Whad'ya' Look Like?


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm, pretty self-explanatory, right? If not, well, go seek a little bit of professional help. That might be all that can save ya'.

But anyways, here's a picture of me... but don't stalk me! I know it's tough, but you just have to resist!

LMAO... sorry, made myself laugh. :cheers:
Here's one more... my hair's a lil' bit different.

Sometimes I spike it all the way around my head (when it's long enough), other times just the top, like in this pic.
Lets keep this on the down low...


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Well, heres me taken during my trip to florence last year.

Derr, Nerr Nerr Nerr Nerrrrrrr Super Craig!


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well, i'm not much of one for pictures (or pics, as the kids say). but here's probably the only online pic of me. i'm lookin relatively sassy at my former place of employment.

edit: of course we realize that this was just nspires spike-haired attempt to get the 4 ladies to post their pics, don't we?
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
edit: of course we realize that this was just nspires spike-haired attempt to get the 4 ladies to post their pics, don't we?

lol yup, but i think my pic will bring even more from all over the internet... i mean who wouldnt want a guy who stabbed all of his fans in the back and wears parachute pants? ;)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
he had fans?

Yea lol then i stabbed them in the back tryin to go all gangsta...lol when i was younger i was such a big fan of his and cris cross...dont you dare tell anyone lol...
Timmy... thats not how i imagined u'd look like..

forgive me if i offend u, but i thought u were alot younger..

silly me.. :dork:
Well, this is me.


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here's mine

Edit: ignore my retarded smile, I suck at taking pictures :)


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hey Shuzer, think u could have found a darker pic? :p

really.. cause i can partially see u in it!!! :cheese:
Sure, here ya go Freeman :)


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Or, this? :)

This is the last picture of myself I will post :)


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lol... freaky..

Shuzer i'll promise to avoid u in case im ever in town :p

lol j/k :)
Originally posted by Shuzer
here's mine

Edit: ignore my retarded smile, I suck at taking pictures :)

damn you look like a young Malcolm McDowell in a clockwork orange :)

honestly, you should consider getting some friends together and doing the first scene from that movie, could look really good heh
heres a one of myself


  • jonthecanuck_2776654.jpg
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Com on Fenric your one.......

I can not post my picture now, I am at the university (No cam).
I don't have a scanner or a webcam or anything.. so a description will suffice.. Hmm.. ok. 7 feet tall, relfective blue armor with metallic (actually car paint), orange iridescent eyes set in same shape always (actually a visor), laser pulse cannon on one arm, micro rail gun on the other, mini jet engine on back with super noise cancellation technology (so the "WOOOOOSH" sound doesn't bother the ladies at the bar)

that's about it... oh and about 1100 pounds of metal and composites.
Why everyone is so scared to post their pic?

OH YEAH, i know..............Serial Killers are scanning the Internet.
Originally posted by nw909


holy crap! wtf happened to you!? how do you type with out fingers (or a bone structure even!)? man..

oh and freeman, don't be disappointed, i'm younger(12) than i look(40) but older than i act(6). they call me man-child for so many reasons..
Originally posted by G0rgon
Why everyone is so scared to post their pic?

OH YEAH, i know..............Serial Killers are scanning the Internet.

haha, scanning? no! i spend most of my time on this site.. silly.
wow nerdguy you live up to your name! no offense though, i look nerdy too. i'm skinny, zitty, glasses. i work out, though hehehe

p.s. even though i am such a geek, i met a girl on the internet (icq, to be specific), we fell in love, and now i visit her (1300 miles away) like every two months. and she is hot. yay for me

*ahem* excuse me
Originally posted by G0rgon
Why everyone is so scared to post their pic?

OH YEAH, i know..............Serial Killers are scanning the Internet.

Bring them on.. I've been dieing to try out my new guns, the closet is stock full of ammo. Muwahaha
Timmy you're 12? Shit I thought I was the youngest one on these forums. (13)
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Timmy you're 12? Shit I thought I was the youngest one on these forums. (13)

congrats, ray you're the only 13 yr old in existence to use contractions correctly! (you're instead of your)

amazing! i thought kids didn't care enough to type that stuff out anymore
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Timmy you're 12?

haha, no (check my pic), it was a joke. wise up man! unless, that is, you were joking too and are putting me on!! in which case, i'd have to say; that's not much of a joke, you should try harder. unless, you are infact not 13 and the joke has multiple layers! in which case, i'd have to say; ok, not bad, a little obtuse though, don't you think? UNLESS you really are 13 and you're telling the joke that you are 13, expecting us to think that you're not! IN WHICH CASE, i'd have to say; cripes man, get over yourself.. you think you're so much better than the rest of us!? what a prince.
Lol, thanks.
Anyway, here is a picture of me. I just took this a minute ago.


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