Weirdest Computer Experiences...

Sep 27, 2003
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What was yours?

Mine was when I was connecting to the internet one day, and somehow managed to connect at the exact same time as someone phoned me (we only have one phone line). There was a really strange moment of electronic uncertainty, a strange squawk from my computer, and then this quiet little voice came through my computer speakers: "Hello? Who is this? Are you there?"

Post yours...
My computer used to print out black smiley faces on a peice of paper at random times for maybe 3 months.
Originally posted by nw909
My computer used to print out black smiley faces on a peice of paper at random times for maybe 3 months.

Sounds like a virus...:E

Our computer will still occaisionally, for no apparent reason, print out several pages of widely-spaced "2"s.

Go figure.
I once bought a stack of cheapo-generic brand CD-R's (you know, the ones that look almost the same on both sides). So naturally one day I put it in on the wrong side, and my 40x CD-rom drive went nuts and started spinning really fast. Afterwards the drive had to be sacked. :(
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Sounds like a virus...:E

Our computer will still occaisionally, for no apparent reason, print out several pages of widely-spaced "2"s.

Go figure.

I don't think it was a virus, if it was it would be really easy to make.

never had one myself, but I remember a person called "CinderElmo" at another forum that can top everyone here...
She had some mighty weird problems, I remember getting excited every time she posted something about PCs in the topic title....

anyhoo, it all started when their phone stopped working. they could still go online, but not place phone calls. When the repair man came to the house, he made a VEEEERY interesting discovery. their house was NOT connected to the phone pole...
yet they could still plug their PC into the wall socket, and get online. hows THAT for weird?

I remember there were many other oddities with their PC, but that one takes the cake.
Originally posted by nw909
I don't think it was a virus, if it was it would be really easy to make.

There is a few worms out there that do that, apparantly some bug in the code while trying to access networks, they accidently access printers which probably will give the meaningless print. There's also viruses that do the smiley face printing too

Then there's the discruntled ex-employee, who'll send 500 pages of black via his/her computer to their old companies fax machine late at night. I had a guy try that on us, silly bugger forgot we didn't use a fax machine and used faxes via the net and the pages were simply pdf's attached to an email instead. Made a bit of a fool of himself heh
Originally posted by A2597

never had one myself, but I remember a person called "CinderElmo" at another forum that can top everyone here...
She had some mighty weird problems, I remember getting excited every time she posted something about PCs in the topic title....

anyhoo, it all started when their phone stopped working. they could still go online, but not place phone calls. When the repair man came to the house, he made a VEEEERY interesting discovery. their house was NOT connected to the phone pole...
yet they could still plug their PC into the wall socket, and get online. hows THAT for weird?

I remember there were many other oddities with their PC, but that one takes the cake.

best guess they were viewing the net offline and didn't realise (since people can think CD drives are cup holders, anything is possible :).. Either that or they'd just connected to the Twilight Zone *cue theme*
sounds like the twilight zone to me.

Hmmmmmmmm. My wierdest experience...Just happened recently actually. I was installing some audio codecs to support my new 5.1 speakers and then my computer rebooted, out of nowhere. NOt that odd I guess, but then it kept rebotting every time the winxp logo load screen came up. It would just restart, and restart, and restart....

Eventually I reformatted and everything better then ever. :cheers:
yeah, but it would only print 1 page, and only one.

if you wanted to make a virus why would you have it do absolutaly nothing?
After playing video games till 5 am one night I fell asleep at my desk. When I woke up my mouse had been shoved up my ass!!

Originally posted by nw909
yeah, but it would only print 1 page, and only one.

if you wanted to make a virus why would you have it do absolutaly nothing?

Shits and giggles.

Weirdest I've had is when I clicked some guys flash movie, and then a scary face appeared and scared the shit out of me. Anyone else experienced this? ;) Seriously tho it was 3am and what I didn't realise was I had the speakers right up >_< bastards.
Heh... my weirdest experience... Well I was playing worms one night. All was going fine, and I was 0wning the computer. They mostly stood still and fired at whichever worm was closest. Then this one... he was smart... he walked farther than I have ever seen an AI worm go, bungee'd down to near the water where one of my worms was, and proceeded to dynamite me into the water. "Damn!" I thought. Game continued, I continued 0wning worms. But I purposely didn't kill that worm. I was intrigued by him. I wanted to see what he would do next. Then, when his turn came up again. BZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTT! My whole computer screen turned green and my speakers started buzzing. HOLY SHIT! :eek: I quickly unplugged my computer and pondered what had happened.
Teh computar tells me to burn things...

