What about us Valve?? huh?


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Right, alot of people have gotten new top of the line video card to be able to play this game, and this game alone.

I myself, was going to go pick up my 256 mb radeon 9800 pro TODAY, and then i read this crap..
Needless to say, i didnt pick it up just yet.
But what about all the fans who went out and bought ATI cards for hundreds of dollars? Just so they'd be able to play HL 2 at its best?

They bought them JUST because a certain gabe and his team recommended them and well people who bought their card prior to september 30th...now they sit with their top of the line cards that wont be so top of the line in April next year.

Hell if i had picked up my card today i'd be WELL ticked off.
I run all my games fine on my ti4400 128 mb, but I figured I would upgrade before HL2s looming release.

I am so glad I didnt.
I think this is just a very shitty way to treat their fans, and they BETTER not recode it to the point where it wont run good on the video cards THEY themselves recommended, sometimes even recommended by Gabe himself.

I am just a little ticked off..sorry...because i was THAT close to buying a 4-500 dollar card today...
Already bought the extra 512 ram but what can you do...

Can we at LEAST get official word as to how long its delayed?
I mean if its april, screw that im not upgrading yet, if its at around christmas then i will upgrade.

I know lots of fans must be ticked off at Valve too for influencing their purchasing decisions, making them waste hard earned dollars on cards that wont be top of the line in 5 months time.

Just my hymble opinion.
I just want to know if you WILL be able to run the game good still in April on a 2ghz + machine with 1 gig ram and radeon 9800 pro
I am sure MANY MANY more want to know too...and is the april date offical.
If it is, screw valve.

You dont do this to honest people whos already put down money for the game, one delay is ENOUGH and now what, 5 months more you gotta be kidding me.

Hmm...somehow, something tells me that it will stillbe out before xmas...

Cheers, flame if you wish just a little upset thats all!
They don't owe you shit, do you go complain to id when they delay doom3?
SHUTUP, all you freaks saying oh oh i coulda saved 50 if i bought it later, well guess what? VALVE JUST LOST 67.X MILLION DOLLARS god shutup
its not valves fault that people have no patience.

we all knew full well since E3 that if they needed extra time they would use it, all high profile games get delayed, its almost inevitable.

if you're planning to upgrade for HL2, then take the advice that has been given many times, wait until the game is out and then buy whatever you can that runs it decent.

same deal for doom3, wait til its out then choose, ****ing impatience.
Sorry for voicing my opinion, nazi boys.
Just a little upset thats all and I feel sorry for people who shelled out hardcore on Hardware because they trusted Valve but hey...what do I know, you guys seem to know everything about making a constructive critisim post...:dozey:
the "OMFG SHUTUP" post are almost as annoying as the "OMFG THEY OWE US" posts. just dont post if you think its a waste of a topic. jesus.
Valve will obtain 67.x million faster as you can imagine if they ship HL2.
I never said Valve owed us anything, I just stated that seeing as how Gabe has said it will run good on certain hardware, people buy it thinking the game will be out around a certain time thats all.
Vivendi stated that HL2 was slated to make 55 million bucks of there profit for Holidays 2003, now thats an amazing amount of money for one single game!
I dont think valve recommended anybody to buy a gfx card before HL2 was releashed

edit : but i can understand if ppl that have spent big money on new hardware feel a little screwed. They just have to remember that its not valves fault
valve is full of shit. most fans are full of shit. im sick of this
I see.
Well then, they have given directions about performance and what would be recommended, and recommended ATI cards, even specific models.
I would rather see them not do this til the game is done, thats all, lots of people wasted their money but hey thats life i guess.

I know HL2 will be a godlike game, but jeez will people stop suck up to Valve? And how many people are over 12?
Originally posted by hunter-killer25
SHUTUP, all you freaks saying oh oh i coulda saved 50 if i bought it later, well guess what? VALVE JUST LOST 67.X MILLION DOLLARS god shutup

it's not our fault :dork:
sorry bout the other post,
i guess this is getting on my nerves a bit too, i'd like to get some answers
I dont think valve recommended anybody to buy a gfx card before HL2 was releashed

Ooops... :D

I got my FX5600 256mb today.
dude something went wrong is it valves fault? no and IF it is then they are sorry please stop with this damn shitty threads people
Originally posted by BigD
I see.
Well then, they have given directions about performance and what would be recommended, and recommended ATI cards, even specific models.
I would rather see them not do this til the game is done, thats all, lots of people wasted their money but hey thats life i guess.

