Well i know where ill be tomorrow morning....


Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
Well Eb at place d'orleans , ottawa called me tonight saying i can pick up my hl2 ce at 9:30 in the morning tomorrow

ill be right there when it opens

So will everybody else in the world, buddy. lol, as the saying goes "Youre special...just like everyone else."
Dude, have you preordered it? Cuz if you haven't then I'm sorry to say that you may not get it on release. I went to EB the other day to check on my copy, and I asked the dude working there if I was guaranteed a copy. He said only if you preordered. I thanked God. Then I asked if alot of people had been asking about HL2 and he said, "Hell yeah." I hate to be the bearer of bad news.....
i know i know but i just couldnt help spreading the good news...

the funny thing is when i finished paying for my preorder this morning the person in the cash didnt even know the street date even was the 16th
Not true. They can put you on a call list to tell you if the game has just been released.
actually they wont... i called one time about another game and they said they wont call unless you preordered...
that is exactly what they told me...