Oh, and ... mmmh... well, it ain't that weird, but there was a time that if I was watching the TV, and there was some activity over the cable modem, static lines would appear on my tv screen. So, with every little bit of data that was being downloaded or uploaded, my image and sound were being invaded by static...

Stupid cable company.
I have two actually. The first is similar to the one Brain Damage experienced. I was trying to connect to the internet through dial-up but I couldn't get on. The noises usually made when trying to connect were replaced by static. On about the fifth time I head static and a muffled voice saying something along the lines off "I'm coming to kill you....right now!". I believe I pulled the plug out of the computer and ran downstairs looking for a weapon of some sort. I was 10 and home by myself so I got pretty freaked out. Turns out it was just RFI from the seven giant radio towers behind my house (go figure). One of the radio stations broadcast from them only plays really old music (40's, 50's) and old radio shows. I'm assuming that's what I heard. The other strange experience I had involved my CD-rom drive. It would just open itself for no reason at all, and as soon as I closed it it would open again. That lasted for a week and went away by itself. Very odd....

Edit: I've seen that damn flash video too. 12:00AM with headphones on. It scared the shit out of me.
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Heh... my weirdest experience... Well I was playing worms one night. All was going fine, and I was 0wning the computer. They mostly stood still and fired at whichever worm was closest. Then this one... he was smart... he walked farther than I have ever seen an AI worm go, bungee'd down to near the water where one of my worms was, and proceeded to dynamite me into the water. "Damn!" I thought. Game continued, I continued 0wning worms. But I purposely didn't kill that worm. I was intrigued by him. I wanted to see what he would do next. Then, when his turn came up again. BZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTT! My whole computer screen turned green and my speakers started buzzing. HOLY SHIT! :eek: I quickly unplugged my computer and pondered what had happened.

He is the one...
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Heh... my weirdest experience... Well I was playing worms one night. All was going fine, and I was 0wning the computer. They mostly stood still and fired at whichever worm was closest. Then this one... he was smart... he walked farther than I have ever seen an AI worm go, bungee'd down to near the water where one of my worms was, and proceeded to dynamite me into the water. "Damn!" I thought. Game continued, I continued 0wning worms. But I purposely didn't kill that worm. I was intrigued by him. I wanted to see what he would do next. Then, when his turn came up again. BZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTT! My whole computer screen turned green and my speakers started buzzing. HOLY SHIT! :eek: I quickly unplugged my computer and pondered what had happened.

Clearly your worm has become self-aware, and used the green screen and buzzing noise to transfer its personallity into your subconcious. Soon you will find yourself throwing bananas at your enemies, trying to work out why they are not exploding ...

i fell of my chair pulling the keyboard and mouse stand (pullout thingy) along with what else the KB and mouse cords collected on the way.

it was a realy freaky image with screaming and creapy organ music for about 3 seconds, full volume, 3 in the morning.

damn thing still burnt into my retinas, and the pullout thing has never been the same.
Originally posted by burnzie

i fell of my chair pulling the keyboard and mouse stand (pullout thingy) along with what else the KB and mouse cords collected on the way.

it was a realy freaky image with screaming and creapy organ music for about 3 seconds, full volume, 3 in the morning.

damn thing still burnt into my retinas, and the pullout thing has never been the same.

keke, it hit you a little to had eh?

I never watch those things again, ever...
Yes... I have had one of those Flash animations too. The one I got was by e-Mail, and informed me that if I stared very hard at the picture in the attatchment, I would see a ghost. I had my head really close to the screen and speakers when the "ghost" appeared.

It scared the **** out of me.

I invented new swearwords.
once i asked the computer what one plus one is and it said 10
Woah, Kyle2, I'd format your hard drive if that's what your computer's coming up with.

