What a week

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't been posting much lately, figured it'd be nice to inform you all what I've been up to..specially as I've had the busiest week ever..

Sunday, met up with a girl from Myspace, that was really fun :)
Monday, Got confirmation from the editor of my uni magazine that she wants my fashion article in the magazine, and wants to give me a photographer for a full shoot :D
Tuesday, mainly uni work, tweaking article - went to see The Maccabees in Sheffield
Wednesday, uni work, went out, got absolutely trashed and pulled a fresher who I really shouldn't have, but hey.
Thursday, waited round all day for the photographer, shoot got resheduled to Friday
Friday, did the photo shoot, went fantastically well, got some really good shots. Went to cinema, then went to a gig, saw two fairly naff bands.. Rotary Ten, and I Was A Cub Scout
Tonight should be interesting, off to a nu-rave night in Nottingham :)

So how have you all been?
Meeting people on Myspace in real life = X.X

You got lucky methinks.
He always gets lucky. He's CB for something, you know :p
Pulled a fresher?

I have no idea what that means :(
Meeting people on Myspace in real life = X.X

You got lucky methinks.

I've never used myspace, but isn't it possible to break myspace into groups for colleges and high schools or something? Therefore only viewing people's info of those who live in your area.
I met a girl on myspace. It was bad. REAL bad. I'll never do it again.

Good to hear your kickin' ass though, badgy!
Meeting people on Myspace in real life = X.X

You got lucky methinks.
She was one of those girls who looks better in real life than in photos haha

Yeah, next few weeks don't appear to be any calmer.. off round the country some more :)

EDIT: Hahah, yeah Tony, but our weekend was mental lets be honest - a small insight into what my life consists of!
Spent 14 hours on Tuesday for an assignment that had to be handed in 9:00 the next day. A mate of mine was up for at least 24 hours whilst he worked on his throughout the night and into next morning in the Uni library. We celebrated with a can of RedBull :D

When I haven't been at Uni, I have been at work.
Pics of myspace girl OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!...

or just link to her myspace...
my week was considerably less interesting

monday - boring school
tuesday - boring school
wednesday - boring school
thursday - boring school, then a 5 hour nap afterwards
friday - boring school, skipped the last three hours of the day, went to golden corral, went out, started ingesting various vices and don't remember much else
today - at work ALL DAY and then probably out tonight
monday - school, css
tuesday - school, css
wednesday - school, css
thursday - school, css
friday - school, css
saturday - css
sunday - css

That's my avarage week. Though this week I had to give up 2 full days to write a nice report about my subwoofer project. Spent 25 hrs in 2 days making a 50 page report. I had a headache the day after.
Monday - Work, Guitar Hero, Maybe some game...
Tuesday - Work, Guitar Hero, Maybe some other game...
Wednesday - Work, Guitar Hero, Maybe some OTHER game...
Thursday - Work, Hung out with the girl I'm infatuated with, sleep.
Friday - Work, Guitar Hero, ...a bit of alcohol...
Saturday-Sunday - Just hang around the house, do nothing essential.
Guitar Hero + Alcohol is one of the funnest times I've ever had.
monday - css
tuesday - css
wednesday - css
thursday - css
friday - css with Brick
saturday - css and work for definate
sunday - css and work, definately!

My week has rocked. No school because it's the holidays.
monday - school, hang with friends smoke dodi
tuesday - school, hang with friends smoke dodi
wednesday - school, valentines w/ date, exciting night
thursday - school, smoke dodi
friday - basketball, hang with friends, smoke dodi
today - don't know.
Ahem, lemme just sum up my week.

-Mutual friend killed himself
-Two of my friend's had grandparents who died
-Friend got into a pregnancy scare, causing a shitload of panic.
-Helped out a crash where an escalade flipped in the middle of the road.
-Had my first psychadelic experience.

And this is only the second or third weirdest week I've had this year.
Monday - I don't remember
Tuesday - I don't remember
Wednesday - Snow day!
Thursday - Snow day!
Friday - LAN Party
Saturday - LAN Party Continued
Sunday - Wee hl2.net project; begun HL:FLC Part 3
On Saturday I went to a party and a girl bit my finger really really hard and it started bleeeeeding like mad. And now today I have no cuts or scars or gangrene to show for it. What a disappointment.
Ooh sounds fun Badgie! :D

My week was
Got new laptop, did a presentation, saw my girlfriend Valentines, worked, mum found out me and girlfriend are having sex, visited family, now here :D