well the girl is gone and its my fault

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Oct 7, 2003
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me and my lady have been fighting off and on for a long time now.. and tonight she found out i was spyin on her msn hotmail..... even tho there wasnt anything bad to find, she still found out. so now she feels betrayed and this was the last straw!

ive never really been broken up with before and im sad but i feel it was kinda gonna happen no matter what and that even tho i might have lost a best friends outa it.... it was kinda ment to be...

does anyone else have a worse story to make me feel better cuz im kinda bummed that my lady hates me forever. :bonce:
Eightball said:
me and my lady have been fighting off and on for a long time now.. and tonight she found out i was spyin on her msn hotmail..... even tho there wasnt anything bad to find, she still found out. so now she feels betrayed and this was the last straw!

ive never really been broken up with before and im sad but i feel it was kinda gonna happen no matter what and that even tho i might have lost a best friends outa it.... it was kinda ment to be...

does anyone else have a worse story to make me feel better cuz im kinda bummed that my lady hates me forever. :bonce:
Shoulda had trust and not spyed on her hotmail...but cheer up you will probally get back together.
Nah she won't hate ya forever...also i guess i can't help much cause i've dated my girl now for about a year and half and havn't broken up... although i have thought about it... but being alone sucks ass so screw that :-P

i've really only "broken up" with my last girlfriend after two weeks. Which really wasn't a big deal to me except i was pissed cause she was hot as hell and very nice body! damn! Almost brings a tear to my eye :`(
ouch sorry, but what where you doing spying on her? Sounds like there was a trust issue there.

if it's any consolation: you're too young to have a serious relationship ...that's what life in your 30's is for

here's a story that may cheer you up. A friend of mine caught his wife cheating (he hired a detective and he showed him pictures within 24 hours of being hired) ...oh and they have a 3 year old son ...they've broken up but he's still fighting her in court for joint custody ...cost him $110,000 to get rid of her ..plus lawyers fees
spying is dumb and i wish i never did it... i feel like a moron cuz it was the final straw in our problem relationship... wich on the other hand was sooooo good at times.... im lost doods
Wait a few weeks then buy her a big bunch of flowers and chocolates. Women can't resist chocolate... its their version of testosterone!
get this man.... SHE DOESNT LIKE CHOCLATE... i think shes a super sexy robot cuz as long as ive known her, she doesnt like that stuff.
my girlfriend doesn't like the whole chocolate thing either

neither does she want stuff on valentines day (i did and she got kind of mad about it), or pretty much anything else. Well i didn't get her anything on her birthday cause she was being adament about DO NOT BUY ME ANYTHING... so i was like alright.... i wasn't sure if that was more "i say no but i mean yes" sort of thing so i didn't then she cried because nobody got her anything for her b-day...

lol women
lol yeah nothings worse than a girl who says one thing and means another. poor girl not gettin anything
aeroripper said:
my girlfriend doesn't like the whole chocolate thing either

neither does she want stuff on valentines day (i did and she got kind of mad about it), or pretty much anything else. Well i didn't get her anything on her birthday cause she was being adament about DO NOT BUY ME ANYTHING... so i was like alright.... i wasn't sure if that was more "i say no but i mean yes" sort of thing so i didn't then she cried because nobody got her anything for her b-day...

lol women

hahaha :D
I've got a worse story but i'm not the type that spills stuff out over public forums, so PM me if you need to hear it. Long story short i'm now hated by someone - and even though i'm seeing someone else it just feels totally wrong.
If you interupted someones privacy like that, you deserve it.

I'm glad she left.
moppe, have a heart. Some girls you just can't trust however much you love them and however much they love you... granted it's better to stay away from such girls, but you try doing that if you love one.
Eightball said:
me and my lady have been fighting off and on for a long time now.. and tonight she found out i was spyin on her msn hotmail..... even tho there wasnt anything bad to find, she still found out. so now she feels betrayed and this was the last straw!

ive never really been broken up with before and im sad but i feel it was kinda gonna happen no matter what and that even tho i might have lost a best friends outa it.... it was kinda ment to be...

does anyone else have a worse story to make me feel better cuz im kinda bummed that my lady hates me forever. :bonce:

Good on her, I would of done the same.
Yeah spying was wrong but for gods sake people nobodys perfect and the guy needs cheering up!
I would be kinder if he posted abit more, as all he said was that him and her had been fighting, so he spyed on her hotmail user, he sounds like an ass to me.