Everyone knows that 1 + 1 = 11.
Yeah. Seen the flash too. A friend of mine sent this over to me. "heh.. funny flash ..." I started to watch, was amused, then i shat my pants! it was 4 in the morning too and really tired. Never again.

Ive had that weird experience with a modem, tried to connect and then someone called me at the same time and spoke to me through the modem. WTF?

The weirdest thing was when my screen turned the picture upside down all of a sudden, when i ran win 98. I could not get it right, so i had to turn the monitor upside down to get the picture right and then fiddle with the controls, uninstall and reinstall the drivers etc. and restart.

Go figure. And to those that had random printouts of smiley faces; I think i have done something similar to a friend of mine who just got a computer and didn't know anything about them, so as a prank i set it as a scheduled task to print out the words "All your compütr powr are belong to us" every 3 hours.

Another one from me:

The scenario... we had just moved house, and were setting up our belongings in the house we currently live in (this was eight years ago). I was setting up my Amiga 500 in my bedroom, at the same time as my Grandfather was setting up the TV in the lounge.

I had just gotten the Amiga set up and switched on (to the "Insert Workbench" screen, for those who remember) when my Grandfather called me from the lounge. I walked in, and Lo and Behold, on the screen of the TV (which was plugged in, switched on, connected to the aerial, but not tuned in) was a fuzzy reproduction of the Amiga 500's "Insert Workbench" screen. I put it down to interference. I call the effect "CRT Telepathy".:E
On the subject of flash animations, has anyone seen the one where you are supposedly trying to find waldo? After about a half a minute, an image of a woman who looks like a freaking vampire comes up along with a loud screaming sound. I was screaming at the same time my computer was haha.

Also, even though this doesn't involve my computer, it creeped me out for a while:

I was playing the dam level on Goldeneye and I had killed everyone in the area with the little garage. I saw one guy in the distance and I went up to him but he wasn't moving at all.

You know how the models heads were kinda blocky? Well this guy had one face on each side of his head. I turned the power off and ran down the stairs haha.

This was years ago and I still remember it.
one time something exploded inside my computer, but it still works :]
A little silver component fell off of my TV card, but it still works. Naturally, I am left wondering what its purpose was ... ?
On just one occassion, a green coffee cup started flashing on my monitor with the words "Take a Break!" underneath it - although the computer had only been on for about twenty minutes. There was no way to turn it off and no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find a process running anywhere to explain what it was.

A strange hardware problem used to happen to my old PC. One day the power just turned off, dead. There hadn't been a power surge or power cut and everything else electrical in the house was still working. I had a look inside but couldn't really see anything that was wrong, and the power supply seemed fine. Then after about three days I in vain pressed the power button and it came on, working perfectly. Then about two weeks later the exact same thing happened. Three days after that the computer was working again and I never encountered the problem again - but still have no idea what might have caused it.
I had someone remote access my home PC and I came home one day only to find some jackass sorting through my personal files.. But he got his.. I was able to hunt down his IP, afterwards I contacted a hacker friend of mine and he, well, lets just say he got owned !!!
those flash animations are funny...

first one I saw said "Turn on your speakers, after a short awhile a hint will play"

sooo...I looking, face comes on with a scream. I jumped, but not then I was looking for something that would burn...I stared at that thing for a long time...LMAO
Originally posted by Kyle2
once i asked the computer what one plus one is and it said 10

Well, it is!

In base 2

You probably had the calc set to binary :)

Oh, wait, is this a joke?
Okay, ive got some...

I was playing Black and White really late one night, and all of the sudden the game just said "...Henrik..." (my name) in a really spooky voice. Man, i thought someone talked to me first so i replyed...then i remembered...i was alone *da da da DAAA*

Second one (getting more and more off topic...):

I just modded my Geforce256 with a better cooler/fan from a p1. The core ran at 72-75 C before the mod, so the card was really hot. Okay, so i sat in my room, and all of the sudden i heard a loud BANG! I jumped off and looked into my comp...the gfx fan had stoped! OMG! 75 C ides WITH fan means .... omg.....

The card did survive this though :)

Ive got one more thing...cant remember it right now...hmmm... maybe later!
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Okay, ive got some...

