Whad'ya' Look Like?

oh no a woman, now I can't sit around in my underwear and Shuzer will have to stop peeing in the water fountain ;)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
oh no a woman, now I can't sit around in my underwear and Shuzer will have to stop peeing in the water fountain ;)

Damnit! But.. it's SO much closer than the toilet..
thats my girlfriend, not me. i am too ugly for the internet (and THAT'S saying something)
Originally posted by Wraith
thats my girlfriend, not me. i am too ugly for the internet (and THAT'S saying something)

*Shuzer walks over to the water fountain

Phew, and I thought I'd have to give up the habit.. :)
Me ver. 2.0: complete with goatee. Apologies for bad color pickup on that photo - it's only a few weeks old too.
Originally posted by Wraith
thats my girlfriend, not me. i am too ugly for the internet (and THAT'S saying something)

naa bet I'm worse, when I was born the nurse said "if looks could kill we'd all be dead"... course she may have been talking about the fact I was apparantly giving everyone an evil glare, not bad for something only a few minutes old lol
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Me ver. 2.0: complete with goatee. Apologies for bad color pickup on that photo - it's only a few weeks old too.

I coulda sworn you said "complete with goatse", I almost didn't click the link, had to re-read it :)
Originally posted by Shuzer
I coulda sworn you said "complete with goatse", I almost didn't click the link, had to re-read it :)

ahahaha.. uhh, wait.. wha? ok lemme google "goatse" here for a sec.. and ah..


;( ;( :flame: ;( ;(
Originally posted by Shuzer
Your avatar sucks. But your sig is cool (although lame) :) :) :) :) FRIENDLIES

I hope friendlies means your just kidding. My av ownz ur av and my sig OWNS urs.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
holy crap! wtf happened to you!? how do you type with out fingers (or a bone structure even!)? man..

I've been strong, typing 50 words a minute with my fist.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Hmm, pretty self-explanatory, right? If not, well, go seek a little bit of professional help. That might be all that can save ya'.

But anyways, here's a picture of me... but don't stalk me! I know it's tough, but you just have to resist!

LMAO... sorry, made myself laugh. :cheers:

Hmmmm....that hair-do looks oddly like Ghost's used to...strange. Must be some sort of fad...lol.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Lol, thanks.
Anyway, here is a picture of me. I just took this a minute ago.

Wow,...you're a youngin'!
Argh. My avatar = the pimp shizzle-shit (sorry... my gangsta' speak isn't quite as l337 as some people's)!

Err... suuuure.
:p I'll post a pic once I find the scanner.

How the hell did I manage to lose the scanner?!? :dozey:
for /me to work add this to the BB code function...

$forumz_post = preg_replace("|/me ([^\n\r]*)|is", "<font color=\"orange\">[b]*me \\1[/b]</font>", $forumz_post); //THX TO Pygon IN #PHP (GAMESNET)
- written by azz0r

CHRIS_D EDIT: Pruned it slightly azz, the fact it was stretching the page was bugging me. But we'll make sure your name is buried in the depths of the BB code so we can remember you for years to come when people are saying:

* Chris_D dies :D
Originally posted by Chris_D
/me gives Dr Freeman money for the op :laugh:


Why don't I ever have that affect on women? :rolleyes:

There's rumours going around about me round my area at the moment. Interesting ones:

* I'm a heroin addict
* I'm gay
* I had sex with a woman on her hen night, the day before she was due to get married.

ROFL, sounds like rumors about me:

* I'm a drug addict
* Gay tried to hit me in bar when i was damn drunk (not a rumor though :P)

Your third rumor is rather funny, since they think you're gay. :P
Originally posted by Pressure
^ that band sucks

Singing sucks but music is good.
They have the best T-shirts though, that's why I got one.
Re: Re: Whad'ya' Look Like?

Originally posted by Tak
Hmmmm....that hair-do looks oddly like Ghost's used to...strange. Must be some sort of fad...lol.

Ideed. But he'll never look as damn sexy as I!
/me shifts eyes.
But just in case.
/me brutally murders NSPIRE.
Ahhh...much better.

Anyway, I looke quite different these days; Now I have a fierce mowhawk! Here pretty soon I'll be dying it either red w/ blondish-gold tips, or black w/ blodish-white tips. But you laready knew that, Tak.
Originally posted by The Terminator
Wh00t, look at me. Its 2 years old though. Ill get a newer one later.
Hmmm,....let's see. Yes, that's right... Maybe we could gat a DARKER PICTURE!! Lol.
Yes Ghost,...that knowledge is already mine. Hmmmm,...I say dye it red w/ blondish-gold tips. Then it will look like your hair is on FIRE!! Hmmm....how long are you going to keep the mohawk?
Originally posted by Shuzer
OMG ONE OF THE FOUR FEMALES~!~!@!~@~!~@@~!oneoneone

..sorry, lol

Damn you... know you scared the chicks from ever posting the'yr pic in this thread... better post my pic to fix this :P

Hello again neitzsche :)

(check your PMs... I'll sort out that huge FAQ thingy you wanted.. I know the message wasn't specific... :P my mistake)

Anyway... you seem to be good with photos, the taking of :)
Originally posted by nietzsche
I'm indeed German.

I don't know how much of that is "Fight Clubbish". These are just some snapshots of moments in my life, but I take the comparisons as a compliment. :D

one thing you learn when taking pictures....these are always the best type of photos...

...and as a guy to a guy, i'm jealous of your looks nietzche....

/me tries to glue the photos of nietzche into a reasonably mistakable mask..... ;)
that's me..at least that was me two years ago:

http://www.winstonsmaps.net/graphics/stefan2.jpg <-- luckily this one was shut off. i think it was a 80dm 6 cylinder engine.engines.
http://www.winstonsmaps.net/graphics/stefan3.jpg <-- extremly loud there, there were 3 26dm 12 cylinder secondary diesel

onboard of that ship:
and this one: (no images from the inside :( a 1m 10 cylinder 110k hp mashine was inside there ...sooooo nice :D )

and that's me during the vacation one a half years ago:

i've been working near the harbo(u)r (port?) of hamburg, actually as some kind of technical artist, drawing some plans with CAD. but they let me have a look at these ships ,too :D
Oh thats pretty cool. In those pics you look like you shovel coal or something :)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
ahahaha.. uhh, wait.. wha? ok lemme google "goatse" here for a sec.. and ah..


;( ;( :flame: ;( ;(

my god pple!

don't get Timmy started on goatse... omg please, its a request.. we don't want him banned from here :bounce: lol
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
my god pple!

don't get Timmy started on goatse... omg please, its a request.. we don't want him banned from here :bounce: lol

Someone should introduce him to *******, then :) lol, kidding

Anyhow, moving on.. I guess most people here are afraid to show their faces?
ARGH, *******'s not as disturbing... it's just horribly disgusting. I don't even know what the yellow-ish material comin' out of her... thing... *err-hem* even is.