Maybe she was cheating on him? If so does he have any proof or any reason to think this, if so then I might feel abit more, but as it is it sounds like he is a jerk.
lePobz, sorry, but I can't agree with you.
This has already happened, nothing could change that so I don't understand why he is upset. He could try to repair it, or get a new girl.
Fat Tony! said:
think about it this way: your better off without her
Actually: She's better off without you.

It's totally your fault and you deserve it. Trust is #2 in a relationship behind communication and you totally broke it.
Fix up, look sharp.

You didn't trust her, and now she's gone. Time to move on.
ship said:
Actually: She's better off without you.

It's totally your fault and you deserve it. Trust is #2 in a relationship behind communication and you totally broke it.
agreed, nobody but himself to blame.
The Dark Elf said:
agreed, nobody but himself to blame.
LOL!Omg guys...anybody else wanna take a stab at being harsh toward this guy?
Tr0n said:
LOL!Omg guys...anybody else wanna take a stab at being harsh toward this guy?
OK .... Eightball, you seriously screwed up... you might as well just go get yourself a darwin award now. Seriously, what were you thinking?

He, like most people through out the world, was paranoid for one reason or another. He slipped up, but thats no reason to kick him while hes down. It was his fault, but perhaps there was a reason for him to lose trust?
You guys are really harsh, hes upset after breaking up and you have a go at him. Bugger off guys!
i had basicly found her lookin on my computer for "stuff" and she found some old conversations and shit i had from an old GF. This was in the beginig

I date a lot of girls and this is the only one that i have ever really cared about and ive made all these weird mistakes, as if i was ment to make them??

that doesnt make any sence i know, but with this girl, i had the best of times and for some reason, put up that double standard thing..
i had found her lookin at my email before, doin the exact same thing... but the reason its such a big deal now is because we had a conversation about things we gotta do to change our relationship or else we were done forever. but before that, when she left, she left msn open and i couldnt help but look....

also to the guys who flame me right away.
everyone makes mistakes and ive realized them by posting here.
i dont need you all to be some kinda parent and say "ya well u deserve it cuz ur a big ... bbllah blah.."

**** off, seriously.

have you NEVER done something stupid in ur life? are you perfect in every single way?

i realize i was a dumbass but im not lookin for u all to condem me. but to tell me how u all have been in the same boat....
Eightball said:
i realize i was a dumbass but im not lookin for u all to condem me.
But you were looking for them to sympathize with you.

Although I kinda do, sorry man. It seems like it would have ended one way or another eventually anyway, though, right? Off and on relationships usually end with one "final" thing, but it was bound to happen. Blaming the one incident usually isn't the case.

By the way, my cat pierced my belly button if that makes you feel any better :thumbs:

"99 Problems"- Jay-z that will cheer you up.
haha i got that cd, im gonna play it right now

i just need to get outa my house
Eightball said:
also to the guys who flame me right away.
everyone makes mistakes and ive realized them by posting here.
i dont need you all to be some kinda parent and say "ya well u deserve it cuz ur a big ... bbllah blah.."

**** off, seriously.

have you NEVER done something stupid in ur life? are you perfect in every single way?

i realize i was a dumbass but im not lookin for u all to condem me. but to tell me how u all have been in the same boat....
Note:Keep personal things...well...personal. :thumbs:
the cheese is NOT hard and the flowers are not watered....

so leave the cheese out and water the flowers! :thumbs:
if i could smash u in the head , i would do it... your ignorant and dont understand that ppl somtimes do dumb things.... like me smashing u in the head
Eightball said:
if i could smash u in the head , i would do it...

I find that very improbable, even if you were in the same room.

your ignorant and dont understand that ppl somtimes do dumb things.... like me smashing u in the head

omg lolz igorrant lolz omg
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