weight gainers that actually taste good?


Jul 30, 2003
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im trying to put on atleast 15 pounds so i can make the next weight class for wrestling at school. does anyone know if there are actually any GOOD tasting weight gain products??
bizzy420 said:
im trying to put on atleast 15 pounds so i can make the next weight class for wrestling at school. does anyone know if there are actually any GOOD tasting weight gain products??
start smoking, drinking, watching TV a lot.

Or have a baby
in my experiance just take a lot of protein and lift weights

great way of putting on good mass and not just fatty shit
yeh for extra protein i recomend balance gold bars and weight lifting
Whey protien is a good, quickly digested protien. And it does taste good! (I get Pro-Rated Whey from Costco,. uber cheap and delicious). Whey is especailly great for after workouts. But try to get most of your protien from natural sources (meat, eggs, nuts, cottage cheese). Eat complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat, yams), for lots of energy and less fat gain. Eat carbs in the morning and afternoon. Eat protien all day long. Eat at least six times a day. And eat A LOT (and lift heavy! but dont lift on a specific muscle group more then once a week).

That is how you get big.

For more information, I highly reccomend www.johnstonefitness.com or www.bodybuilding.com
peanutbutter. The stuff is choc full of calories and protein.
Buy an american flag and wave it around a bit. Talk to everyone in an american accent, and when people ask you if you're an american, reply with '****in A!'.
Dan said:
peanutbutter. The stuff is choc full of calories and protein.
And fat. But it is good fat, and so its ok to have some. Still 2Tbsp/day is enough of that stuff. Its no way to bulk.
lePobz said:
Buy an american flag and wave it around a bit. Talk to everyone in an american accent, and when people ask you if you're an american, reply with '****in A!'.
o/` America, fck yah! Comin again to save the motherfckin day yah!
Fortunatly stereotypes dont really cause weight gain
Yeah whey protein works really well,


its really great its low carb, and has alot of nutritous value to it, and if you want to get even more mix it with milk, because milk has alot of protein in it, and it makes it taste better. (but milk is high carb)

Ach all the commas... oh well
ok thanks for all the info. honestly im not trying to gain muscle right now, as i am pretty skinny, i just need the weight.

at tryouts i pretty much worked everyone in my weight class, so now i jsut need a quick 15 pounds to join the next weight class.
Well, for quick 15 pounds pig out.
but with whey protein in roughly one to two months and a good workout plan, you could gain 20 pounds of muscle

you seem to know alot about this stuff. whats a basic workout plan that i could do like 3 times a week? i really dont want to overtrain right now, but i do need the weight asap. thx
bizzy420 said:

you seem to know alot about this stuff. whats a basic workout plan that i could do like 3 times a week? i really dont want to overtrain right now, but i do need the weight asap. thx

Go over to www.bodybuilding.com, they can help out a lot more, especially in the forums.

As for weight gainers, just eat right and eat a lot. I eat around 3500 calories per day+ and do weight training 4 times a week. Oh, and a chocolate protein shake will never taste like a chocolate milk shake, ever, but some do come very close. I take the Dynmatize Elite Whey, which is pretty good, but don't drink it, just down it in one and you'll be much better off.
Mega Mass
by Joe Weider.

They do taste good (chocolate flavor) They work too.

Ive used it one time when i used to go to the gum and i gained couple of lbs. Just a couple. This is bcuz i dont sleep enuf and always go to bed later than 1 am.
dj_flameskull said:
Mega Mass
by Joe Weider.

They do taste good (chocolate flavor) They work too.

Ive used it one time when i used to go to the gum and i gained couple of lbs. Just a couple. This is bcuz i dont sleep enuf and always go to bed later than 1 am.

Oh yes, good point. Make sure you get at the very, very minimum of 7 hours sleep every night, you should be aiming at 8 hours - 10 hours though per night to gain muscle.
bizzy420 said:

you seem to know alot about this stuff. whats a basic workout plan that i could do like 3 times a week? i really dont want to overtrain right now, but i do need the weight asap. thx

then do some research and make your own plan

also check out www.tricktutorials.com

even though it is a tricking site the forum has some very knowledgable people on this subject