Whad'ya' Look Like?

Re: Re: Re: Whad'ya' Look Like?

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Ideed. But he'll never look as damn sexy as I!
/me shifts eyes.
But just in case.
/me brutally murders NSPIRE.
Ahhh...much better.

Anyway, I looke quite different these days; Now I have a fierce mowhawk! Here pretty soon I'll be dying it either red w/ blondish-gold tips, or black w/ blodish-white tips. But you laready knew that, Tak.

Argh... You'll never kill me! Unless it's with a knifeoon of course, those are just straight up deadly.

Oh, and never ever play leap-frog with a unicorn! BAAAAAD IDEA!
What is goatse? I have heard it many times but have never known what is was.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
What is goatse? I have heard it many times but have never known what is was.

don't worry about it. really. i mean ever.
Originally posted by Shuzer
Anyhow, moving on.. I guess most people here are afraid to show their faces?

Not only did I post my pic here, but it's an easter egg on Adam's techdemo map. :)
EDIT: Go me for attaching the file :rolleyes:

Does this remind you of goatse Timmy?

/me barfs

PS Requested the /me code to be put back btw.
Originally posted by Chris_D
EDIT: Go me for attaching the file :rolleyes:

Does this remind you of goatse Timmy?

/me barfs

PS Requested the /me code to be put back btw.

LOL.. oh wow, that's just.. ew
Originally posted by ray_MAN
What is goatse? I have heard it many times but have never known what is was.

Don't ask. Don't google it. Don't.. try to find it. You don't want to see it. Your life will be that much better if you don't see it.
And you're only what, 12? 13? I saw it at that age and it's scarred me for life.
It is a photograph of a man...
Doing something to himself... or in more detail... his arse that resembles that headcrab picture I posted.
Ok, seriously don't look at it. When I saw it (and I saw lots of disgusting stuff before) I was like "OMG WTF WTF WTF" for two days.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Ok, seriously don't look at it. When I saw it (and I saw lots of disgusting stuff before) I was like "OMG WTF WTF WTF" for two days.

lol i can just picture someone running around saying "OMG WTF WTF WTF" for 2 days straight lol sorry that was stupid...dont blame it on me its the Sunny D talkin :D
Originally posted by Chris_D
It is a photograph of a man...
Doing something to himself... or in more detail... his arse that resembles that headcrab picture I posted.

I thought the rumors dictated that he was actually a hermaphrodite?
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Is it illegal.

It's not illegal.. it's just disgusting. Some sites will actually redirect you to goatse, or have hundreds of goatse popups, with god awful sounds playing.

Or other annoying crap such as that, although, I'm not really phased by goatse anymore, I've seen it far too many times, but, it IS still disgusting.
Originally posted by Shuzer
I thought the rumors dictated that he was actually a hermaphrodite?

It doesn't make it any less disgusting
Originally posted by Chris_D
It doesn't make it any less disgusting

I agree. But, once you're scarred, you're scarred, eh? Thankfully, I've only seen ******* once, and that's all I DO plan on seeing it.
How bad can it be? I have probably seen worse. I have seen a deer get blown to bloody bits by a car.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
How bad can it be? I have probably seen worse. I have seen a deer get blown to bloody bits by a car.

Quite sure most of us have seen that. I have, anyway. I can vouch for goatse, it's worse than seeing a deer get blown to bloody bits by a car.
I'll put it another way.

Most people, if they were to post something like that guy a few weeks back that was posting a photoshopped picture of a big Doom 3 cock cumming all over Freeman (which was mildly disgusting) then we'd warn first, then ban for a repeat offence.

If someone were, like coolio2man did a few weeks ago, to post a video of a mouse being ripped apart by pirahanas (nice spelling eh?) we'd just remove it, warn and then ban for a repeat offence.

A deer getting blown to pieces by a car - warn then ban.

Goatse picture - get the hell out before I find you and murder you... oh and a ban too.
Originally posted by Tak
Yes Ghost,...that knowledge is already mine. Hmmmm,...I say dye it red w/ blondish-gold tips. Then it will look like your hair is on FIRE!! Hmmm....how long are you going to keep the mohawk?

Until I ship out.
I don't have access to any photos of me, so here's a quick sketch:

Also: never look at a single thing that has been mentioned with fear in the last few posts. It's everything they say... and worse.
Are you the dinosaur, or the kid about to be eaten by the dinosaur?
This is the first time in the history of HL2.net I posted any "Picture" of myself if it can be considered as such. I took it with a webcam that was purchased around 96' which was very bespeckled which I then despeckled through photoshop resulting in a very blurry image.

edit -that picture makes my hair's look like jesus but cooler. and less thick
-I just got a haircut, not that you can make out any detail from that mess anyway. it's horridable
Originally posted by Shuzer
That's the best webcam ever.

Hahahha, I know, I think it got thrown down my stairs at one point as well... it works great, haha.

edit- I think I could make a better image of myself in mspaint...
Originally posted by Shuzer
Are you the dinosaur, or the kid about to be eaten by the dinosaur?

Why does everyone keep asking that? :)

It's like: "How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands?" almost.
I can't accept this, I'm sorry. My picture can't be the showstopper. I wasn't gonna say anything, but now that this thread's got to the 2nd page, I just have to resurrect it, because I'll be damned if no-one says a thing after I went through the effort of scanning pictures.

Somebody say something, quickly. I don't want to come here later on and see no posts have been made under this one.

well Alpha... ur no Chris_D thats for sure.. but if i was a chic-

oh **** that im not falling for that crap again :laugh:
Even though I barely even lurk here, you may as well know what I look like.
Weeeeeell.... here:


If anybody wants more pictures, nope. I can't find any more recent ones... but you can look in the photos directory a bit if you wanna see some other junk, namely pictures of my dog, and really unnatural clouds. And some other junk. Whee.
LOL , well I've accidently seen some really disgusting Snuff shit so I'm gonna spare my heart and NOT google Goatse . Ignorance is bliss.
Min Rizor, is that your father on the picture?
Anyway, he looks a lot like Robert Duvall, the actor.

PS: your links don't work right. I had to right-click and "save target as" to get them. hands up to everyone for posting. Also, Dr.Freeman, I think you have issues(j/k, of course).