Were the easter eggs ever found?


Jul 31, 2004
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Just wondering, when the HL2 binks were released, we were told there were Easter Eggs in all of them.
I was just wondering if they had all been found? I remember something about toilets in all of them...
I've watched them all of the binks millions of times and haven't noticed anything!
I don't think they exist. :(
In the first strider video (e3 2003) there was a cow somewhere.
Yeah, it was found. If you look closely, you can see the Easter Bunny.
I think there was a combine face in the sky.
In the "phsyce" there is a hidden text flashing by 1 second.
:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Easter EGGS!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Oh c'mon you must know its not a literal easter egg?!!?
There is a combine soldier in the background with an Easter Bunny face. You have to zoom in to see it.
Didn't Gabe say himself there was something funny in all the binks?
Yeah, the fact that none of the video's content appeared in the finished game :)