What about Tokyo game show??

From what i heard, they've shown the same stuff everyone on the globe knows since E3.
Yes but on every site i've checked that makes reviews from tokyo, I didn't find anything mentioning half life 2, weird isnt it?
Originally posted by mhtsaras
Yes but on every site i've checked that makes reviews from tokyo, I didn't find anything mentioning half life 2, weird isnt it?

it must be a conspiracy.
Doh I thought this thread mentioned some new info. Oh well. Time to ingore it like the many others on this topic.
Originally posted by OatmealMu
Yeah, a conspiracy involving Mechagodzilla!


this one time, me and some friends were sittin around gettin stoned watchin godzilla, and whoa, it was ****ed up, and then we played that godzilla game on gamecube and i was MECHAGODZILLA and i whooped ass, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No new information was obtained from the Tokyo show.