were there hl2 beta testers?

Just to jump in back on topic. Half-Life was playtested by people who filled in a registration card for other games.

A play-test session consists of one outside volunteer (Sierra, our publisher, pulled play-testers from local people who had sent in product registration cards for other games) playing the game for two hours.

I notice that the article doesn't make any menton of the these people writting code for the game. Heh.

I've actually got a mental image of test screenings for movies. At the end of the movie the test audience has to get out some cameras and refilm any scenes they didn't like. Heh.
Oh, so his story was confirmed by someone you don't know over AIM... well, now I believe the whole thing. How could I ever have doubted? :laugh:
No offense Pauly, you seem like a good kid - and this whole thing is totally harmless, so whatever. But you gotta be a little less trusting with people you don't know. (An internet gaming buddy is not someone you really "know").

At any rate, testers simply do not write code for the games they test. (Especially not "20% of the game"!) That's not how it works. If there are any other industry people out there who know otherwise, I'd be interested to hear about it.
As much as I want to, I just don't really believe it.

But then again you don't have to prove anything to us so if you think/know it's true thats all that matters.
the guy probabaly does work as a tester somewhere or other, but is trying to bignote himself by lieing about stuff like getting source code for the games he tests, adding code to games he tests, and generally having anything to do with HL2.

take those bits out of the story and it's quite believable.
Pauly said:
What do i need to tell you that would make you believe it? If there was no wavier, that would be different.

Well, if you put up a scan of the VALVe NDA (with names, addresses , and such blanked out) I can compare it to the one I have to determine whether it's authentic or not. Normally I wouldn't do this, but for your sake you need to see how badly this guy is lying to you (and likewise how gullible you are).