I know HL2 will be a godlike game, but jeez will people stop suck up to Valve? And how many people are over 12?

they did that because people were emailing them and asking them, so they told them!! and then those people pasted the email on here!!

maybe your beef should be with the people incessantly emailing gabe asking whats the best hardware to get.

remember people, just like this, you're also hyping the game up yourself, and for the rest of us, valve has been hyping very little, so if you're let down its your own fault/the communities fault.
How exactly were you cheated or otherwise abused? Whatever system you bought will play HL2 just as well in a year as it would if the game were out now. The only possible thing you've lost is "my computer is better then yours" when HL2 comes out. Again, your system will not magically decay and will not work any less well whenever HL2 comes out.
Actually it kinda is Valves fault...using a computer hooked up to the net, running OUTLOOK...with something as sought for as HL2...your kinda asking for it.
I didnt buy a gfx, as i stated in my post i still have my money, im just saying i feel bad for people who did.
No a system wont decay as you put it, but lets say a radeon 9800 pro wont run the game as well as cards put out in may next year.
Plus, they will probably modify the engine and stuff like that.
I wasnt cheated, Im just a little annoyed with all this BS going on lately thats all!
I DID buy a 9800 pro when it got to about 1 week till release, and I figured it was to late to delay it. and I was/am VERY pissed at them. but, what can I do? not a god damned thing, thats what.
It doesn't matter one bit what new cards come out - they would have come out anyway. The card you bought is worth the price you paid right now and will continue to have the same performance one way or the other. The only change is the time you have to wait to play HL2. That's it. There is no change to your hardware.
"The only change is the time you have to wait to play HL2. That's it. There is no change to your hardware."

Oh my god.
WHAT the problem is, that if people would have saved their money and bought a gfx in may next year, they would have gotten better performance for the same price.
True, your hardware is the same, but NOT the the rest of the market.

Id rather spend my 500 bucks on the newest radeon card in may and get lets say 70 fps in HL2 then to have spend my 500 on the newest card on the market today and get like 50.

Thats how it goes mate :)
VALVe is to blame. for much of what has happened Gabe knows it did not go as planned and things got messed up. They set people up for dissapointmen. They didn't protect their system.
Originally posted by BigD
...if people would have saved their money and bought a gfx in may next year, they would have gotten better performance for the same price...

yes, this is called common sense.

if you wait until next year you can get a better car! or you can buy last years model for cheaper!!! isnt it amazing?!?!?!!

if you want good performance NOW buy the top of the line card NOW.

if you want good performance in HL2, wait until HL2 is out and THEN buy top of the line hardware.

(thats more common sense.)
"if you want good performance NOW buy the top of the line card NOW."

HL2 isnt out yet mate, people got cards because they assumed Valve would stick to the date, or at least not delay it wit more then a month or two.
ummm go to gamespot.com lol "radeon 9800 xt the recommended card for Half-life 2!" if that's not taking advantage of your fans then i don't know what is. Plus it's not OUR FAULT valve got hacked, gabe newell is a ****ing retard. He had every sign that someone had backdoored into his computer before ANYTHING was stolen. Maybe if valve did what every other major game company does (put their source on a seperate network) we wouldn't see this happening now. I think they were going to delay it anyways and are just using this as an excuse.....it makes no sense to me that they would have to recode a lot of the source. But oh well i'm downloading the alpha since i preordered the game....i've already bought the game so i have the right to play it since they lied and told me september 30th, then x-mas...then april 2004.
Originally posted by BigD
"if you want good performance NOW buy the top of the line card NOW."

HL2 isnt out yet mate, people got cards because they assumed Valve would stick to the date, or at least not delay it wit more then a month or two.

assumption is the mother of all ****ups.

and people are ****ing retarded.
Hahaha that is so creepy I was just thinking the same line...assumption is the mother of all **** ups..hahaha just before i saw your reply :)
I just upraded my RAM by 256MB but I really don't care because I really needed it. But I am also not very happy with Valve right now. They are just damning themselves if they really push the release back to April, not to mention all of the sales they would lose for missing Christmas, or Thanksgiving.