what a night


Sep 19, 2003
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ok, this is long, lol, but read it anyway.
disclaimer: this is all fiction. lol. sure.

^ had to say that, just becuz. read on.

wow. any of you guys ever done something as a teenager that you, ummm, thought wasnt very smart? lol

recently me and my friend decided we would go and terrorize some people, you know, for fun. we dressed up in all black, covered our faces in black soot, the works. We had the standard tac-pac, with all the good stuff, you know, gloves, water, binoculars, blah blah blah. anyway, after terrorizing a house enough with, umm, a certain *thing*, the people got pretty mad. me and steve were in a ditch across from their house, on the other side of the street.

we saw them come out and see our 'handywork'. they were not happy. i was peering through the binocs when i saw them go in and come back out with...a shotgun..:eek: We both put our heads down. We heard thunder. Like a millisecond later we heard the stuff whizzing right over our heads. HOLY SHIT lol, we were high on adrenaline. both of us were shaking like crazy. they shouted "One more time you MF's, I don't play around! One more time!' Now see, they had shot into the woods right behind us because thats where they assumed we were. Lucky we were in the ditch.

They started to come towards us. I looked at steve, and said, "We have to lowcrawl down the ditch. See if you can turn around."

He said, "I cant. I cant move, they'll see me." They were getting closer.
I said, "You have to." Steve spun around and low crawled down the ditch, I was right behind him.

Now, we found refuge in the woods, right beside a dirt road, not far from the brick house we had terrorized. We decided to hold up there for an hour or so. While lying on the ground, we heard footsteps coming down the road, accompanied with voices. They were coming! SHIZA. lol.

I whispered, "Don't Fing move." They walked right past us. We layed still as logs. They came back by about 10 minutes later, no farther than 2 feet from us, but due to our black clothing, they didn't see us. OMG the adrenaline was pumping, and i was scared as hell. Now, these people were after us. As we made our way home, we saw them riding down the street with a searchlight pointed out the window. But nope, they didnt get us. Our night operation was a success.

Now, we were thinking about how the shotgun ammo went less than a foot over our heads, and we are pretty pizzed about that. In a month or so, we will pay them another visit perhaps.
not very smart.

and that wasn't very long.

moral of the story, don't be a dumbass, next time take some artillery with you!
Originally posted by Xtasy0
not very smart.

and that wasn't very long.

moral of the story, don't be a dumbass, next time take some artillery with you!

yes, you know the mortars you get at firework places? we will get some of those, and about 50 foot of fuse.
i wonder what you through at their house

you should set up a heat seeking cannon that fires eggs or something at them when they come outside. that way you have escape time while they deal with it
Originally posted by creationist
yes, you know the mortars you get at firework places? we will get some of those, and about 50 foot of fuse.

i forsee a darwin award in your future.
That is something I agree with you on extasy, I hate annoying kids who think its funny to terrorize people.
aha, and us annoying kids hate you shooting shotguns at us! just call the police like normal people damnit!
I disagree whit both you, creationist, and those who used the shotgun.
But surely you have to come up with something more creative thing to do, with your name being "creationist" and all :P
i know, but really, what we were doing was all in good fun, we knew the son of the woman that lived there, and it was just a joke. compare what we did to what she did.

us - vandalizing
her -attempted murder (she shot right where she assumed we were, with the intention of hitting us... good thing we werent in the woods like we had planned)
jeez, well talk about paranoid then.. maybe she thought you were terrorists or something
Excellent, nothing like real life tactics and warfare!

Was it a paintball gun? ;)
Originally posted by Dax
jeez, well talk about paranoid then.. maybe she thought you were terrorists or something

yea, good ole rednecks. whats that? did a paintball just hit your house!? GET THE SHOTGUN!! SHOOT THEM! SHOOT THEM!
Next time, have a scoped paint gun. When they step out on the porch bean 'em in the head. make sure you're well camouflaged, and don't move. They expect people to run.

