

May 14, 2003
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I think this was mentioned in last months PC gamer and some other places, that you could use a weapon or tool such as the manipulator to "weld" things together,
I was wondering just for fun, what you guys would do with it if you could attach things together.
I would probably attach some stuff to a car and use it like a riot truck.
I'd put a spike on the hover craft and go impale some combine.
I'd weld a dildo to a hover-craft and go screw some combines.

I'd also weld a toilet to the buggy for easy bathroom access on long journeys.
I would weld a bunch of barrels to the wall and use them as a step ladder to get a height advantage over the zombies. Then i'd laugh at the poor A.I. as the zombies walk around in circles, trying to path their way to me as I blow their brains out with the glock.
Shodan said:
I think this was mentioned in last months PC gamer and some other places, that you could use a weapon or tool such as the manipulator to "weld" things together,
I was wondering just for fun, what you guys would do with it if you could attach things together.

I would do this
Its stainless steel art
riot truck thing would be fun. chasing combine down, impaling them, then prying their stiff corpses off the steel rods
mrxskinny said:
I would weld a bunch of barrels to the wall and use them as a step ladder to get a height advantage over the zombies. Then i'd laugh at the poor A.I. as the zombies walk around in circles, trying to path their way to me as I blow their brains out with the glock.
The AI could handle that, though zombies won't. :)
The welding I belive was only in the e3 demo (2003) just to show off the phyics engine (and if you had tried the stolen alpha, there was a bit of it in that to)

They also said It wouldn't be in the final game? not sure on that.
Six Three said:
I'd put a spike on the hover craft and go impale some combine.
They asked Rick if that was possible with a buggy and I think he said it was, so i guess you will have the chance to do it.
Uhh, welding wasn't shown in the 2003 e3 video. That would be pretty cool if it was in the game though.
removed going to be in the final game? If it was I would've thought that it would be shown in this years E3 vids and the fact that it was only in last years makes me think it was just there to help show off the physics.
Celethang said:
Uhh, welding wasn't shown in the 2003 e3 video. That would be pretty cool if it was in the game though.

yes, the physics part was, they were using the handgun model and it could stick other objects together.

was in the room with the water in the center and the dead combine solder where they played around with the manipulater.
weld pieces of shit to sides of buildings then climb up onto building... then escape from teh map >_<
seriously though, if its in the game, u would only be able to weld to certain materials ;)
I heard that this weapon won't make it into the final game as it was there only to play around with the physics. You have to admit, that although it would be fun to do it is kind of hard to implement in the gameplay. Still, i suppose that someone could mod it pretty easily.

I can't wait for someone to model a monster truck buggy with spikes on it's wheels so that you could stick combine on it as you drive over them.

About the impaling thing, would that be possible? I mean we have seen Striders do it but is it an ability exclusive to striders? Could we do it to a zombie with a long sharp piece of metal?
Its so hard to use , you have to line two points up exactally. Hopefully it will be a give weapon_ in the final game. I would try to make a oil drum boat , but then Id remember the barrles in this game dont float.
DimitriPopov said:
Its so hard to use , you have to line two points up exactally. Hopefully it will be a give weapon_ in the final game. I would try to make a oil drum boat , but then Id remember the barrles in this game dont float.

1. No you don't, they snap together if they are near each other.

2. Barrels do float in this game but they have to be empty.
Space Cowboy said:
About the impaling thing, would that be possible? I mean we have seen Striders do it but is it an ability exclusive to striders? Could we do it to a zombie with a long sharp piece of metal?

Play Painkiller and your question will be answered (by using th wooden stake gun).
I dont think the welding will be in the final version
As much fun as welding promises to be, I would rather play through the game without it. If it were my choice, I'd make it some sort of prize for completing the game - unlocking the use of the welding gun so that it didn't distract me the first time through.

Mr.Magnetichead said:
1. No you don't, they snap together if they are near each other.

2. Barrels do float in this game but they have to be empty.

They all sound as if they are empty and they are all light enough to be lifted. Im not saying its a limitation thing , just a choice. Ive never had them snap together , if they try to do that one of the objects does a really fast 360 and I can never get it back in line. I have to get them lined up before manipulating , and then get lucky.
hype.db said:
As much fun as welding promises to be, I would rather play through the game without it. If it were my choice, I'd make it some sort of prize for completing the game - unlocking the use of the welding gun so that it didn't distract me the first time through.


