Weekly Steam News (18/03/2005)


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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This weeks Steam news finally reveal the winners of the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Mapping Contest by Valve:[br]</br>
"This week we're proud to announce the winners of the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch mapping contest. We were blown away by the quality of the levels that were entered; we think the community will be as well when the winning maps are released on Steam."
"One reason to have a contest like this is to highlight the quality of work that the community is capable of producing. Over the next few weeks it will be just as exciting to see the community playing full games that MOD developers are currently working on."
Following are the winners of the contest:[br]</br>
Contest Winner:
dm_underpass by Scott M Jordan, USA[br]</br>
First Runner-Up:
dm_resistance by Jonathan Linker, Germany[br]</br>
Second Runner-Up:
dm_powerhouse by Michael Schulz, Germany[br]</br> Honorable Mention:
dm_avalon by Michael Visser, Netherlands[br]</br>


I played a beta of dm_avalon today - very good fun! The only map I've played so far where you can f*ck someone up with a boat :)
hmmm... these maps are all definately fantastic. I was rooting for avalon so its nice to see it up there. I was surprised, however, that i had played betas of all of these maps. I was kind of hoping that the maps would be "newer" so to speak as they said they were "releasing" the maps, i figured they were holding the winners hostage until then. Oh well, still very exciting and now that im on spring break, ill have lots of time to devote to these new maps... and WoW :burp:
They look awesome and can't wait until they officially release them. Good job peeps.
Look great. Good job, and can't wait to play em!
subtlesnake said:
I wonder if Valve is modifying these maps.

Doubtful, but they are probably helping the owners of the map's fix bugs/add things to them, which is always good. :)
Those maps look very good. Good job to all the winners.
at least download the final version he posted awhile back rather than beta4
Isn't that map exactly 100% the same as every other HL2DM map? I was hoping for something more ingenuitive, and different.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Doubtful, but they are probably helping the owners of the map's fix bugs/add things to them, which is always good. :)

Valve owns these maps...
object said:
Valve owns these maps...
They are user created submitted to Valve so they can dicide which was best. They have no rights to the map unless they struck some deal...

PS Good job, they all look fantastic!
toekneebullard said:
Perhaps because the person who took the pics plays in widescreen?
It's proably to include more in the shot.
Besides, new maps won't make me want to play HL2DM. It's just not that fun.
All these maps look pretty nice indeed. Kudos to the creators!

I agree with some peeps above though: visuals are one thing, but "funnability" is something else.

Are these maps made for the usual run-n-gun or do they offer more, like goals/objectives?

Past experiences shows that regular DM maps aren't what keep people playing a game's deathmatch mode...

The Half-Life 2 engine rocks and makes it easy to add cool features to any map! Gimme the dumbest looking map ever and I can turn it into the funniest map just by adding deathtraps/interactivity/objectives!

These maps deserve to be more than regular DM maps. I hope they are.

I've played quite a bit of dm_avalon. Lemme tell ya, the shotty totally owns on that map.