Weird death landings...


Dec 20, 2004
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I wasnt sure what to call this thread, but i had to make it up, coz over the last week i've had 2 weird death landings...

If anyone else has any, please post them in here :D

This first one was in lockdown, at the bottom of the stairs where the 2 iron gate things are.... I think the image speaks for itself..

This next one was also in lockdown, in the big open area with the showers, sinks ans toilets... I was shot up there by a rocket.. :D


p.s. Heres another, just for the hell of it!! :eek:

Once I landed on top of the roof in lockdown in the bathroom area with the hole in the roof. RPG got me into the air then a filing cabinet gave me the extra boost to get up there. No screeny of it though :/

Here's an interesting one of a victim, though.

Edit: Hey, you're that dork that keeps abusing the duck bug.
yer, thats me :D
i know you like to call it "abusing", shame everyone does it like me...Thats duck for a second, jump duck to the side, circle for a bit.. It's the people that stand in the one place whislt ducking that are, as you say, "abusing" it...
I'll be on the lookout for some good screenies when i play tonight
I've occasionally died and fallen into those "antlion holes" in lockdown upon death and once even fell down one and died with a bug. Sometimes walking into a corner would kill me.

But we're not here to talk bugs.
GnaaDXarmy said:
I'll be on the lookout for some good screenies when i play tonight

lookin forward to it... does that mean your gonna try and kill yourself in weird ways :burp:
I got this one a few days ago, I haven't seen anything like it before. The guy got shot up there by an rpg.
Hyperjag3 said:
I got this one a few days ago, I haven't seen anything like it before. The guy got shot up there by an rpg.

Is that guy still alive??!!??! :eek:

God the source engine rocks! :rolleyes:
That picture is crazy, is that him or someone behind/above him? If its him.. his screen is like.. swinging upsidown?
Hehe.. i don't know if you'd call this a "landing" but I've been shot with arrows causing me to get stuck to the wall alot lately.. here's a screenie of one from yesterday


Hehehe.. it looks like I'm standing.. but I'm actually being held up by an arrow ahahah.. sick

I'll be on the look out for more pics whenever I play next

--Jim :cheers:
I dunno what was really going on in that pic, and I died just after I took it. That name must be from someone behind him, I think it might have been who killed him.
here's a good one, someone else shot them with a x-bow bolt, And they ended up here.

AHAHAH.. the pic is awesome.. but I love the convo on the bottom left..

Genocide: /time left
Sick Wee Puppy: too long?


--Jimbro :cheers:
these are ok, but im on the look out for really cool ones @_@


  • ouch.JPG
    80.8 KB · Views: 350
  • Hanging.JPG
    97.9 KB · Views: 335
Hyperjag3 said:
I dunno what was really going on in that pic, and I died just after I took it. That name must be from someone behind him, I think it might have been who killed him.

Shattered... Why didnt you just lie and say "yeh, he was alive.. and shooting at me whilst upside down" JK :LOL:

Its still a top shot though.

The one of that combine stuck in the ladder is cool too... :p
hahah.. the first and third ones look like he's in the "o no, i've-just-been-killed" pose...
Wow these are awesome. I haven't seen any good ones yet, and i dont know how to take screenshots anyway. Well, this gave me a good laugh, thx @ all who gave their lives to die so "artfully"
Hey.. to take a screenshot in the game, just hit F5 (you should see in console that it saved the screenshot). In DM, the screenshots are located in "valve\steam\steamapps\NAME\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\screenshots\"

Have fun! :cheers:

I got a new one today, theres a few dead bodies around, but the one in the back right is meant to be the focus... i dunno how he got in there :)

I still dont think this pic beats ket's "dead man in a cart" shot though..
Infact, if someone can beat that, i will give you....
*drumroll* respect, and some laughter :D

Lanthanide said:
What exactly is coolio talking about?

lol... i was waiting for someone to pick up on that.. you were quick :frog:

he was just one of those tools who spoke crap the whole time..
hence wat he wrote there...


heres one i alomst forgot to put on!!




Tell me, what other games do you know that feature yoga?

I'm considering teaching a class on "dying with style".

Dario D. said:
Tell me, what other games do you know that feature yoga?

I'm considering teaching a class on "dying with style".


Can i be the first to sign up! :D
Coz to get into THAT^ position must be quite hard! :afro:
Heres one, people stretched the plug too much, and well..
i am always a girl, in every game, more fun lol. more shots i got yesterday


ok so i wasn't a girl in this images, but I was really like the stun-stick and so after playing a team match where I was combine I just stayed as combine. Either that or I could say that this is one of those rare female combines.
Knocking myself through the ground of Overwatch and floating down is one of my more proud deaths.
and one more, fyi fy_iceworld is crazy to play melee with 10 ppl