Well, at least we'll be seeing some developments this week.


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
9/24 - Strategy guide released... or not. Either way, we will gain more clues to the release date, and the game itself.

9/26 - IGNPC goes to Japan and tells us if anything new is at the HL2 showing.

So, this week shouldn't be *that bad* of a wait. Right guys? Guys?
i hope something good happens soon like tomarrow. Im thirsty :x
well, theres supposed to be some kind of announcement on the 22nd right? right?

The Half-Life 2 display will be presented by ATI Technologies Japan. The Tokyo game show is scheduled for September 26th.

ATI Technologies has announced, specifically, that it will be hosting a "Theater Booth" where gamers will be able to "experience" Half Life 2.

No information has been released yet about new info, it could be a video or even a playable demo
It will just be the E3 demo again.

It's deja vu, all over again.
As I have stated a few times before, my thought is that this is just the Valve HL2 tour being wrapped up, they started at E3, went to ECTS, shown the E3 footage, and are now about to appear in Japan with a "theater booth" just like they did at the other two shows.
People have to realise that this isn't Valve showing Half-Life 2. It's ATi.
Yes, this week should be good... but, if not, there's always next week...
E3 repeat. 98% Guaranteed.
Maybe, just maybe, we'll get a new screenshot.

But I doubt it.
Originally posted by Letters
Yes, this week should be good... but, if not, there's always next week...

No. Heh. If nothing comes this week, we're pretty much screwed.
Originally posted by omlette
No. Heh. If nothing comes this week, we're pretty much screwed.

agreed , this is probably the most important week out of this whole waiting period. So expect good stuff to happen this week , if nothing happens then like you said "we're pretty much screwed"
and counting................................................screw this! im gonna get myself a microwavable burrito for the wait :E
dammit...well if its delayed, i'll buy the strategy guide to tide myself over lol...usually guides have mutliplayer tips, right?
Originally posted by SupaKoopa
dammit...well if its delayed, i'll buy the strategy guide to tide myself over lol...usually guides have mutliplayer tips, right?

Yea. It will be a very troubling sign if the guide does not come out, however. Anyone planning to buy it?
this game is actually going to be more thinking than shooting, like i got 1 bullet, the guy has 100 hp, and he comes at me, adn i shoot a rope holding a "conveniently placed chandelier" on his sorry ass......ME1, other guy-0!!!! i won that round :E
I think that the release date for the guide has been made up. I can't believe Valve would take all this trouble to keep everything secret then let a strategy guide come out before the game does.

The earliest you can expect it is on the same day as Half-Life 2 is released.
i only like strategy guides AFTER i beat the game, that way, i can findout cool new things, and go back for stuff i missed, also, guides spoil the ending, and if not, they sure as hell ruin the game for me.
i hope this doesnt turn into ut2k3 release date type

"2 more weeks" followed by "when it's done" 3 months later "2 more weeks" a month later "when it's done!"
Guides usually come out a while before the game... so here's to hoping. That way we can at least know it will be on time, and at the most get some new tidbits of (non spoiler) information.
Originally posted by RoyGBiv
on amazon the books come out (October 7, 2003)
once again, hopefully anoher wrong date, now that i think of it, i cant remember ANY game that ive waited this long for, and has had so many turnarounds (like al the fake release dates, etc.), this "wait" is really exciting, yet boring at the same time :E
this is going to be an interesting week for sure, cant wait to see the response in these forums :)
Originally posted by undertoe
this is going to be an interesting week for sure, cant wait to see the response in these forums :)

I'll give you a preview:

Bitch, moan, Bitch, moan, Bitch, moan etc.
im pumped, all thanks to these forums, and Valves promise of keeping the game that we know very little about, a pretty good secret, and shrouded in mystery. But if they do switch the dates on us, boy will i be pissed lol
how can the guide be out already, and yet we've never heard of anyone having it?
that is pretty wierd, wonder if i should try to order one and see what happens.... lol
on the 26th, one way or another, i'm sure someone will make some statement about release.
We will know for sure if HL2 is ready for release because Steam will begin pre-loading it one week before release. If we don't hear anything by tommorow or at the latest Wednesday, then we know it's going to miss Sept. 30th. Unless Valve has something else planned. But this is something they said very recently to sptcodfry so.... we will know very soon I guess. It all comes down to the next couple of days.
They're only going to preload it if you have decided to purchase it through steam. What would be the point in wasting the banmdwidth if you don't buy it through steam, and more importantly, what would happen when the hackers would figure out how to crack it and then everyone would have HL2 for free.

So don't expect to see anything updating that large until you can even have the option to buy it through steam and you chose to do so.
Well thats' what I meant actually. I know we won't all buy HL2 off steam (and I know we won't all be pre-downloading it), but the option to buy it should be appearing shortly if they mean to give it to players (encrypted) a week before the 30th.
ok, just making sure. But maybe the whole "loading a week before" may fall through while the actual release date may not. It might be possible that they can't preload as early as they had told Spitcodfry so we shouldn't start freakin' out until we hear Valve come out and say "hey, it's gonna be delayed." And until then, I'm not gonna worry about it too much. If it's delayed I'll be disappointed, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. I'll just keep playing BF1942/CS ntil it does come out.

dis, I wish that was the attitude everone on these forums had. If it gets delayed it's for the good of the game and we shouldn't worry about it. The most it could get delayed would be about a month anyway (unless it's really behind). And your right about not making assumptions until Valve gives an official statement.

I just wanted to say that because otherwise a lot of people are going to start freaking out about it. Lol, I want this game as much as anybody else, but yelling and cursing about it like a child is only going to make it worse to deal with. But I guess quite a few people on this forum are young teens so I guess it's normal for them to freak out when they don't get what they want.