Weekly Steam News (6/05/05)

flupke said:
Oh man! We need a new t model! But i'm happy though..

Scum bag terrorists...

Looks good.

Gunner said:
Dude, those "skins"... it's a model hack.
On sv_cheats 1 servers (probably on his own or friends private) you can edit the skins clientside and serverside.
Why does the Silenced M4A1 have a muzzle flash? I was under the impression that had been removed in Source....?
Inferno looks sick. Cant wait for port and the new model.
did valve ever admit there was a hitbox problem? cause i actually think there isnt one. it never happens to me.

maybe for the new ct model, they will make it to where it will show you have kevlar and a helmet when you bought them. that would be nice, though it makes the last change seem pointless. they should really have done something with the t model like everyone is saying.

inferno = sexy
dont the bullet shells fly the other direction with the m4?
Why yellow, and they should replace the Terroist Model, hes huge compared to the CT and isn't Generic Enough.
O M Y F ' N G O D !!!!!!

I USED A NEW CT / T skin!!!!!

fuzzy_aus said:
Why does the Silenced M4A1 have a muzzle flash? I was under the impression that had been removed in Source....?

LYNCH ME ALL!! The whole CS Community is so paranoid , that when you point out something and you seem to have something quite different - youre pronounced guilty! hahahaha , it's great to see all of you arroused by my post!
I have another on eif you want!

Though i suppose, Valve didnt mess up that time - HITBOX wise... :smoking:
Hmm I always wondered why in CS brightskins are illegal for competition, yet in UT2004 they are accepted and *must* be used in competition. :dozey:
I dont really get whats wrong with the hitboxes? they move infront of the player in the direction that they are running. so if you want to hit them you have to aim infront of them...right? well if someone is running and u wanted to hit them in real life you wouldnt aim AT them, you would aim infront of them (because the bullets have to travel to their target).

Because HL2/CSS doesnt use modeled bullets that have to travel thru the air, it relies on the crosshairs being in the correct place in relation to the hitboxes.

Kinda hard to explain, but it makes sense.
To all of you complaining about the hitboxes:


It isn't to simulate ballistics, it's simply to make up for the lag that occurs between the client, server and another client. Sure, it might not work great in a server with 20 ping at most, but you can't disregard the fact that usually there's alot of latency between two clients.

Your position on your client, on the server, and on other players' clients is never in sync. This is because of the delay between you sending your position to the server, the server simulating a "frame" of the game and updating your position, the server sending out an update of your position to the other clients, and them receiving it. Couple this with the fact that on your client you are able to move smoothly (not just on sending updates) and you get one messy situation when it comes to working out where people are and whether shots that are fired should hit them.

After reading this article I'm glad that the fix is there.
lemonfridge said:
I dont really get whats wrong with the hitboxes? they move infront of the player in the direction that they are running. so if you want to hit them you have to aim infront of them...right? well if someone is running and u wanted to hit them in real life you wouldnt aim AT them, you would aim infront of them (because the bullets have to travel to their target).

Because HL2/CSS doesnt use modeled bullets that have to travel thru the air, it relies on the crosshairs being in the correct place in relation to the hitboxes.

Kinda hard to explain, but it makes sense.

Yeah well, i perfectly get what you mean and the delay between a shot and the position of the target.

I also saw the video and get it a bit better, though still believe that theres too much of an exageration between where the hitboxes are and the actual player, for that distance changes with the distance you have with your target if we stay logical... at blank range theres no need for the hitboxes to be way ahead of your target for a bullet would attain it before it would have travelled any distance (the target).

Though you still have to admit that youve already had a time where you were blank range - and i mean blank range - knife could stab you with the distanc eim talkin about - and you just empty ur whole AK47 or whatever you have ON HIM , and hes got 0000000000000000000000000000 DAMAGE...!!! :angry:

Click Here
Hobo89 said:
O M Y F ' N G O D

I USED A NEW CT / T skin!!!!!


LYNCH ME ALL!! The whole CS Community is so paranoid , that when you point out something and you seem to have something quite different - youre pronounced guilty! hahahaha , it's great to see all of you arroused by my post!

