading this, I play a lot of games.”

Incredible. Just incredible. Could it be possible that our almighty benefactor, Gabe, actually engages in such mortal activities such as playing games? Not only that, but the update reveals he’s been playing Darwinia. Twice through. Such a game, to be graced with the presence of Gabe, must surely be worth purchasing! [br] [br] But wait, there’s more. You can buy Darwinia, over Steam, on Wednesday. Just think; you could actually play the same levels that Gabe has played; crush the same enemies that you know Gabe has crushed before you. This alone is reason enough to buy Darwinia, surely? Of course, there’s also he fact that it’s a damn good game, and the developers need your support!

[br]To view this week’s Steam Update News, click here, or restart Steam. As well as Gabe’s short speech on Darwinia, the update also reveals that certain hardware articles concerning VALVe will be popping up on bit-tech.net over the next week or so.

I want to buy but i dont have my credit card yet. To lazy to go get it!
Sarcasm on halflife2.net? is that possible?
Nice! Can't wait to try all those Source upgrades! (Still want dynamic shadows, damnit! :()
The end of the bit-tech report says Aftermath is set for Q1 06, aiming at February
OvA said:
The end of the bit-tech report says Aftermath is set for Q1 06, aiming at February

Yep. That was reported before. Feb/March.
Have any of you seen the DoD: Source movie with all of the new visual effects that VALVe incorporated into the Source engine? It looks so amazing!
Sentinelrv said:
Have any of you seen the DoD: Source movie with all of the new visual effects that VALVe incorporated into the Source engine? It looks so amazing!

Indeed it is.
They're really pushing Darwinia hard. Makes me worry that the uptake hasn't been great. :/
Darwinia looks like it's about 5 years old... there's no way i'm buying that.
Go find the demo, play it through to the end, then tell me if there's no way you'd buy it. Gameplay, as ever, is more important than graphics. But the graphics are pretty, in their unashamedly retro way.
I don't know, i suspect Gabe's words are a marketing ploy. I don't like mareting ploys, but I do like Darwinia. Buttttt I don't think I will buy it, unless they had a multiplayer lol!
reminds me of lawnmower man lawnmower man rocked 12 years ago, but theres no way I would spend 20 dollars on a new dvd of it.

Galaga was fun, wouldn't buy it today. Mario was fun, wouldn't buy it.

Too much midget porn on my computer. harddrive space is valuable realestate to just star throwing anything on it
OmegaX said:
Darwinia looks like it's about 5 years old... there's no way i'm buying that.


Go play both demos on full settings. That's just the tip of the iceberg; there's much more content (fun too) than that.


ironclad said:
I don't know, i suspect Gabe's words are a marketing ploy. I don't like mareting ploys, but I do like Darwinia. Buttttt I don't think I will buy it, unless they had a multiplayer lol!

Introversion is planning to release mulitplayer in one of the later patches BTW.