Well, at least we'll be seeing some developments this week.

Quoted from the message boards at Primagames.com:

Posts: 182
Registered: Jan, 2000 Don't believe everything you read

Sometimes it takes a while before the stores can update the publishing date for our strategy guides. Prima's Official Strategy Guide for Half Life 2 will come out at the same time the game is released.

09-15-2003, 04:01:14 PM
Original message by vini33088:
HOW can a strategy guide come out before a game, when even the games release date isnt confirmed yet? Can anyone explain this?
good one ^ now people won't be wasting their money on a strategy guide a week before the game comes out just to have something in lieu of HL2; I'm sure some people would buy it just for the hell of it; but if both come out on the same day I think there would be less people interested in it.. they'll be more occupied playing the game :P
Originally posted by BloodyL
Nope, I've never bought a strategy guide in my life.

Same here. That's what GameFaqs is for.

No seriously it really lessens the whole experience if you read a guide or cheat the first time through.

I'd like to find out a *few* facts about MP options.
Originally posted by |\/|oDdiC(_)$
once again, hopefully anoher wrong date, now that i think of it, i cant remember ANY game that ive waited this long for, and has had so many turnarounds (like al the fake release dates, etc.), this "wait" is really exciting, yet boring at the same time :E

I'm sure you've waited for games longer than this...

People tend to forget the HL2 was announced roughly 5 months ago.
I don't think its really a lot to do with the length of time we've waited, it's because we don't know for sure if HL2 is coming out on the 30th and because it is such a ground-breaking game. If we knew for 'sure' whether it was to be released on the 30th or delayed it would make the wait far easier.
For me the problem is not how long i have to wait, it's the not knowing that kills me :).
Originally posted by BloodyL
Nope, I've never bought a strategy guide in my life.

Same here..lol. Its not like a simplistic FPS game like half-life 2 needs a strategy guide or even a manual for that matter.
I don't think HL2 is simplistic Sunbeam, Valve have mentioned quite a few times that they have given the player several ways of attacking a particular problem, some might go into a situation gung-ho, while others might try a stealthy approach and come in quietly using their surroundings and others might try to keep a distance and use the surroundings and it's physics properties to do the work for them.
Originally posted by DarkStar
I'm sure you've waited for games longer than this...

People tend to forget the HL2 was announced roughly 5 months ago.

Doom3 would be a nice current example, going on 8 months delay. Also DNF seems to live up to its name and take FOREVER :) will be rocking games too though but I am seeing forward to HL2 the most, by far!
Oh well this week will not be decisive as it wont have a too great impact on HL2 release but it will tell us how and where things are going.

Its interesting to see how Half Life 2 is the
"Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank: 1" : )....Oh I pray for it to come out soon and that my beast pc will come in time
I bet you £10 that the Japan thing is the ECTS/E3 thing.
personally i think there will be something new at this upcoming show, just to stir it up a bit before launch. hoooo-cann ya feel the excitement!
Originally posted by soman
Oh well this week will not be decisive as it wont have a too great impact on HL2 release but it will tell us how and where things are going.

Its interesting to see how Half Life 2 is the
"Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank: 1" : )....Oh I pray for it to come out soon and that my beast pc will come in time

if u order it from them and assuming they have it at the right date, would i recieve it on the 30th or would i have it after?
Originally posted by Headwires
if u order it from them and assuming they have it at the right date, would i recieve it on the 30th or would i have it after?

I ordered Freelancer from Amazon.co.uk and got it the day it came out.
Tommorow will be a tell-tale sign wether it will come out on the 30th or not.