
If it isn't officially in the game.. there will be a cheat to get it or if not.. someone will simply make a mod so the weapon is accessible :)
Im so going to attach barrels to the front of my buggy and run down combine.
Feath said:
It doesn't. Just some morons played the leak and it was in there. Then their memory started playing tricks on them.
You shouldn't call people morons you know nothing about, Or jump to conclusions about what people have or have not done :rolleyes:

Regardless if some one had tried the stolen alpha or not (it wasen't a "leak" if it was a leak that meant some one in valve released it) It doesn't make them a "moron" as you imply, if anything it seems to point that towards some one else making said claims when they know ZERO facts. :angel:
Well...If the welding isn't in the game..I'm sure one of the mod people can make a patch that WILL have it in..
Id make a swing with loads of barrels as the rope and a table as the seat.

Or barrels on the back of the buggy as a swinging tail.
Is it just me thinking of an A-team stuck in a barn with a tractor and ample welding equipment mod? Or a remake of the single player game as McGuyver?
82ross said:
Id make a swing with loads of barrels as the rope and a table as the seat.

Or barrels on the back of the buggy as a swinging tail.

Just married, eh?

There seems to be a lot of assumption that you'll be able to weld non-metal. If only I can be there to laugh my ass off when you try welding a piece of wood, setting it on fire, which then spreads through your contraption's structure until reaching the gasoline-filled barrels, blowing you to dumb-ass bits. :laugh:
Ok, I'm confussed now. Some say there is, some say it's not going to be in the game.

I need a confirmation, and those who say no can you back it up, please?
it wouldnt set anything on fire, it uses little "blobs" that you stick together

"weilding" is the wrong word, id say its more like "glueing"
The two blobs act more like magnets than anything else. also because they can repel each other (when coming from the wrong side).

I highly doubt it will be in the game; it just wouldn't fit in. How would you make something like that work? Some kind of alien gun that shoots blobs that stick to each other? Or maybe an invention by one of the scientists? I don't hink so... The manipulator is one thing, but asigning magnetic specifications to sticky blobs coing out of a gun? Nah...
i think it has been confirmed that it wont be in the final release, but i guess they could mod it back in :)
Mr Neutron said:
Just married, eh?

There seems to be a lot of assumption that you'll be able to weld non-metal. If only I can be there to laugh my ass off when you try welding a piece of wood, setting it on fire, which then spreads through your contraption's structure until reaching the gasoline-filled barrels, blowing you to dumb-ass bits. :laugh:

What are you talking about just married. And its not an assumption you'll be able to weld non-metal objects, you can, its an assumption that it will be the same if included in the final release.
You could weld in the leak....

You could make some crazy barrel forts or something.....that'd be fun!
Baal said:
You could weld in the leak....

You could make some crazy barrel forts or something.....that'd be fun!

You could have a Dedicated server and build a Clan fort! Everyone could see your clan fort and praise you! Then rival clans could have Fort sieges! Imagine that! :thumbs:
perhaps it won't be in the final gameplay but you can acquire it through the console
im gonna weld barrels to a bunch of jeeps, and play bumper cars... hehe

and too many of u have played the leak, its just sad.....
picture a mod where you have a "builder" class and each team starts on an island with a whole bunch of junk...barrels, pallets, metal slabs, girders, etc...and a few vehicles...

everyone works together with manipulators and the weld guns to build armored vehicles and bridges and forts and stuff...no two games would be the same...it'd be sweet...you could have tdm or ctf or some other goal...like...building a bridge or something to a 3rd island where there's a switch you have to press to win...you could have people who attack the other team's bridge and people who build and defend the bridge and crap...it'd be fun as hell

and people refer to it as welding because in the leak there were sparks and crap when you got the "blobs" close together.
Hehe, a "Junkyard Wars" style HL2 mod, now that would be interesting.
For SP, the weld feature sounds like it could unbalance play, BUT GOOD GOD YALL. MP with custom fortresses and such?!?!?! Imagine the sheer fun of that... like a MP mode switch that uses only zeropoint cannons!
Maskirovka said:
picture a mod where you have a "builder" class and each team starts on an island with a whole bunch of junk...barrels, pallets, metal slabs, girders, etc...and a few vehicles...

everyone works together with manipulators and the weld guns to build armored vehicles and bridges and forts and stuff...no two games would be the same...it'd be sweet...you could have tdm or ctf or some other goal...like...building a bridge or something to a 3rd island where there's a switch you have to press to win...you could have people who attack the other team's bridge and people who build and defend the bridge and crap...it'd be fun as hell

and people refer to it as welding because in the leak there were sparks and crap when you got the "blobs" close together.
Ehm... yeah... that would be cool wouldn't it? I swear, if such a mod were in the works, I would so be part of it... oh wait. :p


I normally wouldn't want to 'advertize' like this, but what you described is sort of the foundation of our mod. There's not much on the site, but things are working, rest assured.
well i hope you guys do well...though i would bet you're not the only ones working on something like that...hopefully enough talented people will work on a mod like this (junked or otherwise) so we can all have fun doing some zany stuff