Weekly Steam News (30/09/05)

sucks i cant play dod:S and i bought the collectors edition of half life 2 at best buy for 89$... what gives? anyone else have this issue?
veritasconnor said:
sucks i cant play dod:S and i bought the collectors edition of half life 2 at best buy for 89$... what gives? anyone else have this issue?

Wasn't included with the collectors edition, if you read the box you'd know that. No issue you at all.
dropped over $3k and built my current system so that I could play HL2 with all the graphics cranked up.

I built a system that can play at max settings, 1280x1024, full AA and AF, for $800. Sounds like you got hosed.
Hmm, I wonder how long we'll have to wait for the steam update, sounds good though.


Feuyaino said:

I built a system that can play at max settings, 1280x1024, full AA and AF, for $800. Sounds like you got hosed.

My graphics card cost almost as much as your whole system then, but that's mostly because the X800XTPlatinum had just come out and was next to impossible to buy, anywhere. A lot of the components I bought were fresh on the market which helped to boost the price. Keep in mind this was about a year ago when the new hyper theading p4's came out, had to get a newly released MoBo, full of memory, and of couse I had to make it look good! All black 19" lcd, black wireless mouse and keyboard, window side case with cold cathode uv lighting, extra fans with uv, green uv sensitive wrap to keep all the wires in place and look sweet glowing, dvd rw-black, all black kick ass logitech sound, 540 I think. It not only plays every game cranked up all the way, it looks cooler than any box I've seen yet. Expensive: yes. Looks like a pile of crap like yours: not a chance. :smoking: