Weekly Steam Update (14/10/05)

Betelgeuze said:
Thx vegeta. I do nothing wrong by telling that this steam news is useless for me and I dont care what you people think about that. Im not going to lie about it! "Cool, a movie at the other side of the world, very intresting!"

If you fanboys only want to flame then talk to the hand! Starting a flamewar is as useless as the steam news because I dont care.

Cool, so you gonna turn theese news updates off? Or are you gonna keep bitching about it.

Oh and vegeta, it can be either way idiot.
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.

Funny, I live in South America and it was quite easy to buy. I have no problems with Steam at all.
The news about the film isn't random; it is being released through Steam and therefore is a relevant update. These aren't Half-Life News Updates, or Valve News Updates. They are Steam News Updates.
2Chums Site said:
We are pleased to announce the release of our short film "Zombie Movie" coming soon through Steam, a broadband platform for delivering digital content directly to your desktop.
and what does a movie in LA have to do with steam?
Yes it will be released on steam, but thats not what the steam news is about.

@ Beb: As I said, Im not going to read your posts anymore if you are starting to flame. I dont care what you say, you flamers always say the same stupid things.

Funny, I live in South America and it was quite easy to buy. I have no problems with Steam at all.
I didnt have any problems with steam so far, did I say that?
Dude, if you don't have a credit card, why do you even use STEAM? Steam's purpose is that you give it a number and it gives you fun, I mean why else would they make it other than to make money? Seriously, not being able to buy it is your problem, not anyone elses, because debit cards arent hard to get.
Dude, I am able to buy it and I have all the steam games. Who told you I dont have a credit card?

btw thats NOT the point of my post!
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.
What else could it mean, are Europeans too retarded to figure out how to buy a game? = |
I seriously hope Earth is invaded by either Zombies or the Chinese.
Betelgeuze said:
Who said I was pissed flameboy? Its from people like you that I get pissed off.
The fact is that this steam news is realy useless for European gamers, and that has nothing to do with complaining or wasting a min of my life.

3 Month ago I was in the US for the first time and I realy like the country and the poeple, but you people should remember you are not the only gamers in the world. A little more respect for European gamers would be nice.

-US gamers already had the PSP for 4 months when it was released in Europe.
-DOD:S was released on Tuesday 1AM in Belgium(in the US Monday at 4PM)
-This news post is only for US people because, LA is almoste at the other side of the world for us.
-For European people its hard to buy games from steam.
-If we dont talk English in-game we get kicked or banned.
I can give a lot of examples like this

Those are all small things and its not a big problem for me, but its still not nice.
Hey hey, I'm from Europa and found it interesting. Quit bitching :)
Betelgeuze said:
and what does a movie in LA have to do with steam?
Yes it will be released on steam, but thats not what the steam news is about.

Ok read this, maybe the previous posts were too complicated for you.. It's comming out on steam. That means it "has to do with steam". Steam news = obviously the new information comming soon on steam. This movie is on steam and that means there will be news for it. Get it?