Well...THAT hurt...


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, woah. WTF.

About 15 mins ago, i get up from watching Return Of The King on TV. I get up to go to the toilet. Standing over the toilet as one does and emptying my tanks, i suddenly felt my heartbeat lowering.

And i when i say lowering, im talking to a beat after 6 or so seconds, which naturally is ****ing low. I put my hand on my chest and thought 'Thats really low', and suddenly im lying on my back in my shower with the shower door covering me (its a big glass/plastic roller door so it popped out of place from its rollers), and a blinding pain in my right leg where i had obviously landed with my full weight on the shower step.

So i get up, start laughing, holding my leg as my mum bursts through as id woken her up, naturally. I just looked at her and said 'I...dont even know how that happened'. I leaned against the wall taking deep breaths, and my head was a little bit dizzy.

It was just a complete blackout. I dont remember falling back or landing. WTF!!!
As i write this im perfectly fine, my heartrate is normal again, all i have now is this awesome pain in my right thigh lol. Thats gonna be nice and purple in the morning im sure! Im guessing it was just a head rush, but hell, why did my heartrate lower to almost nothing causing me to pass out?

Just thought id share this freak show with you guys.
Wow, that's definitely not good. Blood clot maybe?

I'd get to a doctor and/or hospital immediately if I were you.
Sounds like a tumour to me.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Its so weird as im perfectly fine right now :S

And its not like im an unfit kinda guy. Yeah i could exercise more like everyone else, but im not as bad as most. Hell, im only turning 21 in just over a week! lol
Goto >

EDIT: That's...that's supposed to be a doctor.
Its so weird as im perfectly fine right now :S

And its not like im an unfit kinda guy. Yeah i could exercise more like everyone else, but im not as bad as most. Hell, im only turning 21 in just over a week! lol
Sounds like you're in the high-risk zone for Sudden Death Syndrome.
Blood clot or heart rate problems. I doubt it's a seizure, although your symptoms are a bit reminiscent (aching pains in limbs, most of the time the arms)
i blacked out when i stretch really hard after i've laid down for a while...did you stretch before?
Blood clot or heart rate problems. I doubt it's a seizure, although your symptoms are a bit reminiscent (aching pains in limbs, most of the time the arms)

No no the pain in my leg was a result of landing on the step of my shower lol, not like a heartattack pain, its bruised and swollen where i landed on it.

Couldve just been a result of a delayed headrush, but it was atleast 20 secs or so after i got up from the couch to even get into the bathroom anyway. Thats why its so weird.

Anywho, ambulance is on its way now. Rather be safe than sorry when something unusual like that happens right?
It's starting to sound a little more like a potential seizure.
So... why didn't you share that with your mother and pretended as if nothing really happened?

Good to know you called the ambulance and will get checked by a doctor. :)
You really need to stop horsing around on forums and see a health care professional.
so you were taking a piss, your heart rate dropped, then you sat down and your mother came in. Did you put your "package" back in your pants?
Go see a doctor and get yourself checked out. Apparently anyone can really be carrying a heart condition and be completely oblivious to it. You might've seen or heard recently about the death of Antonio Puerta, a Spanish footballer. He had a fatal heart attack on the pitch, and he supposedly suffered from random fainting and the like in the past. The medical staff couldn't find any real explanation for them at the time, but now you know...

Edit - Ah yes, you called an ambulance. Definitely better safe than sorry.
so you were taking a piss, your heart rate dropped, then you sat down and your mother came in. Did you put your "package" back in your pants?

The question everyone's thinking

Let us know how it turns out
If you die, can I have your steam account?

EDIT: That sounded insensitive. Can I have your steam account please?
Let us know whats going on when you get back from the hospital Dynasty, hope everything is well!
Shit oh mate, sounds like you got up from the couch a bit quick. Hope you're cool
Sounds like a minor stroke.
Seriously, go see a doctor.
If you die, can I have your steam account?

EDIT: That sounded insensitive. Can I have your steam account please?

I caught you and your fake edit!

Let us know how it turns out. We are your only family after all.
I caught you and your fake edit!

Let us know how it turns out. We are your only family after all.
It wasn't a fakedit, it was a ninjedit!

Seriously though, hope you are ok dynasty, and hope it's not something like a bloodclot that could have turned into a deadly stroke killing you instantly.
Poor bastard was killed when the lousy English ambulance driver with bad teeth and mouth smell that could gag a maggot ran him over as he walked out to meet the ambulance and fell again...
I lol'd, krynn

I also clicked your sig... again..
Hope it's not serious.

Krynn, your sig link is really ****ing annoying.
Don't be dead, man.

Or greviously injured, that's bad too.
Erm... It *could* just be that you have low blood pressure. Happens to me every once in a while when I get out of bed too quickly.
Well apart for the huge bruise and swelling on my right thigh (mustve landed pretty hard lol), the doctors last night and this morning said 'you seem to be fine, nothing looks out of the ordinary from what we can see'.

So, it would appear it was just...a freak of nature lol. Been told go back if it happens again, and that calling 999 was a smart move as its always better to be safe than sorry. Was quite impressed with their response time too :)

And for all those weirdos on here, yes, i just got my package covered up again before my mum burst in :P

And thanks to all who hoped i was ok :)
Damn you, Krynn!

It's pretty easy to get rid off though, just press to close the window and hold down ENTER through all the messages until it goes away.
?ynast? said:
Anywho, ambulance is on its way now. Rather be safe than sorry when something unusual like that happens right?

LOL ambulance is expensive as hell you coulda saved money just by going to the hospital yourself
Why the hell are you guys saying Blood Clot?

The symptoms are absolutely 100% NOT reminiscent of a blood clot. Besides, blood clots generally don't even have noticeable symptoms.
I use to have blackouts all the time, but have stopped completely recently. There was a time that I lost consiousness for a second or two, woke up and took a minute to re-familiarise myself with my surroundings, remember who I was, who my parents were, where I was.

Another time, as I started getting accustomed with blackouts, I carried on walking during one. Unfortunately I lost my balance in my right leg, and hit my head against the oven/grill door :P