Why would it distract you?

It would help you.

If I were stuck in a room with half a dozen zombies and 1 clip of pistol ammo the physgun would be a god send.
maybe you could get the welding gun with some kinda of cheatcode
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Why would it distract you?

It would help you.

If I were stuck in a room with half a dozen zombies and 1 clip of pistol ammo the physgun would be a god send.
You're right, it definately would help you - a little too much is my point. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the physgun ;) I just know I would be sitting there on the first level playing with the physgun instead of playing through the game heh. That's the only reason I think it should be allowed or unlocked after you've beaten it. *shrug*
Im sure it would be no different than cutting a zombie in half with a flying razor, so you prolly can impale them.
I think welding will be in. It opens up so many possibilities in gameplay and that is exactly what Valve is going for.
To be honest, I think saying things like it will detract from gameplay is kind of backwards nowadays... Detract from what gameplay? shooting things? I think it would be awesome to start having games shift a little attention off the 'shooting things' aspect and into other places that could be equally fun and exciting.
Styloid said:
I think welding will be in. It opens up so many possibilities in gameplay and that is exactly what Valve is going for.
To be honest, I think saying things like it will detract from gameplay is kind of backwards nowadays... Detract from what gameplay? shooting things? I think it would be awesome to start having games shift a little attention off the 'shooting things' aspect and into other places that could be equally fun and exciting.
I didn't mean it'd bring the gameplay down. I guess it goes both ways. First I'll think of some technique I could implement, then I'll realize how cheap it would be. I'm pretty indifferent about it.. either way I'll love playing the game.
Impaling will be possible, i read sumwhere (mayb in the valve speaks section) sum1 asked gabe if impaling wuld b possible and he said yes, if u get a lampost or anything u can impale combines :)

And as for welding (btw i made exact same post bout month ago) :D i think it will be in final game but only in MP and i think its going to be hard to use
Months ago when I used to hang around here, every thread I made on welding got deleted and no mods would even talk to me about it.

now what the hell is the deal with that?
I would weld a bunch of wood together and make a small shack, then use the manip to move the whole thing around with me so I have a place to take cover at all times... ok maybe not
Welding would be fun, but it probably would be very bad for balancing. There's always glitches in the map that you can use to skip the level, or use unfair tactics.
It's like the hook/rope gun in Sven Co-op, it's a whole lot of fun, but it cripples the balance.
Impaling will be possible, i read sumwhere (mayb in the valve speaks section) sum1 asked gabe if impaling wuld b possible and he said yes, if u get a lampost or anything u can impale combines

OMG that would be sooo cool! I can't wait to make a map where Combine are standing on a tall building and there are long, sharp, metal spikes below :devil: .
Chode said:
Months ago when I used to hang around here, every thread I made on welding got deleted and no mods would even talk to me about it.

now what the hell is the deal with that?

I think they just can't be bothered any more. There's so much info around now, I've seen several beta spoilers slip through lately, but there's not much point in reporting them...
PvtRyan said:
Welding would be fun, but it probably would be very bad for balancing.

I agree. I am all for welding in single player, but it would be unfair in multiplayer. I don't think it would be much fun to have to deal with walls of barrels blocking off portions of the map. It might be fun once or twice, but that's it.
I think welding in multiplayer should be modified so that 2 players are required, so both players have to fire each of the 2 red dots to weld, this would add teamplay.
shapeshifter said:
yes, the physics part was, they were using the handgun model and it could stick other objects together.

was in the room with the water in the center and the dead combine solder where they played around with the manipulater.

Nope, Welding was NOT shown in the E3 2003 video. Watch it again.

Bad memory = punishment for playing the leak.
I don't think they should have it in the game at all, It'd be cool as a cheat ( "give weapon_physgun" type thing) but anything else and it would make some bits overly easy.
Chode said:
Months ago when I used to hang around here, every thread I made on welding got deleted and no mods would even talk to me about it.

now what the hell is the deal with that?
There was one thread that got pretty big, I remember you contributing lots of ideas to it. That thread was actually the birthplace of the mod I'm part of.
someone refresh my memory, i don't rember seeing anything welded in last year e3 movie. where does it show ?
shyy said:
someone refresh my memory, i don't rember seeing anything welded in last year e3 movie. where does it show ?

It doesn't. Just some morons played the leak and it was in there. Then their memory started playing tricks on them.