Weirdest Computer Experiences...

Originally posted by CokeLite
One time about 4 years ago we were in keyboarding class and our computers were so old you had to boot up the program in DOS. Before class started I switched the keyboard plugs with the person sitting opposite of me. When he turned on his computer I could see he was trying to type something but it showed up on my screen. After about 15 seconds I type "Hello David"(his name) to his screen. It took all the willpower I had to keep from laughing at the look on his face. Then to make it even funnier the teacher walked by me and faced him to where she could see him but not his screen and she leaned on this moniter and started to talk to him about something. When that happened I typed "Tell that bitch to get off of me now OR I WILL KILL BOTH OF YOU" and kept hitting enter and f1 so it scrolled down his screen. I was told that his scream was heard throughout the entire building. :eek:

Another funny thing I did in that class... the computers had that keyboard lock where you could use a key to lock/unlock it. The day before the finals I locked ALL of the computers and the following day we were unable to take the final! (I thought for sure they would know how to fix it but I guess they didnt.)

This is too good to be true. Absolutely hilarious.
They had an advertisement for a game called virus that went something like this after you change the icon and name to microsoft word's: you double click on it and up pops a window "Would you like to delete folder 'windows' and all of its contents?" As you try to click on no, the mouse slides to yes, and if you wait long enough, if will pop up this window that has all your files scrolling through it until it finishes. Then your screen goes blank. About 5 seconds later, a message comes up letter by letter on the screen, "Thank God this is onle a game."

Once i was at wal-mart (They installed these fancy new self checkout machines a few months ago) and the self check out machines starting printing out receits a mile a minute and each one had a different signature on it.