Sure you don't need a tactician on your next covert op? ;)
Why don't we just paint a round target on his face, just incase the lady can't see him!
Sn7, lol, I think you are on the same page as me, haha. Know any good e-books that have tactics and stealth tips in them? I cant seem to find The Night Fighter's Handbook for download, so I may buy it. Btw, we were using a slingshot because our guns are a little noisy. Is there a such thing as a silencer for a paintball gun?

Oh yea, now, remember, we know the kid who lives there and were playing a joke on him. We dont just pick random houses and vandalize them.
Ah. I remember when I used to do that sort of thing, back when I lived in Scotland, those were the days. Only we never vandalised, never hurt anyone, completely clean. Since when did finding a cow in your garage do anyone any harm? And many people owned licensed guns for hunting. Urk.
Someone find that Night Fighters book!!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@
Hey, I just got an idea.

Don't vandalize people's property and you don't get shot with the shotgun!

Wow, I must be a f*ckin genious.

Hopefully next time she will hit you, so you would have a cool bullet wound you can show to all your friends.
Originally posted by The Terminator
shotguns dont hurt that much. you take it like a bitch.

One shot can totally destroy your head, as in nearly blow your skull err away.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
One shot can totally destroy your head, as in nearly blow your skull err away.

As we all found out from CS, shotguns are just about useless for sniping. At 50 feet away, in the dark, the lady would have had just as much luck shooting in the opposite direction.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
As we all found out from CS, shotguns are just about useless for sniping. At 50 feet away, in the dark, the lady would have had just as much luck shooting in the opposite direction.

lol CS yea ok i didnt take in acount about distance so yea your right BUT if u were like 2 feet away and pulled the trigger it would pull your skull right out of your skin.. i saw it on myth busters! err wait that was a rifle...
I know, I was just kidding. It coulda really hurt him. But depending on the distance it wouldve sprayed too wide to do much damage to you. But you should be careful.
Yea, I never read books on the subject. Just play abunch of military games, and watch a ton stealth/action movies.

Movies like:
The professional
any of the 007 movies

Try tieing a torn sweatshirt around the barrel of your paintgun, that should suppress the sound somewhat. Get a cheap nightvision scope for spotting.

Try setting up a decoy too, something after you make the initial strike and they come hualing ass towards you. Maybe like a tin can with something inside to make nosie attached to a black string.

When I used to do that stuff, I got up close and personal first. I'd go right up to the windows and look in. Try to imagine what they'll do. Maybe like a rope to trip them after they open the door, or string attached to the door knob to pull something, or just completely jam the door so they cant get out.

Muwahaha, the memories!
Terrorising other people??? Pffff...
What he and hes friend was doing was just a little work of art.. The ones who's terrorising is Bush,Saddam, Osama and all the other mad ****ing people! Dont you think thatt the majority of grown up people have done the same thing or maybe even worse??
I remember how once in Ukraine we(me and 7 guys) terrorized a quiet street. Each had a gas pistol(not CO2 BB, real guns but suited only for shooting with powder), we got out of a car, devided into 2 groups of 4... and started shooting at each other. Poor granies who sat on the banches almost had heart atacks. The wierdest thing for the witnesses was that when we were out of bullets, we approched each other, shook hands and got into the same car. 8 Rival people share the same car!!! :E
I ask you... what is the point of terrorizing people? I mean really... I understand that it's bloody funny for you, but have some consideration for other people, you aren't the only person on this planet.
maybe he was playing cs, with mates and it got out of hand?

damn those autoshotguns!
Paintball has a bad enough image already, don't go make it worse. I know it's just a bit of fun for you, but it's stuff like this that is stopping paintball going mainstream. I'm doing all I can to promote the sport in a positive light, but then some kids decide to go shoot up someones house, bringing its image down again. *sigh*

Just don't shoot anyone, you could easily knock their teeth out/blind/kill. If you hurt them they might come out with more than 2 shots
I think terrorizing is fun to an extent but it can definately be taken too far.
Scaring old people is always fun.

But defacing or damaging someones property is not and they always take it personally.