Whaddya mean I CAN'T RENT it???


May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Just rang my local video shop..

Here in Perth, we can rent games for $7 a night. It's useful, because most games suck ass and only deserve 1/2 an hour of fiddling around with. Or maybe I have a short attention span. :)

But they said it's only for sale, not for rent, because when you install it, you register that copy for your own PC, for ever and ever... which means no-one else can play it after you.


What if I want to SELL it after I've finished playing?

What if I buy a new computer and want to install it again?

Can someone explain why this is a good thing, and why I should pay AU$90 for a game without being able to try it out first for a night, or be able to recoup some dosh by selling it when I'm done?
You register a steam account to your name when you buy... you can then dl HL2 onto any computer you want and play it from there once you login to steam.
So if someone buys it from me, they have to use my Steam login? Or can they create their own?
Antic2 said:
What if I want to SELL it after I've finished playing?

Valve has decided that they should be the only people who get to sell games. If you no longer want to play game X, you can throw it away (good thinking there, Valve) or store it somewhere. Basically.
Thanks. Ok, now that I'm clear on that...

Valve can just shove their valve, hose and all, but their butt. I'm not paying $90 for a game with 3 days of play time which I can't sell and need to connect to the internet (another 25c) every time I play it.

Everyone bitches about Microsoft, and it sounds like Valve are trying to playing similar tricks.

I bet they only delayed HL2 so they could perfect Steam. They didn't want to distribute it like normal games, they want to create an empire at the same time.

Sorry, don't go for that. I'm sure it's a very nice game, but I'm not going to play theirs at the same time.
U only have to connect to the net once, once its activated thats it
you don't sell HL2.. it's sacred!!!you don't stop playing it..and even if you finished SP.. you'll have 100's of mods waiting for you for MP :wink: