Weekly Steam News Update

CallofKtulu said:
What's up with the advertisement for Dystopia?

And what's wrong with it? Some people might not have known about it...

If you mean otherwise, it was in the Steam update.
CallofKtulu said:
What's up with the advertisement for Dystopia?

Dystopia is currently the by far most professional mp-mod for hl2, but has been hugely underappreciated by the gamers. No wonder that VALVe want to help them along.

on topic:
Militia looks good! :)

boglito said:
Dystopia is currently the by far most professional mp-mod for hl2, but has been hugely underappreciated by the gamers.

If the gamers are underappreciating a mod en masse, then the mod is doing something wrong.
"few new game play elements added to it."

Thats a bit misleading, until I read the original Steam update.
Bloody hell.


I expect the sewers will be an interconnecting series of vietcong-style tunnel passages.
and Sulkdodds likes nothing better than squeezing through narrow passages.
I <3 Turtle Rock Studio... they made the level, right?

boglito said:
Dystopia is currently the by far most professional mp-mod for hl2, but has been hugely underappreciated by the gamers. No wonder that VALVe want to help them along.

That made me laugh, underappreciated? Maybe if they'd release a beta instead of a "demo" more people might actually play.

Militia looks a lot better in this version IMO, desert look was boring to me.
This thing looks great....
what whas the theme for militia though?
what were the terrorists taking hostage and why?
Pi Mu Rho said:
If the gamers are underappreciating a mod en masse, then the mod is doing something wrong.

DiSTuRbEd said:
That made me laugh, underappreciated? Maybe if they'd release a beta instead of a "demo" more people might actually play.

Militia looks a lot better in this version IMO, desert look was boring to me.

Well, you two obviously know nothing about marketing. Dystopia is a decent product (how good it is will vary upon who you ask, but it is better than, for example, hl2:dm). The reason why hl2:dm is doing better is that it has been made by and is being pushed by VALVe. There is no way that hl2:dm would have more than 2k players right now if it hadn't been for that fact.

By pimping dystopia in their updates VALVe are encouraging more people to test the product. Sure, some will fall away, but some will also keep playing it from time to time. My point is that dystopia has a potential for drawing in new players, and VALVe are now helping them fulfill that potential.

Would dystopia have 680 players _right now_ if VALVe had not helped them get some attention? I think not. Some of those 680 players are going to go "meh", but others are certainly going to go "gee, thanks for making me aware of this awesome mod".

halflifeguy said:
This thing looks great....
what whas the theme for militia though?
what were the terrorists taking hostage and why?

lol... You sound like an actor: "Hold on, what's my motivation?"

It's not as if we know why the terrorists are after the locations on any other map. Not really a lot of background story in CS.
actaully...i am an actor:|
anyway...i wasnt wondering why they were doing it
i was wondering where it was they were?
Did they just take some random people hostage in a desert house?
boglito said:
Well, you two obviously know nothing about marketing.

Ah, thanks for that. I haven't laughed so much all day.
... not if you count the multiple personalities and/or voices in said fool's head.
boglito said:
Well, you two obviously know nothing about marketing. Dystopia is a decent product (how good it is will vary upon who you ask, but it is better than, for example, hl2:dm). The reason why hl2:dm is doing better is that it has been made by and is being pushed by VALVe. There is no way that hl2:dm would have more than 2k players right now if it hadn't been for that fact.

1. HL2DM is awesome.
2. Dystopia is underappreciated? o_O

Pi Mu Rho said:
Sulkdodds likes nothing better than squeezing through narrow passages.

You know it.
I thought the Dystopia demo was really meh, no doubt it was quite a well put together mod but I can't be bothered seeing where it's at now after the demo :)
Sulkdodds said:
Bloody hell.


I expect the sewers will be an interconnecting series of vietcong-style tunnel passages.

I'm pretty sure they'll go with an old mining tunnel
bigburpco said:
Looks awesome. I take back my wish for wanting it to be a desert.


Pi Mu Rho said:
If the gamers are underappreciating a mod en masse, then the mod is doing something wrong.
Too true.

boglito said:
Well, you two obviously know nothing about marketing.
What the hell is it with people on forums and making up points to argue against? He didn't say that Valve pushing it wasn't gonna help and he wasn't criticising Valve for pushing it, he was attacking the statement "Dystopia is an under-appreciated mod". Your statement isn't exactly a counter argument to that.

People keep saying "game A is better than game B, but {excuse} so game B sold more". That's game A's fault, it's a failing on the part of the developers or the publishers or someone, but if more people are playing game B then game B has succeeded more than game A. The same goes for mods. I know that sometimes another mod has an unfair advantage and yes, HL2DM has more players 'cos it's pushed by Valve (and is available on Steam, it would be nice to see 3rd party games on steam properly). You can't honestly tell me, howver, that the reason people aren't playing Dystopia is that they're too busy with HL2DM, or CS: S. People have enough time to play more than one game, so if Dystopia really was that good, people would be playing it.

&lt;pimpage&gt;We had a pretty huge discussion about this on irc the other day, it was good fun.&lt;/pimpage&gt;
I think people take for granted how much work making a mod is, the standards of todays mods is set really high. And a lot of people forget the time they put into it, for some mods, months/years go by while they are making it, and it takes only 10 seconds for someone to view an update and reply: "it sucks" when they didn't even play the mod yet. Dystopia has good elements and elements that could use work, so did half-life² .. so did lost coast, so does every game. The only difference is, a mod can work it's way to please the players and they actually care about emproving their game. A game doesn't always do so. Dystopia is working hard to please you all, and when the time comes i'm sure they will, as is every other mod crew for that matter... So a bit more gratitude wouldn't hurt, cause were not getting paid for our hard days work to create a free game. Unlike any other game released ;)
My point exactly. If Dystopia calls its beta version a 'demo' and valve is mentioning them, more often than others, could I deduce that the final version won't be free anymore and distributed trough valve? Why would they mention them?
I think this is a very good port over. Better so, then most of the others i've seen , I look forward to playing it
Wow, I never knew that.

is your avatar going to jump through my screen and tear me limb from limb? Cuz if it is, I'm worried.
I think the reason Dystopia seems underappreciated is that a while back, when Valve released DoDS, they broke the engine for 3rd party mods. It took quite a while for Dystopia to get back up and running, and attention had been diverted to something different - DoDS. Shame really. I think it would have been better if those new maps were released a couple of months earlier though.

@ Militia: Whoo.