Well hello thar! It's been a while.


Space Core
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
I don't even remember how long it's been since I've logged in. But here I am. And it was my birthday yesterday, which means in a month I'll have been here for THREE YEARS. How crazy is that?!

But I've also moved to Reddit.com because I kind of like it there. When Portal 2 comes out (holy crap, and so is Duke Nukem Forever) I'll visit more often.

Site looks great and stuff blah blah.
Welcome back, it's drinkty here. Don't water the safe.
Well hello thar! It's been a while.

Hey guys, how's it going? Hopefully you remember me, lol. I'm back! ! ! (just went up to the shops)

I don't even remember how long it's been since I've logged in. But here I am. And it's was my birthday in a month, which means in a month I'll be ONE YEAR older! How crazy is that?!

But I've also moved to Microsoft Word because I kind of have to write an essay. When I'm done with that (holy crap, I have a research assignment too) I'll visit more often.

Site looks great and stuff blah blah.
What a fitting thread I haven't been here in like 2 months ololololo
You became a redditor instead of posting here? Damn, shit must actually be going downhill. Valve needs to release a new Half-Life + SDK.
The doghouse.

geddit? heheheheheee
Yea I moved out of my parents house and just got all my bills payed, my new house-shopping done, so I can finally buy the extra shit like internet and cable :) Just got it today
How careless can you be? Why couldn't you just break into a random families house and use their internet in the meantime? Sheesh... proves where your priorities are.
We were stealing it but then the bastards put a password on it.. Plus we got ridiculously fast net now, downloads a gig in like 10 minutes. Crazy business. Now I can play multiplayer games tho :D