What a cocky arrogant noob you are, that's a model hack. But you wouldn't know since you probably just started playing CS.
Hey , seems like Gunner is pissed off by my presence. Just what i wanted... Though calling me a "cocky arrogant noob" ... One i ain't a noob, but hell think what you want :D! Second - I play many other games, but about the term "cocky" , hell yeah im being self-confident about this subject, i think that Valve's hitboxes are crap, now if you just can't get past the fact that i used a NEW SKIN to check out a few things, well you're the moron. But since i'm not down to your level, i shall share my knowledge with you.

See gunner - if you've done physics in your life and simply didn't play all day CS and become something else than a noob (as you called me lol ) , well you would realize that shooting a bullet from this far, wouldn't require the shooter to shoot that far ahead of the T. Now you're going to say : "YEAH .1!!k WELL , euhh , THIS AINT A SIMLUTATION ..amdaksldjalkdj." And i say sure it's not a simULATION, but it's not suppose to be this completely over exaggerated! :eek:

Now i hope i broke it down for you and that you also realize i've employed official non-hacking MODELS/SKINS for your sensible eyes. ;) This just made my day - i enlightened ( to furnish -give- knowledge to) a moron ( YOU GUNNER!)!

Make your reply ASAP, can't wait to lead you to knowledge once again! :afro:
Hobo89 said:

VALVe tried to do something about the issues with lag, and I don't think they made it worse except for perhaps LAN parties and such, where there's not much of lag. I think they should've added an option for how far ahead the hitbox skeleton should be and how much it should lag behind, though. Or maybe they added some command that was mentioned in that article, if that's the case I see no reason to whine about it(only read parts of it to get the gist of how the whole thing works).

Edit: Oh, yeah. Lemonfridge was the one who suggested the theory about the time required for the shots to reach an enemy, not Gunner. Would you like it if I said something fitting an elitist, seeing how that's the way you like to talk to others? You're free to fill in something with your mind in this space: [ ].
Wow after watching that video, I dont think I can play css again now I know that...
CrazyHarij said:
To all of you complaining about the hitboxes:


It isn't to simulate ballistics, it's simply to make up for the lag that occurs between the client, server and another client. Sure, it might not work great in a server with 20 ping at most, but you can't disregard the fact that usually there's alot of latency between two clients.

After reading this article I'm glad that the fix is there.

QFFE, read and you'll see that every game is the same, including CS 1.6.
Sharrd said:
Originally Posted by Hobo89

VALVe tried to do something about the issues with lag, and I don't think they made it worse except for perhaps LAN parties and such, where there's not much of lag. I think they should've added an option for how far ahead the hitbox skeleton should be and how much it should lag behind, though. Or maybe they added some command that was mentioned in that article, if that's the case I see no reason to whine about it(only read parts of it to get the gist of how the whole thing works).

Oh and please do the following : "Would you like it if I said something fitting an elitist" , i always accept intelligent comments, why didn't you make one beforehand? My respect could of been greater - Though i know you dont want my respect :cool:

Edit: Oh, yeah. Lemonfridge was the one who suggested the theory about the time required for the shots to reach an enemy, not Gunner. Would you like it if I said something fitting an elitist, seeing how that's the way you like to talk to others? You're free to fill in something with your mind in this space: [ ].

I loved the topping in the beginning, shows ur creative side. And have you totally misinterpreted : "See gunner - if you've done physics in your life and simply didn't play all day CS and become something else than a noob (as you called me lol ) , well you would realize that shooting a bullet from this far, wouldn't require the shooter to shoot that far ahead of the T." First, I wasnt at all saying that Gunner was the one who said "THE THEORY" ( you dont need such big words to explain the action of a bullet hitting a moving target - but ill cut to you , you need it to weigh in ur sentence or else you sound quite irrelevant...) . And if you needed someone to explain to you such a COMPLICATED "theory" , do you actually need someone to think about it for you- well i didn't, but it seems ur under the influence of Lemonfridge
and anything he says, you grant with respect... hmm i rest my case. I was simply agreeing with Lemonfridge i wasn't trying to rip such an advanced "theory" (hey you ought to give me some credit i'm using ur lame word.).

Second, if you were smart, you would have read on . Though you just skimmed the whole text - so instead of bringing constructive criticism to this comment i made on the hitboxes - you shat a disrespectful comment AND showed how ONCE AGAIN you're irrelevant to the problem. Anyway, if you would have read on , you would of seen how there are specific files that can be modified called "TICKRATE " . So why doesnt Valve definitly fix it , instead of having every host have to do it himself, because that would make aiming the same on EVERY server, since the settings would be universal and not custom... i hope you understand what i mean- if not ask for a pic ( lol) - Well some say (probably someone like you ) :

"I don't think anyone is confused about why people don't play CS:S the confusion mainly lies in why on earth you think anyone is bothered and why you feel the need to tell people on a CS:S message board.

