Well I am faced with quite a decision.

Anyone else find it ironic that the argument against circumcision in this thread is a lack of sensitivity? :v
Those who aren't circumcised aren't in a position to compare them either.
Bullshit. You're advocating for someone to potentially remove a great amount of sensation in a limb based on a potential upside, whereas I'm advocating preserving the appendage as it is, based on the known downsides of the procedure. We know that you lose sensation and go through a great deal of pain when you're circumcised; it's the amount that's in question. You're basically telling someone to undergo a treatment that is guaranteed to harm him, but that, as you're defending, will only remove a variable (which will be different depending on the person/procedure) amount of sensation/pleasure for the rest of his life. You're arguing this position based on your own experience, where you have no idea how much you sensation you lost, or how much pain you underwent as an infant.

I can imagine having a penis that barely feels--heck, I've had mine chafed raw pretty badly before. I and everyone else on the planet knows what pain and losing sensation is like, and knowing that the pain of circumcision is a million times worse than chafing makes it all the more frightening. You, however, don't know what having an uncircumcised penis is like. I do have a stronger position than you, because I at least know how sensitive I am. I can (and have/will) endure pain and desensitisation to my body without surgical procedures, whereas until they can restore nerve damage to the dick, you'll never know what being uncircumcised feels like.

I don't need to be a doctor to tell someone that chopping a finger off will damage them for the rest of their life. I would need to be a doctor to tell them how much pain they'll probably experience, and what kind of cut will hurt more. That's the difference between our stances.
I can imagine having a penis that barely feels

If you can imagine this, then I can imagine having a penis that feels more. Why can't I? I know what sensitivity feels like. Just like you can imagine pain, I can imagine sensitivity.
If you can imagine this, then I can imagine having a penis that feels more. Why can't I? I know what sensitivity feels like. Just like you can imagine pain, I can imagine sensitivity.
Except you haven't. I have been burned before. I know what excruciating pain, followed by weeks of numbness is like. I just don't know what it specifically feels like to have a penis with a great loss of sensation. An experience which would be even worse, because it's one of the most sensitive, and definitely most pleasurable of places on my body. I can feel excruciating pain at any time, should I wish. There are very few (safe and practical) ways for you to feel increased pleasure to your penis, should you wish.

You know how people take certain drugs because it increases bodily sensation? That's probably the most direct way to experience amplified sensation. Unfortunately for them, it lasts only with the drug, and does a whole other assorted amount of shit to their brain.

Fortunately for uncircumcised people, they live with (comparitively) amplified sensation for their entire lives.

Shut up viper. My penis is plenty sensitive.
Okay, great. But you still don't know what my penis feels like, and I don't know what yours feels like.

That's all it comes down to and I didn't come into this thread to have this stupid argument again, like always.
Got me there. Mellish, just go through with circumcision. After all, you'll never know how sensitive everyone else is.
I can retract about halfway down when non-erect, barely at all when it is erect. When I actually tried to have sex it was hard to put in and when I did my foreskin rolled right back which was quite painful. She was wet, but I wasn't wearing a condom. Also I'm willing to give stretching a go, if it does work.

Edit: I'm also getting it off the NHS, so there would be no need to tell my parents for money.
I would buy some lube if I were you. Plenty of girls who have difficulty getting wet use it, why can't guys who can't retract their foreskin use it? Try it out at least, before subjecting your old fellow to the meat grinder.
I guess I have Phimosis D:

I always knew it didn't seem right, and it's always kind of bothered me because of that.
Oh I love this thread. I skimmed it, but what I got from it was that Veggies wants to touch Viperidae's penis and vice versa to see which is more sensitive. :D
I think my problem may actually be Frenulum breve, which seems worse.
I can tell you that being circumcised isn't as bad as what you may think. Of course I have no idea what having a foreskin is like, but there's still plenty of skin there that you can slide around... Eugh okay that's enough of that.

I vote get circumcised.

I'd rather having foreskin otherwise my piss will go all over the place
Choose the long term solution. In the age of underwear foreskin isn't exactly that important and lowered sensitivity in the penis will actually be a benefit since you'll last longer in bed.

I do wonder why do you feel you need to lose your virginity, though.
Absolutely, there should be no pressure in that department.
Choose the long term solution. In the age of underwear foreskin isn't exactly that important and lowered sensitivity in the penis will actually be a benefit since you'll last longer in bed.

I do wonder why do you feel you need to lose your virginity, though.

this, also if you make her cum before you do, you'll be a champ and she'll tell all her friends
I know there shouldn't be, but there naturally is. I'm the only one I know out of all my friends whos a virgin!
Having sex at 17, is like being good at skateboarding when you are 14, it seems important at the time, but it really isn't.
When we talk about circumcision here, I think we've also lost the thread of why it is on the table. This isn't the barbaric and needless circumcision carried out on babies, this is a surgical procedure intended to alleviate intense pain during sex. It seems logical to me for you to try treatments which are less invasive first, however you must be prepared for them to not be entirely effective. If you are happy to have a period of time where you won't have a definitive answer then try the other approach.
I know there shouldn't be, but there naturally is. I'm the only one I know out of all my friends whos a virgin!
Lie like they are. The girl's name is X who goes to school Y. If they want to meet her, make up a story like "she broke it off with me because her boyfriend begged for her back, I don't care because I got what I wanted!" You seem like a dick, but your friends seem like dicks too so win-win right.
Let's face it, having a circumcision means that there's no drawback.
As Pi would know.
Well it's not really a decision you can undo, so you have to ask yourself if you're willing to risk going through life unable to go back except whatever limited things modern science can accomplish for you(if there is anything, I don't know).

