What a wake up call.

May 24, 2003
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I went to bed at 7:30 this morning, because all through the night I had been working on my portfolio, to take with me to my interview at university. All was well, I went to bed feeling quite good.

When I woke up, there was an odd smell. My cat, was sat on the floor staring at me. I looked around the room, and at the end of my bed was brown :|. Then I noticed my arm was damp, and so was my chest. I threw up the cover, and saw it stained acrid yellow, along with my matress and sheets. I didn't leave the shower for about 3 hours, when I had to leave for my interview.

I loved, fed and cared for that cat for over a decade. Now, I'm not going to let it in my room again. Ever.
poor cat is probably sick and vomited where it felt safe ...dont feel too bad ..last week my dog vomited on the carpet and not more than a second later my son vomited on my wife, sofa and carpet ...I went out for a smoke
You was pwned.

Wait let me put that in a color suitable to the topic....

Oh, I thought the title meant you had been doing something unhealthy like being an alcoholic or something... and then something happened to make you realize the error in your ways. Who am I kidding? Farrow quitting the sauce? That's a good one. I don't think your name has anything to do with French, either. I think you're just slurring your words together.
yeah I've seen worse, most of been horrible though :S

how did the university interview go anyway>
Tr0n said:
You was pwned.

Wait let me put that in a color suitable to the topic....


hahahahah that just made me laugh out loud and ROFL all around the room.

I love the thought of your cat looking at you and probably thinking, omg this is going to be so good.

poor cat is probably sick and vomited where it felt safe ...dont feel too bad ..last week my dog vomited on the carpet and not more than a second later my son vomited on my wife, sofa and carpet ...I went out for a smoke

and this is a good laugh too.
CptStern said:
poor cat is probably sick and vomited where it felt safe ...dont feel too bad ..last week my dog vomited on the carpet and not more than a second later my son vomited on my wife, sofa and carpet ...I went out for a smoke

Who cleaned up? :)
Which Uni? You had to take stuff? That must have been Oxford or Cambridge.
When I went to my uni interview all I had to take was a skip in my step and a smile on my face.

And I'd already secured the place, the interview was an informal chat.
CptStern said:
poor cat is probably sick and vomited where it felt safe ...dont feel too bad

that's probably it right there, don't take it too personally, I would take it as a compliment actually.

hell my Kitty gave birth to 8 kittens at the foot of my bed, wake up to that my friend :)
Prr Redundant This very cat gave birth to no less, than 9 kittens at the foot of my bed. If I can find the picture, I'l...take a picture of it and show you. That was the second litter as well. Previously, it had given birth to 4. We kept one of the four, and its still with us today :D That cat actually helped its mother when the second lot came.

It is ill... but this was just pure laziness. Theres a litter tray downstairs that it sopped using mothns ago. It started using a rug in the porch, but when we threw that out, it used another rug...so we threw that out. Then...it started using my bed. Now that I realise what its done this time, I recall other times my bed has felt unusually damp for no reason. I put it down to sweat, and normally just shoved it into the washing machine but now that I think about it, it makes more sense for it to have been the cat. Its pretty horrible to think I was sleeping in cats piss.... Honestly, waking up with urine and crap on your bad is a horrific feeling. You just don't expect it...

Its been sick in my room a few times... Radioactive Cat the thread being an example of that. I don't know whats wrong with it, we're gonna take it to the vet. Its lost a lot of weight recently and has hardly eaten anything, while at the same time constantly eating grass to make itself ill... I think its heard about some new diet. The, crap on your owners bed and eat grass diet, or something. I don't want to lose it to sickness :( I've grown up with that animal. I was 8 years old when we got it.
It probally just wanted attention. When my cats were but wee lil' kitties, they used to bring home dead birds and mice to say "thank you" for our hospitality (I think). They stopped doing it when they realised that my parents were just a liiiiitttle bit inapreciative... :)
How do you know it was the cat that made the mess? maybe you had alittle accident in your sleep :E . I threw up once in my sleep and didn't even notice it until the morning when the bed was covered in puke. I wasn't even drunk or anything
If my Cat did that I'd probably kill the thing...

Well, I wouldn't do that but I wouldn't be best pleased with it either. My Cat also has the habbit of throwing up in my room. It's done it twice before. Once it threw up two halfs of a mouse it'd eaten. :|
Catching and bringing home a present, and...producing your own brand are two very different things.
Naaaa.... probally just making you it's property :p
If you ever need a cat killer, Erestheux is your man.
(insiders joke)
The guy next door killed my cat.