Its like nipping over to the Unreal tournament message boards and informing thenm that the reason I don't play their game is because I don't like giant robots.

why the hell would they care ?

I don't know you, I have probably never played against you, why would I care if you don't play CS:S ? why don't you start a thread informing us that you refuse to eat ham sandwiches ? or that the reason you drove to work today is because public transport in your area is terrible ?

Seriously, go back to sleep, no one cares that you refuse to play CS:S.
i wont bother stating his name, like i try to the same with yours. I just think they should be quite, cause this delay with the hitboxes and the players is simply wrong and servers who decide not to modify these Tickrate files well make you play like crap , for you miss every shot - then will start ingame spamming calling others cheaters cause some won't have figured out that you have to shoot a mile in front of a CT / T to hit him :farmer: .

Well thats all , and i just hope Valve will make those hitboxes more efficient.
Hobo89 said:
Hey , seems like Gunner is pissed off by my presence. Just what i wanted... Though calling me a "cocky arrogant noob" ... One i ain't a noob, but hell think what you want :D! Second - I play many other games, but about the term "cocky" , hell yeah im being self-confident about this subject, i think that Valve's hitboxes are crap, now if you just can't get past the fact that i used a NEW SKIN to check out a few things, well you're the moron. But since i'm not down to your level, i shall share my knowledge with you.

See gunner - if you've done physics in your life and simply didn't play all day CS and become something else than a noob (as you called me lol ) , well you would realize that shooting a bullet from this far, wouldn't require the shooter to shoot that far ahead of the T. Now you're going to say : "YEAH .1!!k WELL , euhh , THIS AINT A SIMLUTATION ..amdaksldjalkdj." And i say sure it's not a simULATION, but it's not suppose to be this completely over exaggerated! :eek:

Now i hope i broke it down for you and that you also realize i've employed official non-hacking MODELS/SKINS for your sensible eyes. ;) This just made my day - i enlightened ( to furnish -give- knowledge to) a moron ( YOU GUNNER!)!

Make your reply ASAP, can't wait to lead you to knowledge once again! :afro:

Listen I'm going to make this clear so you don't get any more confused than you already are: using glowing or bright colored skins is considered a cheat, it's also known as a "model hack" (Yes I know they're just skins, but it's called a model hack anyway). I never said anything about the hitboxes.

Read before you post crap like that again.
you once said
"Quote: Originally Posted by Roper
The inferno screenie looks great. Though if I can find fault with it, that washing on the line looks rubbish, it looks like somebody has just painted a picture on the wall. They'd be better just leaving the wall blank.

That's because it's a sprite."

and then we contradicted you :

"Quote: Originally Posted by Gunner
That's because it's a sprite.

It's not a sprite. Sprites look exactly the same from all angles.

It's a decal.

Seems you missed all the other people who show you are wrong - or that youre just impressed by his status - Posts: 9,156 , and you attack little posters like me lool .

Anyway, i just needed to say that your comment was useless , because i said i used those "Model Hacks" to see where i hit them HENCE the hitboxes. So instead of not reading my whole post and trying to UNDERSTAND , which a smart person would do , you just tried to bash me down. Though your comments just pass right by me, for you bring no positive attitude to the problem. :rolleyes: This is for you m8 "Read before you post crap like that again." :cheers:

I also saw your glamerous signature : Don't quote me! Is it cause ur not reliable?

But yeah ... i wouldnt act like this if you would just add a constructive comment to the problem of hitboxes that valve should fix in their new steam updates...
Get back on topic and stop bickering please guys.

Any further debates wanting to be had, you can take into private messages.

they are gonna show tf2 at e3, i just know it. *eternal optimist*
for any one who is wondering.................they are working on a new T model and its in the beta form right now. You can pick it up over at hl2files.com.........
there are flaws with it thought................thats why it hasnt been released... some kinda spike comes out of your crotch when you die( :LOL: )

anyway heres the link if u want to test it.........
At E3, My guess is Valve will show off the HL2 Expansion, Team Fortress 2 and possibly some new property. :thumbs: