Weekly Steam News (22/07/05)

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ThrasherX9 said:
Jesus! My god, do some people not recall what DOD:S looked several months ago? This update is leaps and bounds better looking.


I dunno, I wouldn't have paid for CS:S if that was the only way I could get it, and I'll probably skip DoD:S and save up for TF2.

TF2 is just going to be damn great.
this is going to be amazing... i hope some miracle happens and it comes out tomorrow.
Tiger tank...eeeee.. Sexy. Too bad you can't drive it.
Betelgeuze said:
How do you know? Did you see screens or info? I dont think so!

TFC was awesome...and TF2 is going to pwn more...it's just a fact.
I have 1 VIQ (Very Important Question) about these DOD:S pics!
Are those tanks drivable?
If not, I'm not very interested even though I already paid for it :hmph: :E
Would be neat if you could get in and atleast control the secondary machine gun.
It would be neater if you could play BF1942. Oh wait, you can!
We'll be seeing bullsquids in the Lost Coast (scripts mention bullsquid traps as well as the fisherman).
IIRC, there was also mention of the Combine super-soldier being in Lost Coast. Can't remember where I heard that though. (I think it was during the E3 info buzz.)
i herd a lot of news tht they wer gona put a bunch of rly big more wepins in lost cost my frind said that i thin and i thin his dad werks at www.iamamoron.com if im not mistakin.
AudioStar spell things correctly, it's so much easier to read.

Unless they can get DoD to look like BF2 there's no chance I'll be playing it (as soon as a mod comes out to make it WWII I'll be playing that). I payed for it ages ago though so I guess I'll have to at least have a look at it.

Right now the screenshots look like the maps are VERY low poly, there are seams in textures and frankly the quality really is a step behind anything that seems to get released these days (again judging from BF2 point of view).

I realise the best way to make more money is to create a game which can be played on many systems, from low to high end but that shouldn't mean that the quality for those of us in the higher pc spec range should be held back.
I could actually really see the Hydra being in Lost Coast. Its mostly a all water level. Hydra will fit perfectly in it surroundings.

As for the HDR in other places in HL2. They said they are going to be implementing that slowly after Lost Coast is released.

I believe its either going to contain the Hydra in it or something else is going to be released with it also. Like someone said, possibly a TF2, or maybe even a demo for it. Who knows. All I know, I wont be able to enjoy Lost Coast to its full glory because I will have to turn of HDR. Damn my X600. If I only could afford a 7800GTX.
The drivable tanks sounds unlikely, but Valve did hint at some new features that would be available in DOD:S.... maybe new game modes (most likely, it seems), commander class, even usable anti-aircraft ballistics in parachute missions? Ahh it's fun to dream...
Who thinks AudioStar should be banned for that? MEEEeeee cuz Im gonna be sIIIIiiiick!:eek: :x ;( :angry:

DoD:S will be well worth the 10 buckzes I paid for it.
I really hope the extra content is not within Lost Coast... sucks when you cant run it...

... bullsquids <3
if these player models are final - they sux :/ it's not what Source is capable of.Even BF2 has much more detailed models,i mean polys are fine but textures on these models sux so much, they're low detail...i hope it will be changed in final release At least we have great modding community.
if these player models are final - they sux :/ it's not what Source is capable of.Even BF2 has much more detailed models,i mean polys are fine but textures on these models sux so much, they're low detail...i hope it will be changed in final release At least we have great modding community.
Read the ****ing forum before you post stupid things! Models are great, skins are WIP!
It has been posted 100 times now on every topic about those screenshots.

Oh boy... how many times do we have to say that?
Betelgeuze said:
Read the ****ing forum before you post stupid things! Models are great, skins are WIP!
It has been posted 100 times now on every topic about those screenshots.

Oh boy... how many times do we have to say that?

as many times as there are stupid people on this site. Which shouldn't be seen as something positive.
Betelgeuze said:
Read the ****ing forum before you post stupid things! Models are great, skins are WIP!
It has been posted 100 times now on every topic about those screenshots.

Oh boy... how many times do we have to say that?
I see what you are saying, and I don't know if you know me or not, but I used to act like you. There's no point in doing it, let alone with such aggression. It only makes people hate you. Believe me.
I dont care if people who are to stupid to read the forum hate me, I hate them to. And btw they dont see my post because they dont read the topic. I think Im going to mail them next time... maybe the read that!