I smashed his car.

My cat never puked on my bed, but it did take a crap in the corner of my room once.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I went to bed at 7:30 this morning, because all through the night I had been working on my portfolio, to take with me to my interview at university. All was well, I went to bed feeling quite good.

When I woke up, there was an odd smell. My cat, was sat on the floor staring at me. I looked around the room, and at the end of my bed was brown :|. Then I noticed my arm was damp, and so was my chest. I threw up the cover, and saw it stained acrid yellow, along with my matress and sheets. I didn't leave the shower for about 3 hours, when I had to leave for my interview.

I loved, fed and cared for that cat for over a decade. Now, I'm not going to let it in my room again. Ever.

I had the same problem with one cat that really didn't like me, peed on my bed, the works. One night, i get into bed after watching tv and i can smell poo, thought it was one of the cats in the pens (my mum homes cats and has cats in pens in the living room), anyway, i get into bed and my feet rubs against something about an inche long and a little sticky, so i got out of bed, pulled the covers back and found a little lump of poo under the covers. :frown:

edit: the worst thing about it was was that it was 2 in the morning and i had been up since 3:30 the previous morning. :hmph:
this is why i don't have any pets

i used to have a rabbit and a guinnea pig but...they broke my heart
i never had a cat, they are kinda cool tho ,

/me steals everyones cat and makes an army of radicative kitties
jondyfun said:
Well, my friend sat on my hamster. That bitch.
Even tho I was joking, but damn that's pretty bad. :LOL:

What did you do after he sat on it and killed it?
Farrowlesparrow said:
I went to bed at 7:30 this morning, because all through the night I had been working on my portfolio, to take with me to my interview at university. All was well, I went to bed feeling quite good.

When I woke up, there was an odd smell. My cat, was sat on the floor staring at me. I looked around the room, and at the end of my bed was brown :|. Then I noticed my arm was damp, and so was my chest. I threw up the cover, and saw it stained acrid yellow, along with my matress and sheets. I didn't leave the shower for about 3 hours, when I had to leave for my interview.

I loved, fed and cared for that cat for over a decade. Now, I'm not going to let it in my room again. Ever.

You should return the favor. See if your cat thinks it's so funny then.

edit: It'd make for an interesting www.stuffonmycat.com entry
chu said:
Sure, blame it on the cat...

lol, yeah, that's the craziest excuse to spend 3 hours of personal time in the shower I've ever seen.
thats pretty bad. i have a pretty bad/funny story about my new puppy.

my puppy was born last summer, well it would get extremely hot in my room and make the puppy sick almost every night. it wasnt that bad at first. but one morning I woke up to a sound like farting. I sit up in my bed and there is my puppy.... WITH EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA. it was bad. on my door. on my walls, floor. it was everywhere. But it was just a little puppy so I couldnt punish her.

Now she has grown into prolly one of the dumbest dogs I have seen lol. She has been kicked in the head by our horse, so you know something is wrong in her head. I still love her
My dog likes to eat basketballs and chew on rocks. We did humanity a favor and got his nuts snipped.
Delicious Bass said:
I just imagine that when you contract that, you explode in a shower of liqui-poo.

Anyone remember bomb dogs? From a programme ages ago. Not the Nine O'clock News, or the Day Today. Something like that. The only way to stop them was to spray them in this special foam and detonate them inside that, otherwise they'd explode and go flying into the air or something :D
That's cats for you. My friend had a cat that used to sit on his face while he was sleeping because it was in heat, and he's wake up to the stench of groin-fur and cat-arse smothering his nose and mouth.

My own cat has taken to randomly pissing on people standing nearby - just saunters up, pisses on their shin, and minces away.

Get a dog, at least they have the decency to look guilty. My dog rules. We didn't even bother to name our cat, it just turned up in our house and never left. Then started pissing on us.
i can't stand cats and theres shit loads that are always running in and out of the garden and me dad said when your mums not around, cob a brick at one....

nasty things....they just come from miles around to shit in the garden
Your cat shat you...
Its the risk of having pets, gotta live with it
Or marry a veternarian, or make your mom one

Im in Japan by the way, only a week left though!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Catching and bringing home a present, and...producing your own brand are two very different things.

Im almost tempted to Sig that, haha