Weird Hole in Africa


Apr 23, 2004
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After buying KeyHole Google has now released Google Earth, which is pretty much a free version of KeyHole.

After looking around the world for awhile, I came across this weird looking hole in Africa. Heres a screenshot: (About 93 miles above ground)
More zoomed in: (About 16 miles up)
No clue what it is. Heres the "bookmark" file for Google Earth if you have it.

Anyone have any clue what this is?
Maybe it's the comet or whatever which killed all the dinos!
You know, just a helpful and honest suggestion, it probably would have been a better idea to post this in the thread that is already dedicated to Google Earth. Less clutter in the forum, you see.

As for the "hole"... Try turning on elevation, and see if that really is a hole or something.
I think it could be either a comet crater or the just the program itself.
looks more like a ver dark shadow from a mountain. Have you tried turning on the landscaps and viewing it from an angle?
Of course, the Americans did it. :p
I think it looks like some sort of creeping black mould trying to take over the earth.
Sulkdodds said:
I think it looks like some sort of creeping black mould trying to take over the earth.
That's exactly it! How didn't we get that who wants to Napalm it?
cyberpitz said:
That's exactly it! How didn't we get that who wants to Napalm it?

Naplam might speed it up. Nuke it.
Just looks to me like a lake reflecting space at you.
Jabba the Hutt throws his enemies in there, its an execution hole.
Looks like a mountain. Pic taken in NASA WorldWind


  • weirdthing.jpg
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You can find if it's a lake by turning on Water in the layers tab.
Heh, so we established it's a lake but that first picture sure looks like God just put out a cigarette in the Earth right there :)
Heh, SHIPPI got ignored. :P Worldwind seems to pwn Google though. Although one day I bet Google will be better than NASA...

Have you tried looking at its location and Googling about it? Something a bit more specific than "Hole thing in Africa".
if it is a mountain, its a really dark and scary one
I am going to agree with Shippi on this one, it is most probably a crashed alien spaceship that set off a volcanic eruption from a lake.
SHIPPI said:
Looks like a mountain. Pic taken in NASA WorldWind
I could never get WorldWind working correctly. The images I try to see just plain suck. :(
It's just a hole that leads to an underground storage area.. containing the holy grail, original crucifix, ark of the convenant, 500 sony PSP's and Munro's office.
DreadLord1337 said:
It's just a hole that leads to an underground storage area.. containing the holy grail, original crucifix, ark of the convenant, 500 sony PSP's and Munro's office.

No biozeminades? ;(
Who do you think built his office and serve's him night and day?

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Looks like a volcano spewing ash to me. But maybe that's just me.
congradulations, you found Africa's ass. :|
looks like a lake to me
It's thousands of people all having sex together...biggest, orgy. ever.
How can you guys guess it's a lake or any kind of body of water then it's black??