I was playing Black and White really late one night, and all of the sudden the game just said "...Henrik..." (my name) in a really spooky voice. Man, i thought someone talked to me first so i replyed...then i remembered...i was alone *da da da DAAA*

Yeah, that happened to me too. B&W is very cool in the easter egg respect, the devs coded it to read names from the registry and then recorded hundreds of spooky-voiced names in case one matches....there's also a load of stuff to read the date and time like easter or christmas.
I came home one day to find my computer on fire...

So a lesson to you all, don't leave your puters on 24/7 downloading. It could be you next :)
I was up late doing some work on the comp, and i heard this really weird music coming from somewhere. It was pretty creepy so i cautiously put my head against the headphones......turned out it was a bug on the wall making some strange noise :S

Back in the good old days of the N64, i had it all set up ( i thought) and began to play goldeneye. The picture was a bit fuzzy so i took a peek around the back of my televison.....the RF cable wasnt even plugged into my tv, it was under my desk about a foot away :O
L33731, I might need your friend for a job. Found out a couple weeks ago that someone has a remote access virus on my computer. And I am too lazy and unsure of re-installing windows. So far nothing like going through my stuff has happened.

So far the only strange things that I remember is....

1: The printer acting like it was just connected to a power source at around 20-30 minute intervals.

That is the only thing I have ever seen my computer do for a while that did not have an explanation.

Then... it happened.

2: CD drive would slow down and speed up on discs that when inserted before would run normaly. Stopped eventally, about two weeks.

3: Computer made a sound like it was checking the HD or floppy disk drive at 20-30 minute intervals. Stop about a month later.

4: Discs would not automadicly execute when inserted. Stoped after restarting computer.

5: Screen would turn a greenish tint at random times, plug to the moniter is tight and secure. Problem still happens, for about 2 months. Happening right now...

6: Pop-up ads now appering. Problem lasted for about one month, stopped recently.

7: Shortcuts appering on my desktop for casinos. Probably form the pop-ups. Stopped with them.

8: Mysterious active programs called Vyfiles(?) and Msbb(sounds familiar) appear soon after the discovery of the remote access virus. Unable to find and deleat programs.

Those scary flashes. They are the only thing that makes me fear the dark. Lucky, whoever posted them on this MB didn't trick me.
I really wouldn't be too concearned by what you have just told me, as these could be happening at random without the intervention of a hacker..

What you really need to look for:

Your PC turning on and off without you touching it..

Your mouse arrow moving around without you touching it..

Programs running that you did not execute. ( I.E. hitting CTRL, ALT, DEL and see whats running. )

Finding Icons on your Desktop or Startup Menu that you didn't create ( other then Casino's because thay have been known to Appear after popups )

Hearing your CD Drive spin while your not using it..

1: The printer acting like it was just connected to a power source at around 20-30 minute intervals.

Dude that sounds like some creepy sh|t there

4: Discs would not automadicly execute when inserted. Stoped after restarting computer.

90% of disks automatically execute when inserted, but there are some that do not.. Did these same disks autoexe before ??

5: Screen would turn a greenish tint at random times, plug to the moniter is tight and secure. Problem still happens, for about 2 months. Happening right now...

That sounds like a resolution problem.. Try refreshing your screen, or even turning it off and turning it back on.. If that fixes it you may need a new moniter.. I am having somewhat of the same problem, but when I turn it off and turn it back on it's fine ??

6: Pop-up ads now appering. Problem lasted for about one month, stopped recently.

Internet Provider Problem

8: Mysterious active programs called Vyfiles(?) and Msbb(sounds familiar) appear soon after the discovery of the remote access virus. Unable to find and deleat programs.

Are you running XP ?? Cause I get those same file types after I visit certain websites.. But I have never had any problems deleting them.. Check out your control panel and see what you have installed.. If there is something fishy on there just delete.. Always remember to run your Virus Scan every couple days..
I was playing a song my friend downloaded, and all of a sudden across the screen a message flashes:
"How does it feel to be stealing music?"

Originally posted by Mitoboy

5: Screen would turn a greenish tint at random times, plug to the moniter is tight and secure. Problem still happens, for about 2 months. Happening right now...

I had the exact same problem with my old monitor. After I got my new monitor, no more green tint.

So for me it was a faulty monitor, but maybe its different for you, I don't know.