That's precisely the reason I wouldn't do that to my children if I had kids, because it's me making a decision for them for the rest of their life, and I don't think that's cool. It's not even something really that seems appropriate to bring up in an argument. "Thanks for the circumcision asshole!"

I mean really, has anybody ever had a conversation about that with their parents? I can figure their reaction would be, "well my religious beliefs demand that I..." yeah, but what about my religious beliefs or lack thereof. All it really does is lends potential for resentment in my opinion.
Lie like they are. The girl's name is X who goes to school Y. If they want to meet her, make up a story like "she broke it off with me because her boyfriend begged for her back, I don't care because I got what I wanted!" You seem like a dick, but your friends seem like dicks too so win-win right.

Haha, don't do this. If they know you as well as my friends did, they'll figure it out pretty quickly. :P
Well it's not really a decision you can undo, so you have to ask yourself if you're willing to risk going through life unable to go back except whatever limited things modern science can accomplish for you(if there is anything, I don't know).

That's precisely the reason I wouldn't do that to my children if I had kids, because it's me making a decision for them for the rest of their life, and I don't think that's cool. It's not even something really that seems appropriate to bring up in an argument. "Thanks for the circumcision asshole!"

I mean really, has anybody ever had a conversation about that with their parents? I can figure their reaction would be, "well my religious beliefs demand that I..." yeah, but what about my religious beliefs or lack thereof. All it really does is lends potential for resentment in my opinion.
I don't think the circumcision of non-Jews and non-Muslims in the US has anything to do with religion.
That's precisely the reason I wouldn't do that to my children if I had kids, because it's me making a decision for them for the rest of their life, and I don't think that's cool. It's not even something really that seems appropriate to bring up in an argument. "Thanks for the circumcision asshole!"

I mean really, has anybody ever had a conversation about that with their parents? I can figure their reaction would be, "well my religious beliefs demand that I..." yeah, but what about my religious beliefs or lack thereof. All it really does is lends potential for resentment in my opinion.

I feel the opposite way. For one, there's really a very small chance that my child would have any resentment. You know very well that a circumcised penis feels great, so it's certainly not going to be a problem in that area. The only thing I could see is if he just gets really upset with the fact that it's unnatural and that it was done against his will.

And the second thing, is that he's going to be growing up in america, where having a circumcised dick is considered normal. I don't want him to be/feel ostracized or have girls run away scared because of his 'abnormal' penis.
I don't think the circumcision of non-Jews and non-Muslims in the US has anything to do with religion.

Yes, I know it's done because it's supposedly "cleaner" to have a circumcision. However I would like to see study results on this, because I think it's bull shit. Also americans take a shower twice a day, so it's not like it would make much of a difference. You're not living in the dark ages where you'd go for months without baving.

The only thing I could see is if he just gets really upset with the fact that it's unnatural and that it was done against his will.

I know I would be.

And the second thing, is that he's going to be growing up in america, where having a circumcised dick is considered normal. I don't want him to be/feel ostracized or have girls run away scared because of his 'abnormal' penis.

Americans - confirmed for being weird.
Firstly thanks for bringing to to my attention as an actual issue Mellish, I had no idea. (It seems most people who are affected often don't realize until late, maybe it's something kids should learn about at an early age?)

Secondly, I'm going to attempt to remedy this without the help of a doctor first, as some home exercises seem to work for a lot of people.
As a circumcised American who thinks circumcision is pretty swell and who can be trusted when he says he has NO lack of sensitivity, let me just say this:

Why the hell are you feeling pressured into having sex. 'Salright and stuff, but you make it sound like your life goal or whatever. I'm not some weird abstinence weirdo person, but I do think teenagers are way too "holy grail" about it.

cut it cut it cut it cut it
your penis
ITT: People play with themselves.

As for the actual topic, I'd say that you should hold off on the circumcision unless it's absolutely necessary.
Why the hell are you feeling pressured into having sex. 'Salright and stuff, but you make it sound like your life goal or whatever. I'm not some weird abstinence weirdo person, but I do think teenagers are way too "holy grail" about it.

Agreeing with this. First off, half the people that say they've had sex at your age are likely bullshitting because they think it will make them look better. Second off, the more you pressure yourself into it, the more chance you have of your first taste of sex being less than satisfactory because you end up doing it for the sake of it, rather than finding the right person to do it with.

Sex for the sake of it can be pretty rubbish. Trust moi.

The definitive source for all things penis
My two cents: I'm circumcised and I have no complaints. Granted I don't know what it is like to be uncircumcised, but that fact has never really bothered me. I will, however, leave that choice to my children once they are old enough to make that choice.

As for which surgery: If you are up for it, go for the lest drastic measure first. If that fails go snip it off. You do run the risk of having to undergo two operations but once its off its off... try avoid cutting off irreplaceable parts.

I think we need a HelpLife2.net subsection in the lounge.
Does anyone remember that article someone linked to a while back that opened "Is there anything more dangerous than a foreskin"? Good times.