Weird problem with my testicles...


Sep 18, 2007
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Lately I've noticed that I can't turn around in one spot by putting my leg over the other because my balls get tangled in my boxers and it creates some kind of hangman noose on my sack, causing excruciating pain. When running I can feel my balls swinging around so much that I can feel them hit my thighs. Also, I can't sit cross-legged anymore, which is seriously disturbing to me. I found out that my problem is what's categorized under "long balls", can anyone share some info or help about how I can deal with this issue? How do people get this anyways? From stretching?
you know what to do
Ah for **** sake! What the hell is wrong with you people?!?
I usually get Rizzo's mom to untangle them for me.

Only thread to make me laugh in a while.

Edit: Wear briefs or boxer briefs and everything will be contained and unable to swing about.
*Rolls up newspaper...

Bacon, here boy! You and I need to have a talk.
sounds like you have the balls of an 80 year old man
I agree, briefs (or banana hammocks if you perfer) sound like the best option, in order to keep everything from moving about.
If you cross your legs while sitting then you dont deserve your balls anyways. Cut them off.
This story has almost no relevance to the thread. It's old and most of you have seen it. I stumbled upon it and reminded myself of how horrible it would be, so now I want to share that horror.
I offer it as a solution though. You're going to lose your penis, so you might as well go out with a bang;

1988 said:
Perry said the man was admitted to a New York hospital for a problem with his penis, which had remained erect for three days resulting in a painful inability to urinate. The man told doctors that in the weeks before his hospitalization, he had occasionally injected cocaine into his penis before intercourse in an effort to enhance sexual performance.

On his third day in the hospital, the man's erection suddenly went down, but blood leaked into the tissues and coagulated under the skin of his feet, hands, genitals, back and chest over the next 12 hours.

The blood coagulation caused the skin, muscle and other tissue to die over large areas of the patient's body, and he was transferred to the burn unit of New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. There dead skin and tissue was removed and amputations were performed to stop the spread of gangrene. The man is currently recovering in a rehabilitation facility.

He lost his penis, nine fingers and his lower legs. Apparently his penis simply fell off.

No but you should think about trying "trunks". They look like boxer shorts, but they give more support for when you're active.
Get yer cojones waxed. Chilly sack is small sack. Problem solved.
Wow, that is a weird problem. Pretty ****ed up man!

What else is weird is... so many guys out there are letting their junk flop around freely in boxer shorts. That's disgusting. Wear briefs... contain and protect your babymaker.
I guess I'll have to go with the no fly zone then... thanks for the support guys. Maybe I should get some undies with the pocket in the front? So I can hide drugs and paraphernalia safely? I might even put in ice packs to shrink my ballsack when in socially stressful situations (and not have to worry about shuffling my testicles around).

You know, I have to say that this affliction is a curse to anyone who might have it, and I hope someday there will be a cure. Until then, us longballers will probably just have to sit down to pee.
Boxers are awesome, I love having my junk free. Keep wearing your gay little briefs, Letters. Maybe one day you can be just like Robin.
Boxers are awesome, I love having my junk free. Keep wearing your gay little briefs, Letters. Maybe one day you can be just like Robin.

First time I ever agreed with ZT.. This is a historic moment, boys.
You mean with no fly zone? Because I can't live with a no fly zone.
A what?
If you mean a place to get your dick out it's that thing on the left

I don't use those anyways, just take the whole top flap down.
tie a bag of ice on them, they'll shrink for a long time and you can enjoy life!

or get this:

and wrap your sack
Lately I've noticed that I can't turn around in one spot by putting my leg over the other because my balls get tangled in my boxers and it creates some kind of hangman noose on my sack, causing excruciating pain. When running I can feel my balls swinging around so much that I can feel them hit my thighs. Also, I can't sit cross-legged anymore, which is seriously disturbing to me. I found out that my problem is what's categorized under "long balls", can anyone share some info or help about how I can deal with this issue? How do people get this anyways? From stretching?

Live as a eunuch.