Whad'ya' Look Like?

Originally posted by CrazyHarij
LOL , well I've accidently seen some really disgusting Snuff shit so I'm gonna spare my heart and NOT google Goatse . Ignorance is bliss.

Goatse I can assure you is not snuff, way different.

It's just a dood ripping his ass wide open with his hands, or you could see christmas.jpg where its the same but its different.
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
Why does everyone keep asking that? :)

It's like: "How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands?" almost.

It was a joke! :cheese:
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
issues of playgirl....

playgirl mag? u buy it for the articles or the pictures? hehe kewl.. whatever floats ur boat man.. :)
Originally posted by nw909
Goatse I can assure you is not snuff, way different.

It's just a dood ripping his ass wide open with his hands, or you could see christmas.jpg where its the same but its different.

Ok, so it's meant to be a disgusting way of art only meant to make people vomit? Or something like that , right?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Min you're back :)

I have missed the Meh, Feh, and Hehs on the irc channel ;) :P

Your pics don't load up for me though, won't let me download them either :(
Okay, G0rgon, I'll bite (Nice pic by the way...).

Here's me:

Originally posted by Brian Damage
Okay, G0rgon, I'll bite (Nice pic by the way...).

Here's me:


I cannot stop hahahha

This is very nice and funy.

No you are great. Jokeing:laugh:
Seriously, though, none of you would want my real pic.

I cannot smile in front of a camera. Instead I get some sort of snaggletoothed grimace. With crossed eyes.
Com on man, Look at me I am really ugly but I am confident. hehe
LOL, what do you mean freindly fenric..............
Yes Because I am from Holand and most EU Boys band are from Holand, Germany. means that our faces are simiral. hehehheehh.
Kewl Gorg0n, I'm a Dutchie as well, 3 more and we can start a boyband!!!

btw I'm ugly as hell so I'll stand in the back
LOL, I can see it in your avatar.

GRONINGEN I am from.
Well, I can only play a quarter of a guitar anyway.

And I'd probably forget three quarters of any song...
sorry to bring up an old thread, but I finally got the scanner up and running and there's no point in starting another thread.. :d

This pic was taken in September. Btw, the guy in the photo is Ollie Lang, one of the best paintballers in the world. He's cool

edit: eek, crappy quality
edit2: this should be better... *crosses fingers*
edit3: I hate computers. :p
Originally posted by SHIPPI
edit: eek, crappy quality
edit2: this should be better... *crosses fingers*
edit3: I hate computers. :p
that has got to be the crappiest of quality of all pictures ever. i'm not sure about you hating computers, but that computer sure must hate you.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
that has got to be the crappiest of quality of all pictures ever. i'm not sure about you hating computers, but that computer sure must hate you.

that was a bit uncalled for wasn't it Timmy?
no i think it was entirely called for. sure the sarcasm is a bit obtuse, ok, maybe it's completely veiled, but i mean it's pretty obvious that that's a nice picture. i feel adding "j/k" or some emoticon subtracts from the humor value. it does for me anyway, and afterall, i am number one.

since, some people can't understand the mind of a comedic genius; SHIPPI, what are you going on about? it's a great looking picutre, so sunny and nice, it looks like the happiest place on earth.
I doubt anyone here will understand why this picture is like it is...maybe one of two, but i dont think they will even see this thread :)
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I doubt anyone here will understand why this picture is like it is...maybe one of two, but i dont think they will even see this thread :)
is it b/c your parents didn't love you enough when you were a kid?
Almost...But actually its because i was wearing a hat and t-shirt like those in the drawing, when i first posted a picture of myself on the forums. I was also sat behind a table. Then someone who didnt like me, said i wouldnt be so confident in real life because my arms were in fact twigs.
Ma again.


Originally posted by Loshadka
Here I am.

This is a 2 year old picture of me.
haha, that first pic is awesome. personally, i'm glad i don't know you ;)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
haha, that first pic is awesome. personally, i'm glad i don't know you ;)

I really didn't wanna see anyone here with their shirts off and a fake M16.. lol
Originally posted by Wraith
insert meaningless message here in order to post

is that a pr0n web cam baby? CAUSE I WANNA HOOK UP, OH YEAH ME AND YOU CYBER 5 a.m. 2marrow see u l8tr baby!!
Originally posted by waedoe
is that a pr0n web cam baby? CAUSE I WANNA HOOK UP, OH YEAH ME AND YOU CYBER 5 a.m. 2marrow see u l8tr baby!!
waedoe, how old are you? cuz if you're 15-21 that's kinda funny, 22-30 and it's just sad, over 30 and it's sick! (unless you're over 85, then it's kinda funny again), 11-14 to be expected really, <5 jesus, you can type like that at your age? you must be some kinda freak-genius. plus you're a horny toddler, that's ****ing awesome!