Werid Dog Thing- Deserves A WTF.

I'll give it a C-, it is pretty cool looking but I am sure they were high when they made it(because most artists are liberal).
I don't know what you guys find scary, but i think it's very beautiful. A mother feeding her babies is a very beautiful site to see.
even if its a wierd dog-thing that JUST WON'T STOP STARING?

... :|
That dog scares me.

It looks happy, and it's cute that it's feeding its children, but it's just a bit too much of a creepy hybrid look for me.

Very well done though, I thought it was real when I first saw it.
I know exactly what this is and where it's from.

It's a sculpture of a hypothetical dog/human hybrid that was featured in an exhibition of "Genetic Art", which sought to envision the future of genetics via lifelike visual art.

The exhibition also had a sculpture of two clone boys who had become prematurely aged, a bunch of "meerkat people", and a young girl playing with shapless blobs that were supposed to be representative of stem cells.

I think it's actually very thought provoking. Oh, and I think it may actually have been done by a lady. They had it on a TV show here in Oz.

It's been posted before, too.