Its always the same thing, they ask the same stupid questions over and over again, is it so dificult to read the topic first?
Betelgeuze said:
I dont care if people who are to stupid to read the forum hate me, I hate them to. And btw they dont see my post because they dont read the topic. I think Im going to mail them next time... maybe the read that!

Its always the same thing, they ask the same stupid questions over and over again, is it so dificult to read the topic first?
No, you don't understand, EVERYONE will hate you. Most of the veterans you see around here? Dislike me because of what I did in the past.
vegeta897 said:
No, you don't understand, EVERYONE will hate you. Most of the veterans you see around here? Dislike me because of what I did in the past.

I don't mean to take sides, but people disliked you not because of things like Betelgeuze pointed out, but because you used to moan about peoples signature lengths, go beserk at people digging up an old topic or bumping a thread, reciting the forum rules, and generally taking the stance of a moderator. What Betelgeuze pointed out was just that people should read that damn thread before posting, common sense.
If they love those poeple who post stupid questions all the time and hate me because im against it, I dont care!
Someone has to say it, you cant let it go on like this... its crazy!

Most of the veterans you see around here? Dislike me because of what I did in the past.
You dont look like a bad guy to me and there nothing wrong with sayng what you think. Im not going to lie because people will hate me.
7 stupid and senseless topics :/ one after another...calling other stupid makes you looking stupid.I already noticed that they're wip.Stay on topic,if you already said something about the thread don't make other topics that are not conserning it.Models are fine, textures SUX but at least they're WIP.
lol we wouldn't have these arguments if people had the patience and sit down and actaully read through page after page of a thread :P
People should abide by the forums rules. Common sense. Same argument works there Jimmeh.
Well of course, people didn't dislike you because you thought people should abide the forum rules, people disliked you because you felt the need to police the boards and make sure people were following the rules, when that wasn't your job. As you probably know, that's what the moderators are for.

There's a lot of difference between telling somebody they should read previous posts so they know what they're talking about, and constantly nagging members that their signatures are too long, or they shouldn't bump or dig up old threads, or they're breaking the rules in some way.
@ H2HSnake:
Asking the same questions over and over again = spam = bad
do you understand, or is it to complicated for you?

*last post in this topic, I dont want a flamewar*
JiMmEh said:
Well of course, people didn't dislike you because you thought people should abide the forum rules, people disliked you because you felt the need to police the boards and make sure people were following the rules, when that wasn't your job. As you probably know, that's what the moderators are for.

There's a lot of difference between telling somebody they should read previous posts so they know what they're talking about, and constantly nagging members that their signatures are too long, or they shouldn't bump or dig up old threads, or they're breaking the rules in some way.
I see. But for the record, I never really nagged about signature lengths.
Cukel said:
I really hope the extra content is not within Lost Coast... sucks when you cant run it...

... bullsquids <3
My 2 Cents... whatever.

The idea that the extra content is simply Bullsquids doesn't wash with me... i'm expecting something a little more substantial, simply because "We're going to include a bit of extra content with Lost Coast" sounds like a lot more than simply adding a new (old) enemy in.

Specifically (and why I've quoted Cukel's post), what if the extra Lost Coast content addresses the concern that 98% of the HL2 owning audience have? What if they simultaneously release a non-HDR enabled version of Lost Coast, a version that anyone could run? Ok, the point of the level is to showcase HDR, but what's to stop valve creating a lower-graphically demanding version that everyone can run? (when we're all pratically gagging for more HL2)

As much as I like my own idea, I do feel that "We're going to include a bit of extra content with Lost Coast" does seem to indicate something different though. "Extra Content" seems to neither indicate something within the map itself (e.g. Bullsquids / Hydra) or something that fundamentally changes the map itself (e.g. non HDR enabled play). The suggestion seems to be that the something extra is small, Lost Coast related, but not within the map itself. Perhaps they're talking about SDK content or a Lost Coast themed HL2DM map...
If I recall... you can still play Lost Coast with a lower - middle end machine, you just wont have all the graphical splender that it is trying to show off.