Well, Wish me Linux-Luck


May 15, 2003
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As soon as i'm done with this, it's a series of reboots and whatnot to attempt to install Debian Linux on my spare HDD.

wish me luck!
The Dark Elf said:
Good luck.. but linux? whhhhhy :p

I have to agree there. My experience with Linux has been...well.....lets just say I held out through five days of pain and anger, trying to install a driver for my graphics card, before I finally broke down, fell to the ground, crawled to the corner, and wept quietly out of sheer frustration. I was never actually able to get the damn thing working correctly, so I promptly nuked the HD and returned to Windows without looking back. There is something fundamentally cool about Linux and the ideas behind it, but in reality, it's a mess to use.
Well i have linux redhat 9 and xp home on my laptop using 1 hardrive. :)

All you need to do is make 2 partitions and i think if i remember i installed xp home first. :naughty:
linux is class wooot. just you need skill to use it which i ain't got but that does not stop me
My only advice is to persevere with it. Once you've got to know how the different parts work together you'll get on much better.
ok, well it;s installed, although I couldn't install any network components, so that doesn't work. I figure I have to install the nforce linux drivers first, so I guess i'll burn them to CD and install from there. I also have to try and get kde or gnome working...
Get mandrake 10.1

its the coolest linux ever + its user friendly :D