well it is that week they said the surprise would be announced!?


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
so when do you think valve will release the HL2 SDK and the surprise?
they said it would be this week....but will it be today..monday? or it could even be friday-sat or sunday :( :S dam it...:(

what you think! i want the half life 2 SDK! and the surprise! hehehe
It'll be this week.
Certainly won't be before 8 am PST today.

Hopefully they won't make us wait too long.
I hope they'll give it to us early this week, my I guess they'll release it on wednesday or thursday. The official update-day of the week.
I think they will release it today....


Least they could do is post a news update if they know when its coming,but thats not valves style. :dozey:

OMG yoda is above me!!

Damn i may change my avatar now :(
one day.... said:
I think they will release it today....


Least they could do is post a news update if they know when its coming,but thats not valves style. :dozey:

OMG yoda is above me!!

Damn i may change my avatar now :(

I hope we get it today so bad...
I thing they said SDK is coming on Wensday ... not sure if that counts for the surprise also
I thought about it and I think it might be HLS DM
I bet we don't hear anything then a lot of people get pissed off at Valve and call them liars.

I don't think I'll get long odds on that.
azz0r said:
I thought about it and I think it might be HLS DM
That sounds really boring. Half-life DM with ragdolls and nice looking water.
A surprise! A surprise! :bounce:

You guys are just like kids on christmas eve :rolleyes:

Hey, wait a minute, most of you are kids...
AJ Rimmer said:
That sounds really boring. Half-life DM with ragdolls and nice looking water.
Noo my man, with the manipulator.
Maybe it's a bicycle or something? Or world peace perhaps?

Or maybe just some Counterstrike maps... Isn't not knowing things fun!
i bet most people will be dissapointed with the surprise... i don't think it'll be something big, as they only mentioned it as it was only this little thing in that news update... ''oh, and we'll have a little surprise too...''

if you just don't have any high hopes, you won't be dissapointed!

so don't expect greatness :p

i want face poser so badly though :p
OMGZorX VaLVe iS tEH lAtE AGOooN!?!?!

I predict tuesday or Wednesday for the announcement. Friday at the latest.
Clavius said:
Noo my man, with the manipulator.

He was talking about Half-Life: Source Deathmatch. That does not have a manipulator.
i hope it is half life 2 dm or bots with cs:s.

Half life 2 new little sp maps would be :O :O :O wow
There's a 1/6th chance they'll release it today. 1/5th for tommorow, 1/4th for the day after that, etc...
Just wait and see.
you mean when are they gonan releace hl2 multiplayer *crosses fingers*
who knows what the surprise is!

it could be as small as valve announcing Media screenshots on "TF2" "HL3 LOL I WISH"

or it could be

extra hl2 levels/extra cs:s levels

Bots for cs:s

hl2 dm \ Multiplayer
I wish they'd give us more official info, just even what patches they are working on. We've been living in an information vacuum since the release.

Information vacuums suck.
if they could at least tell us the day they are going to release stuff.

and what patches are to come would be sweet!

i wish the day was today :( who knows it still could be
New stuff always comes on Tuesdays. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Who knows. They'll probobly make us wait until friday.
Teta_Bonita said:
There's a 1/6th chance they'll release it today. 1/5th for tommorow, 1/4th for the day after that, etc...
Just wait and see.

GG........ :LOL:
Most important Steam platform updates are Wednesdays at 6PM. It's the time of least average activity on Steam.
Teta_Bonita said:
There's a 1/6th chance they'll release it today. 1/5th for tommorow, 1/4th for the day after that, etc...
Just wait and see.
i'm sure you meant BY instead of FOR. cuz according to this, there will be 100% chance that it is released no sooner than Saturday. but there is also a very high chance that it is released on friday :D
i think the will release the update wed cause that is a good day for anything to be realeased
Yellonet said:
A surprise! A surprise! :bounce:

You guys are just like kids on christmas eve :rolleyes:

Hey, wait a minute, most of you are kids...

All hail commander Obvious
I know Valve's big 'surprise'....


Alyx was a MAN! ahhhhH!

Sorry, that was pointless, but I couldn't resist.
Yeah, it's most likely just an announcement......I doubt a big update such as an added multiplayer component to HL2. The best I'm hoping for is more CS:S maps (Although, CS:S is so bland after playing with HL2's physics..... :hmph: )