What am I missing here?

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
So there I am, mapping away merrily. I placed yet another static prop and then started to move it. It stopped following the grid points. That is to say it was still snapping to the grid, but only moving in single-unit increments instead of increments matching the current grid size. This applies to everything now - selecting objects, creating brushes, clipping, vertex manipulation. It's highly annoying to say the least (I do a lot of object/vertex nudging and in single-unit increments, it can take a LONG time).
I've looked through all the options and, aside from the fact that I didn't actually change any to make this happen, nothing in there would seem to affect this setting anyway.

So what am I missing?
What scale are you set to? Look at the bottom right hand of your screen and should say scale:16 or something. Use the [ and ] keys to change the scale. I use 16 normally and downscale for detail brushwork but everyone has a preference.
I vary my grid scale constantly, depending on what I'm doing. I just noticed that it says "snap: off". Looking at the menu options, I must have hit shift+w, disabling snap to grid. How annoying, and how annoying that it's under the "map" menu rather than "options".