Well, I seen some ss of HL2 beta...

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The light engine is VERY poor! I cant believe that it takes them more than 5 years to make this game and still have a poor light! I dont understand why most people want this game than Doom3. Doom3 is simply owns HL2, I am telling you. I feel so sorry for ID, they are working so hard on doom3 and many people dont give damn about doom3 and buy HL2 instead.

I will still buy HL2, though.
Because you don't have the most recent beta. Duh
It's people like you, that give the intelligent headcrabs a bad name.
Ok couple things here

1. Youre going to get flamed for jumping to conclusions. Get a mat (if you get this part , you are awsome)

2. Youre in danger of being banned

3. This will be locked

4. Youre wrong , incomplete code etc etc.
Doom 3 suxors hehe, Half Life 2 rohxors.
No but seriously. U cant actually judge how really the engine works by just looking at the beta or whatever it was. Cos like half of the stuff if not more doesnt work the way its suppose to work so what are u complaining about.... :dozey:
The Doom3 Alpha was fun, but still a little weak. I haven't played the HL2 Beta, nor do I plan to.
Comparing id's doom ALPHA release and saying it's better then hl2 BETA release would be a fair comparison.

since alpha is prebeta

alpha meanse there is alot more time to spend before the final game is released. beta is mostly a already finished game where they want to get out the crucial bugs etc... that's why there are alot of open beta's. those games are nearly finished. an alpha release is far from being finished.

so if you think the alpha of doom is better then the beta of hl2 chances are your going to like doom 3 alot better then hl2
everyone said the game didn't run in D3D .. only OpenGL, and valve has said on another occasion that hl2 doesn't support opengl :/ i guess opengl is like .. all options off. just rendrs map/models/hl1-style-lighting .. ect
lighting is only if you have it rendering on open gl if you switch to direct 3d it looks awesome
There's something terribly wrong here but that's way too obvious.
hahaha, Omg, this beta is spreading like wildfire, and people are sooo freely admitting it... POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

*waves Canadian flag above his head*
Was the light engine poor, or was it a poorly lit map? HL2 doesn't use the same kind of shadowing routines as Doom3, from the interviews, it seems that they use a more traditional lighting model, where you'd have to use tricks to get it just right. I haven't seen any of these beta screenshots...

Honestly, I saw only a few beta sc's n they didn't give much away. It was Big G hurling a barrel, and a shot of the buggy...

Shitty as sc btw, poor quality, none I've seen so far are an accurate representation of how the game will look. Then again I haven't really been looking, I'm sure their are some actuall good quality ones out there, with the settings JACKED
You are going to get banned because this forum is now a little panzygirly girls forum where the BETA can't even be mentioned.
Hey guys, I've seen shots. It says build 4 on it. Build 4 is like... well the 4th build they've made. It's ANCIENT. Games can easily go over 50 builds before they even get sent into beta. This doesn't even qualify as an alpha.
Errrrmmm let's look at it this way.

The ALPHA version of Doom III looks better than the BETA version of HL2. Now we don't know which'll be the best looking in the end, but right now IMO, Doom III has the upper hand.

If HL2 ships with those awesome DX9 shaders we saw in the HDR video, it wins in a snap.
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
Errrrmmm let's look at it this way.

The ALPHA version of Doom III looks better than the BETA version of HL2. Now we don't know which'll be the best looking in the end, but right now IMO, Doom III has the upper hand.

If HL2 ships with those awesome DX9 shaders we saw in the HDR video, it wins in a snap.

It's not a beta you moron.
Originally posted by 4port
It's not a beta you moron.

Yeah thats what I was going to say , this is stolen and incomplete code , it dosnt qualify as any kind of beta or alpha.
HL2 ships with those awesome DX9 shaders we saw in the HDR video, it wins in a snap.

Did you read leaker/hacker's message about E3? He/she said thet Valve is lied to make fake demo for E3 to get people attention. It mean that you will never see some goodie that seen in E3 on HL2's real game.

BTW, you guys said that it is beta to make that lighting look poor. You are WRONG! I seen those poor lighting in E3 demos, also. It reminds me of Quake 3 's engine.

Also, Rmr hacker said that he have everything what Valve have for HL2. If valve lied to us with one word about beta then hacker will release EVERYTHING WHAT VALVE HAVE.
Originally posted by 4port
It's not a beta you moron.

It wasn't compiled from the source, but stolen from Valve along with the source.

But that's not the point

You HAVE to call me a moron?

Don't be uncouth, grow up, instead of flaming left and right.

HL2.net Forums: Attack of the Abjects.

Originally posted by Ckabusk
Did you read leaker/hacker's message about E3? He/she said thet Valve is lied to make fake demo for E3 to get people attention. It mean that you will never see some goodie that seen in E3 on HL2's real game.

BTW, you guys said that it is beta to make that lighting look poor. You are WRONG! I seen those poor lighting in E3 demos, also. It reminds me of Quake 3 's engine.

Also, Rmr hacker said that he have everything what Valve have for HL2. If valve lied to us with one word about beta then hacker will release EVERYTHING WHAT VALVE HAVE.

Okay okay, I am going to release EVERY THAT I KNOW ABOUT THE HACKER .... I didn't want to, but here goes.

  • He has no life
    He has never had a girlfriend (Virtual Valery doesn't count)
    He has no idea on how to please a woman
    He has probably attempted suicide more than once
    He has no real life friends

If the hacker doesn't kiss my ass, I will reveal the most shocking truth about his life so far .... you won't wanna miss it.
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
It wasn't compiled from the source, but stolen from Valve along with the source.

But that's not the point

You HAVE to call me a moron?

Don't be uncouth, grow up, instead of flaming left and right.

HL2.net Forums: Attack of the Abjects.


shut your piehole and go rape a sheep you inbred halfwit.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Ok couple things here

1. Youre going to get flamed for jumping to conclusions. Get a mat (if you get this part , you are awsome)

2. Youre in danger of being banned

3. This will be locked

4. Youre wrong , incomplete code etc etc.
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