Whad'ya' Look Like?

Actually Timmy - that is considerably longer than 4 lines.
Reduce the size of the text or shorten it, or it'll have to go :(
I was busy in IRC, didn't have time to notice it. Then I look up and my monitor is cracking from all of the text. :)
It's been staring me in the face for weeks. I reckon it's because of the [qutote] tags... I wasn't taking them into consideration.
Is my new avatar okay?

I was thinking of sticking with B/W, but thought this would be cool.
lmao that is freaky...

Someone did this once:

The Chris Man
NSPIRE does it take you an hour to do your hair? I also liked the previous one better.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
i liked the previous one better.

I agree. B/W seems more assertive, yet mysterious...or maybe it's just cool.

/me goes to user CP.
I'm off to bed lads. Keep it on topic in the off topic bitches!!

nite Chris

Ghost.. i kinda liked the old one, but this one is growing on me, maybe though have it as the original pic of that stalker guy but keep the black background?
/me leaves.

I'll go build my own Thread w/ Black Jack and Hookers. In fact, forget the Thread!
Originally posted by Fenric1138
nite Chris

Ghost.. i kinda liked the old one, but this one is growing on me, maybe though have it as the original pic of that stalker guy but keep the black background?

Which one was growing on you?
Originally posted by ray_MAN
How do y'all like my avatar? Tired night all.

It's a stolen aim buddy icon? ;)

My avatar is the best
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Which one was growing on you?

the one you've got now, though I recognised your posts easily with the other, I'm getting used to this one now :)
Originally posted by The Terminator
Mine ownzors urs. and my sig is cool.

That is a cool sig, infact, up until now, I always assumed you pasted that into your posts, but now I see the <hr>
Ha, don't get used to it; I'll be changing this one soon, too.
It'll be okay though, I'm going to stick to the inverted silhouette thing.

My next avatar is a pic from the Kill.Switch concept are files. :)
With my own brand of edited goodness, of course.

Unless I decide to stick w/ this one.
see, im clever, I made my sig 4 self typed lines BUT used the <hr> as the top line, making my sig a total of 5 lines. LOOPHOLE!!!
everyone knows that the best avatar on the forum is mine, it was even voted so in a poll a while back, that was until i made one for Farrowlesparrow, and then he won :( (that was the cartoon G-man one :P)
Hey, I spent 30 minutes making this authentic replica of Gordon's final moments in City 17 .. :(
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Hey, I spent 30 minutes making this authentic replica of Gordon's final moments in City 17 .. :(

and it still has that one frame where the strider looks at the side for like 5 seconds.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Hey, I spent 30 minutes making this authentic replica of Gordon's final moments in City 17 .. :(

I've always loved your avatar, DON'T WORRY LONE, I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Hmm, pretty self-explanatory, right? If not, well, go seek a little bit of professional help. That might be all that can save ya'.

But anyways, here's a picture of me... but don't stalk me! I know it's tough, but you just have to resist!

LMAO... sorry, made myself laugh. :cheers:

lol you look like the cryptmaster from that movie cheats.

*sorry i got no pics.
Originally posted by Wraith
insert meaningless message here in order to post

OMG ONE OF THE FOUR FEMALES~!~!@!~@~!~@@~!oneoneone

..sorry, lol
Originally posted by The Terminator
Ya Lone urs is good. But *cough*minesbetter*cough* excuse me.

Your avatar sucks. But your sig is cool (although lame) :) :) :) :) FRIENDLIES