Weekly Steam News (26/08/05)

dogboy73 said:
The lost Coast, an additional Half-Life 2 level that is designed to put your system to the limit, will be more than just a tech demo; It will also reveal parts of the Half-Life 2 storyline, mainly how Ravenholm was invaded by headcrabs
"Mainly but also only" If you ask me. Not to mention, that there can't actually be that much more to be said since we already know that:

1) Ravenholm was Headcrab-shelled by a machine similar to that in Lost Coast
2) It was a refuge for City 17 escapees (according to unspoken dialogue in the GCFs).

For that matter, the GCFs have given us the script to Lost Coast months ago anyway. It simply adds a bit more background on xen wildlife and that's about it. The dev commentary will in fact only reinforce the tech-demo feel, making it a narrated tech demo that you play. Or not considering that only a miniscule percentage will be able to play the game.
greeny said:
What new ATi card?
Well, obviosuly they'll have something in the pipeline! It goes without saying. When it does arrive it will almost certainly be promoted as the best card for Lost Coast in the same way previous Ati cards were prmoted as best for HL2. I can see it coming a mile a mile off!!
is it just me, or does Shens have a point to make? i'm not getting the message thought! valve is what?