What age did you first get drunk?

What age did you get pissed at?

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Apr 26, 2006
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15 for me. I drank a whole load of vodka with some mates...I threw up everywhere when I got home, I woke up wishing I was dead and I was grounded for a month...and I couldn't even remember anything.

What about you gaiz.
We're off to a great start so far!

I haven't drunk alcohol yet.   	   	1  	50.00%
I don't drink. 		1 	50.00%

edit: You can edit your own thread title if you do it within X amount of time of the thread creation.
At 18 actually, and never stopped ever since :cheers:
I was a late bloomer, I think it was at 18. I split a bottle of armagnac with a friend, we started taking shots and suddenly the "a whole new world" song started playing.
I got stoned for the first time not too long after that
While I have had a drink, I've not yet been wasted/drunk yet.
I got truly trashed at a senior's party when I was about 16/17 in high school.
Nothing to be really proud of, I just wanted to get loosened up to enjoy the party a bit more... needless to say, I passed out and woke up covered in vomit.

Ever since then, I only ever drink when I'm at parties and small get-togethers with friends if they supply the booze.
13 I think, possibly 14.

I don't drink much or often though. I don't generally like drunk people either, 90% of the time they're irritating asses.
You don't drink for the taste, and you've obviously never been drunk if you've only ever had 5 small sips
I toke a shot when i was around seven, at one of my dads poker nights. He got pissed of and i felt a bit dizzy. My real first time thou, i was around 15.

Edit. Im now pretty much a borderline alcoholic. I toke a test wich told me to lay of.
I've had about five drinks in my entire life, and by "drinks" I mean "sips." The last time was a few years ago because I was curious about what vodka tastes like (the verdict: shit). Alcohol is a waste of time and money, and generally the people who do drink (especially for the purpose of getting drunk) are those I'd really rather not know.

This kind of thing really grates on me. You've had 5 sips, yet you think you're knowledgeable enough on the subject to dismiss it as a waste of time and money and you'd rather not know anyone who's been drunk. Some drinks are nice because of the taste, not because of the alcohol in them.

Anyway first time I was drunk I had a ?20 bottle of JD, slid down the stairs on my ass several times, was generally happy to be alive and wasted, then fell asleep on the strobe light my friend brought to the party. Then followed the stage of discovery, with 7 bottles of whiskey, 7 parties, 7 weeks and a damned good time!
I drank 75% of a bottle of wine because I was doing the "oh, another little bit wont hurt" thing.
I tried it years after I was out of high school. I've probably been hammered five times. It was okay, but not that great. I haven't touched it for over ten years I think, and have no inclination to try again.
I'm really surprised by the results! I wonder if there's any geographic correlation? I'm 18 now and out of my whole year group, there's literally 3 people who don't drink, and 2 of those are for medical reasons.
I was 13 when I first got drunk. Mom was at work, and I found her Mikes hard lemonaid in the fridge. Didn't think it was booze, so I drank a few of those down while playing the original Sim City on my PC. I while longer, I realized I couldn't see straight. Being 13, you have no fkn Idea wtf is going on, so I thought I was dying. I was frantically trying to dial mothers number, but due to the drunkness, I couldn't hit the right numbers for shit. After about 10 tries I get it, and tell her what's going on. Her response...


Due to that night, I didn't touch a lick of alcohol again until I was 19.
16-18 somewheres. First time was a MISTAKE. And not the kind where females are involved.
I was 13 when I first got drunk. Mom was at work, and I found her Mikes hard lemonaid in the fridge. Didn't think it was booze, so I drank a few of those down while playing the original Sim City on my PC. I while longer, I realized I couldn't see straight. Being 13, you have no fkn Idea wtf is going on, so I thought I was dying. I was frantically trying to dial mothers number, but due to the drunkness, I couldn't hit the right numbers for shit. After about 10 tries I get it, and tell her what's going on. Her response...


Due to that night, I didn't touch a lick of alcohol again until I was 19.

Oh yeah. Actually this. But I was like 8.
I drink alcohol but I haven't been drunk yet. I intend to keep that up till I'm at least 19, so just over another year of not getting drunk.
16-18 somewheres. First time was a MISTAKE. And not the kind where females are involved.




Iron Kat, just go for it man! Why wait? Then by 19 you'll know what to avoid, so the day after isn't like "I-want-to-die-now-please" syndrome.
I started quite late, at 17, a friend's birthday party. It was in a pub function room, too, and I really shouldn't have been served it for another year! Tee-hee, naughty! Anyway I got pretty pissed and walked home with some girls I knew and got into a rap battle with some guy on a train station platform.

I started drinking properly when I was 18 and legally could. I do not intend to stop.

I drink alcohol but I haven't been drunk yet. I intend to keep that up till I'm at least 19, so just over another year of not getting drunk.
non. DO EET
I don't really want to get drunk, definitely not after hearing about the experiences my brother, mum and dad have all had. It doesn't sound very appealing, to be honest.
We all have bad experiences. But the good ones far outweigh them! Besides, the story about having 22 shots in 1 hour and waking up on my history book with raw baked beans in my pockets is far more spectacular than 'I had a great time'
Drank about half a 26oz bottle of whiskey in a span of three to four hours almost a year ago (I was 19). Hugged a toilet for two and a half hours, slept, and then had a nauseous hangover for two whole days. I vowed never to get that drunk again. And since then I've only had about a dozen shots total. :D
Winter of 2007. It was my first time, so I guess it shocked my body, but I was just on the edge of like fully gone but still had control. Unfortunately right now I'm dealing with a minor hangover :(
This kind of thing really grates on me. You've had 5 sips, yet you think you're knowledgeable enough on the subject to dismiss it as a waste of time and money and you'd rather not know anyone who's been drunk. Some drinks are nice because of the taste, not because of the alcohol in them

If you don't enjoy the taste of any alcoholic drinks then yes they are a waste of time and money... And I for one am not ok with drinking just for the sake of getting drunk.
Alcohol is a waste of time and money

Are video games a waste of time and money? After all, you shell out 40 quid for a game, play it for a week and you are done with it.

You see, your arguement can apply to almost anything. I don't have a problem with someone not drinking but please do not use this stupid arguement and brand everyone as people-who-drink-for-the-drunkness.
Been drunk twice, both at my current age of 17.
First time I got drunk I got a lap dance by a chick I work with and then played DoD:S with a few friends. Ever since then, every time I've gotten drunk there have been unclothed titties involved. Which is why I love drinking, but I haven't done it in a while now since I don't have a lot of time lately.

Also, yes, alcohol is a waste of time and money. But I ****ing love to waste time and money if there are tits involved.
Awesome Pes.

Someone should make a "Whisshhky stories" tread.
Are video games a waste of time and money? After all, you shell out 40 quid for a game, play it for a week and you are done with it.
lol, what?

I don't disagree that video games may be a waste of money, but what kind of nonsense are you spouting?
Everything anyone does is a waste of time and money for some people. Who gives a shit?

I dont drink.

But I have been wondering, does hard lemonade taste like real lemonade?
I'm at the age (17) at which most people (in my college) are chugging alcohol at any time they get the opportunity, but i don't indulge since nigh on all the alcohol i've tried doesn't taste good enough to drink. I just stick to orange juice.
Strangely enough, I had a dream last night where I was working in a supermarket and had to work late, then my boss found me passed out in the morning drunk, but I got drunk by drinking all the bottles of water in the store.
lol, what?

I don't disagree that video games may be a waste of money, but what kind of nonsense are you spouting?

He was saying that alcohol is a waste of time and money. Too some people, video games are as well. But that doesn't mean he has to broadly generalise every drinker.